di prevenzione e cura su un patrimonio di eccellenza: il caso delle The reasons of the Decree of Italian Prime Minister
Council (may 2009) about the “realization of urgent required interventions
for the overtaking situation of great risk about archaeological sites of Rome
and Ostia antica” have to be found, first of all, in the absence of a culture
of systematic maintenance, that is the main guarantee of Cultural Heritages
conservation. The reasons to promote prevention activities of the
deterioration phenomena with programmed controls and maintenance activities,
instead of more damaging intervention of restoration, in particular on
structures very exposed to atmospheric and human agents like archaeological
sites, are well-known and widely shared. KEY-WORD: preventive conservation, programmed
maintenance, restoration, control activities, archaeological sites. |
Alcune differenze tra manutenzione e prevenzione. Gian Paolo Treccani This essay
proposes some observations about the differences which characterize the
actions of prevention and maintenance. In the world of restoration, in fact,
prevention often changes places with maintenance and vice versa. The aim of
this essay is to define the real identity of prevention and also to outline
the way how it can be transferred, in a proper manner, into the practices of
conservation of historic buildings. KEY-WORD: Maintenance, Prevention, Care |
Approccio e strumenti per la conservazione
preventiva in una soprintendenza. L. Appolonia, A. Glarey, D. Ponziani, N. Seris The concept of Preventive Conservation it’s one of
the rule in the program of the Italian Soptintendenza. The use to reflect and
work in this field, give the possibility to distinguish the different means
present in this terms. The work and the research made from the Soprintendenza
of Aosta can give us the panorama about some different preventive action,
like: collection care, collection management, maintenance, environmental
control, monitoring and some others conservation plans. Some practical
experiences and research are show with a discussion about the conservation
need that generate them. |
Un metodo di stima del debito
manutentivo del patrimonio edilizio storico come strumento di prevenzione e
gestione a livello territoriale. Floriana Marino, Alberto Moretti The aims of this study are the setting up of operating methodologies
for the monitoring of the historical and architectural patrimony at a
territorial level and the planning of interventions for the maintenance as
well. The method that has been proposed allows the reaching of a skilled
judgement through which you can determine a list of the priorities of
intervention for the prevention. This is done through a simple but successful
procedure of macroscopic observation of the building: a quantitative and
qualitative description of the degradation through the combination of
specific parameters. KEY-WORD: prevention, maintenance, territorial managment, structural
degradation, historical buildings |
Le grandi
sostruzioni mur Stefano F. Musso, Giovanna Franco There are
numerous artefacts that help to define the identity of a city, ensuring
stability and defining the image, at least as monuments or buildings on which
traditionally focus our attention and care. So it seems to be the great works
of "substructure" and support of urban land in a city like KEY-WORD: retaining walls,
analysis and diagnosis, survey, maintenance, monitoring |
Prevenzione e difesa
dell’ From the second half of 18th century,
lightning conductors were used to prevent damage and fire owing to electric
discharges. It was an apparently simple protection system, which, on the
contrary, amplified damage when even just one of the elements was not
perfectly efficient. Lighting conductors were not the only defence against
electric discharges. When ancient buildings contained contents at high risk
of damage, such as archives, libraries or museums, woodwork was plated,
fireplaces and chimneys were isolated and, from the end of 19th
century, radiators were installed. In some cases these interventions involved
significant transformation of historic buildings, such as the isolation from
the rest of the building of those rooms which were particularly vulnerable,
or the replacement – in the most traumatic cases – of upper wooden flooring
with little vaults leaned up against iron beams. KEY-WORD: lightning conductors,
damage, prevention, historic building |
integrata, programmata: le logiche coevolutive della conservazione. This paper investigates the notion of preventive
conservation starting from the recognition of something as cultural heritage
and the detection of the links with its context: prevention has always to do
with an attention paid to context as well as to its evolution through time.
As the conceptual framework takes Becoming as a condition of human existence,
prevention does not aim at the illusion of steady conservation of built
heritage, but at improving the management of transformation. The issue is
treated understanding conservation as the output of a process composed by
diverse activities, as well as to the evolution of the idea of integrated
conservation from the 70s to nowadays climate in which economics of cultural
heritage seem to offer new ideas to be developed. KEY-WORD: Preventive Conservation, Integrated
Conservation, Planned Conservation |
Dalla prevenzione ad
una strategia della trasformazione. Lucina Napoleone Prevention means to analyze and act to prevent
future damage. This essay will reflect upon the concept of damage and replace
it with “processing”. The reflection should include the traditional idea of
project in preservation. The purpose is to start thinking about an instrument
that promote transformations through the initiation of processes that change
the whole system including the architecture. KEY-WORD: damage, processing, project, complex
system |
Segni della
Prevenzione Alcune domande per i cantieri di ieri e di oggi. “…Take care of your monuments and you will not
restore them” (J. Ruskin ). This famous phrase of Ruskin puts us questions
regarding the frequency of treatments applied to buildings in past times and
the signs of these prevention activities. What were the objects of such cares? All the
buildings or only some ones? The most
glamour ones? the famous ones? How these preventions operate? Where was the
focus? Was it on materials selection or in application methods? Where
verification periods regular? What was the scope of such a verification? Part of the research work has been done examining
construction documents and deeds. Part comes from direct analysis of the
sources: the buildings themselves. This joint research effort obtained
evidence on the effectiveness or failure of the interventions developed in
the past to prevent degradation. From this we can make some considerations:
Preventive activities were widely applied, not only for specific buildings.
Prevention could be achieved by means of 1) selection of the construction
materials 2) attention to manufacturing procedures 3) continuous maintenance
4) tight controls, or 5) constraints on the usage. Interesting facts have
been learned from reading the documents that rule the production of construction
materials (brick, lime, etc ...) KEY-WORD: prevention, care, maintenance, signs,
sites, historic architecture. |
La prevenzione in
medicina e la prevenzione nel restauro stato dell’ V. Pracchi, G. L.Capella, A.
Capetti, C. La Vecchia The paper evaluates the state of the debate about
prevention in medicine and in architectonic restoration. In particular the
attention is focused on problems which have already arisen in the medical
field, where prevention is well established: such as the economic and social
costs of preventive actions, the policies which need incentives or
disincentives, who can carry out preventive measures and how, and the limits
of predictions. The experience and the results coming out from studies in the
medical sector can be compared with the ideas now emerging, in a more
theoretical way, in the field of architectonical restoration. KEY-WORDS: medicine, restoration, prevention, cure |
Museografia come
restauro preventivo. Studi ed esperienze di franco minissi sul tema della
conservazione delle opere d’ Alessandra Alagna Prevention is intended as a series of acts, cautions
and arrangements which are to be carried out to avoid the need of a
restoration, or after it, with the aim to avoid the exigency of a new
traumatic intervention on the work of art. The museum, intended as a
"conception"(Minissi) and not only as a “place”(Brandi), was born
to avoid the loss of works of art and to guarantee their preservation in the
future. The renewal of the conception of museum begins about 1930 starting
from the studies and scientific researches developed in the European and
Americans museums. Some Italian experiences contribute to such renewal:
Franco Minissi adopt the principle of “preventive restoration” intended as:
«protection, removal of dangers, assurance of favourable conditions» (Brandi)
planning a kaleidoscope of glass windows, lighting systems and devices for
the control of the museum environment. Minissi create exposure machines,
intended as “protection containers” to guarantee the preservations and the
best visibility of the object: «my effort was to keep the glass windows free
from its most usual meaning, to reduce to the maximum its forma value trying
to exalt its functional value» (Minissi). He realizes a synthesis between
preventive restoration and museography, between scientific studies for the
preservation of historical-artistic patrimony and modern architecture, using
distinguishable materials as steel, glass, plexiglas. To carry out Brandi’s
axiom: «museography as preventive restoration», the works are at first
preserved and then shows, in order to assume their understanding and correct
reading on the part of the public. KEY-WORD:
Preventive restoration, Franco Minissi, museology, conservation. |
La prevenzione tra informazione, formazione e conoscenza. Andrea Canziani Prevention in Cultural Heritage realm generates
specific actions for the reduction of risks. There is anyway a gap due to the
specific “unreliable” nature of CH. Feedbacks are too slow and confounded to
support meaningful experience-based learning. A risk-based approach is
necessary. Sophisticated strategies of maintenance are necessary, too, but
informative systems are not the answer because of the difference between
information and knowledge. Preventive actions and most inspections cannot be
disregarded for taking care of historical buildings, but within an advanced
framework of applications the real planned conservation development is more
and more dependent from acknowledgement and education of users and managers. KEY-WORD: Planned Conservation, Education, Cultural
Heritage, Risk management, Risk evaluation, Reliability, Prevention |
Diagnosi delle
strutture lignee in opera: l'attribuzione della classe di rischio e il
monitoraggio microclimatico per la
prevenzione del biodegradamento. Un caso di studio. Juri Badalini, Silvia Dandria The correlation between class of biological risk,
assigned to wooden structures in accordance with the UNI current regulations,
and monitoring of temperature and humidity in the rooms allows us to
understand whether and how long the structures KEY-WORD: wooden structures, microclimate,
biodeterioration risk. |
DEGRADO: la protezione delle costruzioni in terra cruda. Manuela Mattone Earthen constructions, rising in many European, American, Asian and
African countries, represent an interesting and important architectural
heritage, whose conservation is necessary in order to make it possible the
transmission of a technological culture which keeps values of uniqueness of the
landscape as well as of the history. A study of the conditions of preservation of many unplastered earthen
buildings revealed the need to test out treatments for the protection of the
walls of such buildings, still in good conditions, in order to improve their
resistance against the aggressive action of exterior agents. The preservation
of this heritage calls for the definition of effective techniques able to
mitigate and, if possible, to prevent processes of alteration and ruin in
order to guarantee their long-term conservation. KEY-WORD: earthen construction, prevention, restoration, preservation. |
Sistemi informativi
territoriali come strumento di prevenzione. Prevention, important for the
single buildings, it assumes a fundamental role to level of inhabited center
or urban compartment for the rationalization of the interventions and the
control of the territory. It can enter so to belong to the tools of
territorial management. This paper wants to analyze the role of geographic information
systems as tools of prevention with the purpose to furnish useful data to
direct, to program, to plan activity from private e/o public administrations.
The information systems can support either the primary prevention, that acts
on the risk factors of, or the secondary prevention throughout the
developement of ‘precocious diagnosis’ systems. Examples of application: the
systems informative to plan for the Old City of Genoa following the European
Projects Civis (1995-2000) and RestauroNET (2005). KEY-WORD: prevention –
geographic information systems (GIS) – territorial, management |
Le cupole in terra
cruda dei villaggi della regione di Aleppo (Siria): conoscenza dei
dispositivi F. Fratini, L. Rovero, U. Tonietti, E. Pecchoni The case of the corbelled domed buildings of the villages in the
region of Aleppo is described. These buildings are made of earth bricks
according to architectural solutions of particular complexity associated with
building practices going into disuse and deserving to be safeguarded. The
main character of these buildings is the cover system of the inhabited space
(a square box of earth brick or stone) that is resolved with a paraboloid
shape dome built in earth bricks arranged in rings jutting out gradually
according to the scheme known as "false" dome. The study
enabled to understand the peculiarity
of the dome systems from the static and mechanical point of view, the
realization procedures and the importance of
the building materials. These data made it possible to identify the
elements of weakness on which to act during maintenance in order to plan a
correct prevention of damage. KEY WORDS Syria, building
systems, corbelled domes, mud bricks, earthen buildings. |
Il controllo idrogeologico
sul degrado delle murature: il caso del centro storico di Ferr Marco Stefani, Marco Zuppiroli The humidity level of walls is controlled by both
the porosity-capillarity property of the structure and the hydro-geological
nature of the bodies underlying the building foundation. A geological
interpretation of the substratum would be therefore needed for a proper
genetic understanding of the building condition to be achieved. The brick
formed historic town of Ferrara developed during Medieval times along the Po
River natural levee sedimentary body and then expanded onto both river sand
and flooding plain argillaceous units. A strong linkage therefore connects
the sedimentary evolution, the urban growth and the present-day moister and
degradation level of historic buildings. The high permeabily sand area are
characterized by elevated levels of humidity and salt precipitation, whereas
the low permeability clay zones show comparatively reduced moisture rising.
The historic gutter framework also plays a major role in controlling the
humidity distribution in building. KEY-WORD: Ferrara historical centre, historic
drenage framework, humidity in building, hydrogeology. |
Le strategie di
prevenzione nei piani di gestione dei siti Unesco. riferimenti, esperienze e
tendenze in atto. Maria Paola Borgarino UNESCO World Heritage sites seem to be a significant viewpoint to
stress the effectiveness of management tools in encourage a preventive
attitude. The text is divided into
three sections. The first paragraph outlines purpose and contents of the
management plan and lists the advantages of a sound program of preventive
activities within the plan, whilst the second discusses how this issue has
been reshaped by national commissions over the last ten years. Actually, the
latest documents conceive prevention as the set of decisions and rules
affecting the context and underline the need to contain impacts within the
carrying capacity of the site. Finally, the third section of the paper deals
with current trends and suitable improvements. KEY- WORDS: Management plan, UNESCO World Heritage sites, carrying
capacity, limit of acceptable change, adaptive management. |
Tra prevenzione e
manutenzione: i
“Monumentenwachten” Neža Čebron Lipovec, Koenraad Van Balen The paper explores the meanings of “prevention”,
with a special focus on the intermediate zone with the meaning of
“maintenance”. The research question aims at contributing to the ongoing
discussion about the basic definitions about preventive maintenance as it was
raised by the European seminars of SPRECOMAH and recently within the UNESCO
chair on preventive conservation, maintenance and monitoring of monuments and
sites. The difference between the two concepts is analyzed within the
frameworks of the organization Monumentenwacht, is charge of condition
assessments and monitoring of cultural heritage in some European countries
(Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Hungary). We are looking at three
main aspects of these frameworks: the contexts of foundation of the different
organizations, the training of its workers (”inspectors”) and the reports
produced after the inspections of the building. Special attention is paid to
the relationship with traditional craftsmanship. Keywords: prevention, maintenance, Monumentenwacht,
traditional craftsmanship |
Monitor Andrea Luciani, Davide Del Curto This text presents some considerations about the importance of
microclimate survey and monitoring in historical buildings for decay
prevention. An analysis about the evolution of the terms “prevention” and
“environment” in Italian restoration laws and charts is firstly presented.
Secondly it is showed how preventive conservation museological theories have
influenced prevention practices on architectural heritage, particularly by
developing and spreading microclimatic preservation standards. Finally a
different preventive approach is described in order to link microclimate survey
with a complete and continuative knowledge of historical buildings. KEY-WORD: microclimate survey, historical buildings, standards,
preventive conservation, environment. |
Verifica e dichi The contribution illustrates the action of
preventive conservation effected in the monumental field in compliance with
the provisions of the law of protection in force and of the previous
legislation. In the proposed cases, the prevention, which should represents
the indispensable condition for the conservation anyway, concerns the
institutional intervention in order to avoid every kind of change, also of
the landscape, that can compromise the historicity of a manufactured product.
Particular cases of safeguard of important and well-known complex of
monuments and museums in the territory of Brescia, such as the Ugo da Como
Foundation at Lonato del Garda and the Vittoriale degli Italiani in Gardone
Riviera, have seen the Monuments and Fine Arts Office engaged, also through
the cataloguing, in a series of interventions aimed at a greater public
fruition of the spaces of the residence on one hand and on the other at the
maintenance of the natural layout of the surrounding green spaces. The
regulative moment of the individuation of the property finds a valid evidence
in the case of the racing-car driver Tazio Nuvolari’s dwelling in Mantua. KEY-WORDS:
prevention, knowledge, body of legislation, declaration of interest,
monument |
Verifiche sull’uso
dei beni Lists of possible uses of historical architecture
rarely go through preliminary analysis and/or compatibility test at the
setting up phase. They are often
defined after renovation work in a deterministic or, even, accidental
way. This risks putting historical
buildings through a “load capacity” linked to the new use, beyond which, keeping
unchanged preservation status is impossible.
This paper proposes a quick tool to monitor transformations and
systems updating introduced into re-used buildings. This tool is a prevention model regarding
damage and decay caused by incorrect use, from a building maintenance point
of view. The methodology employed
comes from Multi-Criteria Analysis, which offers the possibility to combine
performance approach and qualitative evaluation. The grid elaborated compares conformity to
reference function and preservation status of historical buildings. Finally, the proposed tool is tested on
former churches in Taormina (ME). KEY-WORD: use, performance approach, qualitative
evaluation, prevention model, former churches, Taormina |
Pens Francesca Tomba Landscape is a coltural product of interaction
humanity and nature. The landscape is the whole territory and ommunity's
heritage who recognize inside it a value as a sense of own identity. The
transformations of the territory are inevitable but should be governed to
maximize retention of traces of past ages. The loss prevention information
landscape can be applied in the planning stage through detailed rules of
protection and at the same time spreading the culture of conservation among
the technicians and local populations. KEY-WORD: Prevention,
conservation, landscape, town and country planning |
Prevenire il degrado
da umidita’ dopo il restauro. Soluzioni impiantistiche per il controllo del
microclima presso L’oratorio di Santo
Stefano a lentate sul Seveso
(MI). D. Del Curto , C. Manfredi, G. Pertot, V. Pracchi, E. Rosina, L. Valisi The restoration of Santo Stefano Church included the
installation of a innovative plant for preventing condensation and damages
due to rising damp, the Temperierung system (a warm water pipe running at the
bottom of the masonry along the interior perimeter of the church). Since the
conclusion of the restoration (2007) up to the end of 2008 the authors kept
the microclimate under control, to measure the variations of the
thermal-hygrometrical behaviour of the masonry. The paper refers a real
experience of monitoring microclimate a surface temperatures for a year, as a
part of the cyclic activities of the new perspective of conservation. The
authors’s aim is to present many opportunities to participate to the plan for
the conservation of the cultural heritage for the stake holders, when the
perspective is the concept of conservation as continuous caring of the
building. KEY-WORDS Diagnostics,
intervention, monitoring, study case of Santo Stefano in Lentate sul Seveso
(Milan) |
C S. Barberio, V. Boissonnas, C. Brazzola, J. James, A. Küng Outdoor sculpture is common to most towns and cities
and constitutes an important part of their cultural, artistic and urban
identity. Over the years, while some
artworks can become victims of neglect, others can be subjected to repeated
and invasive treatment campaigns. In
both cases, this can lead to increasing loss of original material and heavier
treatment costs. A current nationally
funded research project is looking at the outdoor sculpture collection
belonging to the city of Lugano with a view to establishing, with the full
backing of the city’s authorities, a preventive conservation plan. As well as highlighting the need for
improved internal coordination between relevant municipal departments responsible
for the artworks and their immediate environment, the research is showing how
risk assessment can lead efficiently towards a better understanding of
conservation priorities and needs, governing typical preventive strategies
such as regular inspection, maintenance and monitoring, and optimising
financial, technical and human resources available for conservation. Key-words: Outdoor sculpture, preventive
conservation, inspection, care and maintenance, preventive management, risk
assessment. |
Il restauro delle
guglie di coronamento di palazzo Ducale a Venezia. L’uso di sistemi di
presidio passivi per prevenire rischi di caduta di frammenti lapidei dalle
facciate degli edifici. C. Menichelli, M. Favaro, C. Lugnani, L. Arcaro The interventions by passive mechanical systems on architectural
surfaces are often not sufficiently taken into account in the restoration of
stone facades. These are on the contrary very effective in preventing the
risk of falling down fragments or parts of stone, with the benefit of public
safety and Cultural heritage conservation. These systems are usually
completely reversible and allow to take consolidation techniques nothing much
invasive on materials. An example of this approach is the recent restoration
of thin spires towering over the cornice of the Doge’s Palace in Venice,
enveloped by a sheath of thin stainless steel mesh and consolidated only by
lime mortar. The height of the intervention makes it completely invisible
from below. KEY-WORD: Doge’s Palace, restoration, stone, surfaces, public safety. |
Palazzo Te, Mantova:
la prevenzione nella gestione e manutenzione di un bene culturale complesso. Rossella Moioli The aim is to describe ongoing best practices in Palazzo Te, Mantua,
concerning the methodologies and the management of preventive and planned
conservation. The case study provides occasion for thinking about some issues
as prevention, maintenance and use as well as about the relationships among
them. It’s important to define the different meanings of prevention and to
clarify such meanings by some examples. The essay embodies both samples of
preventive actions and the description of Global Service which is the tool
for the management of conservation process in Palazzo Te. Key-words: Prevention, maintenance, use, planned conservation. |
La coscienza del
degrado: appunti sulla prevenzione dei
danni alle opere d’ Paolo Bensi, Mario Casaburo, Amalia Galeone The contribution examines the development of the
consciousness of artworks degradation and the consequent need for damage
prevention. Are provided details on the situation between XVII and XIX
centuries in Italy, with particular reference to art centers as Rome,
Florence, the Veneto. Then we will focus the attention on the situation in
Campania, exposing the more significant aspects of culture of conservation in
eighteenth centuries: it is divided in different typologies of damage
prevention, especially by environmental and human causes. This study is based
on the analysis of local art literature and of archive documents, that
describes the activities of the most important organs protection in Campania:
Academy of Fine Arts, religious authorities, provincial committees of
conservation. KEY-WORDS: Neaples, history of prevention, degradation
of works of art, restoration |
La prevenzione nell’ Roberta Cosenza, Claudia Pelosi The aim of this work has been to study the
microclimate conditions of the environment of two big sculptures by Pietro
Consagra: Ferro bifrontale arancione and Plastico in ferro realized in 1977
for the exhibition Pietro Consagra Iron Sculptures that took place in
Charleston, South Carolina, in order to prevent their deterioration. From KEY-WORD: microclimate, contemporary art, iron
sculptures |
Potentialities of the imaging spectroscopy to deal with the prevention
in the cultural heritage field. E. Rebollo R. Bertoncello L. Poletto, F. Ratti ,G.M. Cortelazzo The present article discusses the potentialities of
imaging spectroscopy to address the prevention of cultural heritage. To
illustrate these capabilities, several studies on painting surfaces performed
with a transportable imaging device for in situ analyses are presented. The
measurement system was built to acquire reflectance data in the spectral
range from 420 nm to 850 nm. This non-invasive spectroscopic technique can be
used for identification and mapping of painting materials as pigments and for
the evaluation of colour and their aging changes. The information provided
may be used for the selection of appropriate materials for a restoration
process and to monitor the work of art over time in order to differentiate
the changes on the optical properties of the work of art for early detection
of processes alteration. KEY-WORD: imaging spectroscopy, pigments,
non-invasive measurements, in situ analysis |
La simulazione degli
eventi dannosi: il caso della prevenzione dagli incendi di Palazzo Reale a
Venezia. Alberto Lionello The usual
forms of prevention are based on past negative events. Recent studies have
shown that a more interesting example is the simulations of the evolutionary
dynamics of the harmful event in a given system complex. This form of
prevention certainly more effective and reduces adequate protection systems
to the extent necessary to minimize the impact on cultural property. The
paper shows an application in the prevention of fires applied to the Royal
Palace in Venice. KEY-WORD:
prevention of fires, simulations, evolutionary dynamics, Palazzo Reale,
Venezia. |
Prevenzione e
conservazione in musei e in mostre temporanee. Riccardo Balzarotti-Kämmlein An
overview on the preventive conservation criteria in terms of museum microclimates and exhibitions is given;
general assumptions are presented with specific experiences and suggestions. KEY-WORD:
conservation, museum microclimates, temporary exhibition, temperature, RU%,
light |
Innovative Methods for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.
Application on Cultural and Natural Heritage Site Paths." Eleni Oikonomopoulou, Anastasia Kioussi, Ekaterini T. Delegou, Elissavet Tsilimantou,Antonia Moropoulou This study
aims at the development of an innovative methodology for the protection of
the cultural heritage through management standards and the use of new
technologies. The proposed methodology is based on organization, management,
processing and analyzing information through a database, in a Geographic
Information System environment. To assess the effects of the proposed
methodology, it was applied to a path of natural beauty and historical
interest. The necessary information was gathered, and according to the
specifications of the standard ISO 9001:2000, resulted in the fields of the
database. Finally, analysis processes in GIS were used, combined with the
requirements of planning, in order to prepare proposals for the protection,
management and promotion of the path. These proposals include the creation of
protection zones, recreation areas and additional areas of events, the
organization of additional alternative tourism activities, projects to
improve the surface of the trails, restoration work etc. KEY-WORD:
preservation, cultural heritage, database, Geographic Information System,
historic and nature paths, ISO, alternative tourism, sustainability |
Edificato storico e
comunità locali: la p Anna Teresa Ronchi The
culture of built heritage prevention, theoretically consolidated, experiences
some difficulties when transferred to the practice. The major weaknesses
arise within built historic systems: if local communities don’t recognize
their cultural value, in fact, the effectiveness of the processes of
long-term preservation is not guaranteed in any way. The direct involvement
of communities in conservation processes, from early stages, can foster
learning processes capable of diffusing the disposition to care, and change
the social demand on conservation, management and use of built heritage,
enabling the dissemination of preventive strategies. KEY-WORD:
participation, cultural values, learning, prevention, local communities,
identity |
Manutenzione programmata e conservazione preventiva al Sacro Monte
di V E. De Filippis, A. Perugini, A. Castellano, M. Santella The Sacro
Monte di Varallo is a monumental place (word heritage Unesco) composed by 45
chapels decorated with frescoes and 3D-sculptures dealing with Christ’s life
realised between the 15th and the 19th century. The
regional authority called Special Nature Reserve of the Sacred Mountain of
Varallo, constituted in 1980, takes
care of the management of the restoration of the chapels and gathers and
carries on a very careful maintenance experience. Twice a year a qualified
craftsman checks and cleans the roofs and gutters and a restorer checks and
updates a list of the state of conservation of the chapels and removes the
dirt from the surfaces. After a careful study of the effect of humidity the
Reserve is carrying out a plan of
preventive work to improve the maintenance of the complex. Plan of
periodic maintenance and preventive care of the roofs and of the frescoes and
statues of 45 chapels. |
Come struttur Paolo Gasparoli, Stefania Bossi The
prevention and care activities on Cultural Heritages require an enduring
control over their state of conservation in order to prevent the
deterioration due to environmental and human causes (pollution) determined by
use. Effective methods of control consist on programmed inspections.
Inspection activities are characterized by structured controls over
historical buildings, such as visual inspections, required to evaluate
periodically the state of conservation of buildings or their components, to
identify the most evident critical situations, to check the conditions of
accessibility and maintenance. KEY-WORD:
preventive conservation, maintenance, visual inspections, restoration. |
Progetto Gu Salvatore Esposito Progetto
Guarini is a scientific and technological program aimed at the development of
a structural and environmental monitoring system for Guarino Guarini’s Chapel
of the Holy Shroud. Patronized
and coordinated by the Regional Management for the Cultural Heritage and
Landscape of Piedmont, developed in partnership with Politecnico di Torino,
Istituto Superiore Mario Boella and Lachesi, Progetto Guarini is the first
example of the integration of mixed diagnostic techniques aimed at the
instrumental monitoring of the safety and integrity of an artwork of utter
architectural and religious value. Progetto Guarini started in 2007 and its
temporal horizon is estimated in 6 years. The purpose of Progetto Guarini is
the installation of an integrated diagnostic system aimed at the permanent
structural monitoring of the Chapel of the Holy Shroud. |
Vulnerabilità dei
Beni Culturali: sistemi informatici
finalizzati alla conservazione programmata e preventiva di monumenti
in m P. Meloni, G. Vacca, L. Massidda,G. Carcangiu, PL. Mameli, O. Cocco,G. Toreno in the
recent years the use of informatic tools in dynamic data collection,
inter-relation among the different parameters involved has received a very
marked thrust, in particular as support in the planning and management of
conservative intervention. In the present paper such approach will be
discussed in relation to the conservative problems of some marble monuments
executed in similar times by the same author, but exposed to different
environmental conditions. Such artefacts can represent an effective model in
the kynetic study of weathering rate. This study however demonstrated that an
effective quantification of the different parameters to insert in the damage
functions is quite difficult, because they are frequently influenced by
foretic factors that in turn critically depend on particular local
environmental conditions. KEY-WORD:
marble decay, cemetery, damage function, durability, GIS |
Soltanto chi conosce
assai tutto il passato di un bene culturale sa prevenirne i difetti di
conservazione. A correct
procedure for the restoration of a monument should: 1) evaluate if the monument deserves a
further period of existence and in the affirmative case of which level of
image; 2) (only a
very specialist is able to) realize the premonitory signals of the level of
the decay of all architectural members (carrying structures, bulkheads,
facings of the walls, ornaments, technical plants etc.), list all
interventions and their characteristics, calculate the remaining time of
functions; 3) decide
the hierarchy of restoration interventions (substitutions, maintenances,
preventions) and which degrees of decay are to be accepted in the light of
the financial resources available (both presently and in the future); 4) plan
how to eliminate the agents responsible for the decay occurred (lack of
maintenance, improper uses, old materials, detrimental waters etc.) and the
costs involved. KEY-WORD:
monuments life; monuments maintenance theory and practice; remaining time of
functions; signals of end of life work; prevention in the technical
plants. |
I «fortilizi
inespugnabili della civiltà italiana»: la protezione antiaerea del patrimonio
monumentale italiano durante la seconda guerra mondiale. Carlotta Coccoli The paper
presents a short account of the policy of monuments’ preventive protection,
promoted by the Italian government before the Second World War. In fact,
since the late twenties, the Italian Ministry of National Education adopted
safeguard measures for the protection of monuments in the event of armed
conflict through the preparation of a «mobilization plan of works of art in case of war» by which all
movable works of art were transferred to deposits selected for their
isolation and distance from military objectives. Immovable works of art and
monuments were protected against blast or collapse by elaborate brickwork or
timber and sandbag frameworks. In spite of the system could not be employed
on a large scale - also due to the lack of funds – and the superintendents
had to select the most important
buildings, whereby anyway hundreds of monuments up and down Italy were cased
in protective layers of sand-bags, masonry, or ferro-concrete. On balance
this programme of preventive protection must be judged a success. KEY-WORD:
Italy, Monuments, Prevention, War Damage, World War II. |
Pens Cesare Crova This paper
analyzes a conservation project of historic architecture. Firstly describing
the conservation intervention, it focuses mainly on the development of a
monitoring program of preventive conservation, aiming to protect the monument
from the risk deriving from alteration and deterioration. The different
levels of the risk prevention project are explained step by step: the identification
of the places, the appropriate techniques, methods and program of control,
specifying the cycle of maintenance and their frequency, and finally
optimizing work and costs. In this way it is possible to control the state of
preservation of the building, guaranteeing its conservation and implementing
the preservation guidelines formulated in the “Plan of programmed
maintenance”, an appendix of the conservation project. KEY-WORD:
Coastal tower, Restoration, Fortification, Maintenance, Prevention, Conservation. |
Gli “efficaci
provvedimenti” suggeriti dal c Michela Grisoni Printed in
Milan in 1896, Lettera circolare n° 34 by Andrea Ferrari, discloses the
increasing worry of the Milanese’s Catholic Church, about conditions of both
its buildings, vestments and vessels. Due to the previous recognition not
only of an artistic value but also of an historical one, the document reveals
the purpose to preserve them from selling, accommodation and restoration. The
establishment of a Commissione Diocesana is the preventive approach
suggested: it forestalls subsequent commissions coming up by the side of the
estate Uffici Regionali established in 1891. Between the ending nineteen to
the incoming twelve century the Lettera and its context point out mutual
efforts in Italian State and Catholic Roman Church for the protection of
their cultural heritage. KEY-WORDS:
Ferrari card. Andrea, historical buildings protection, milanese’s diocese,
inventory, history of preservation |
La prevenzione del
danno stratigrafico nella manutenzione delle strutture Matteo Scaltritti Archaeological
structures value is, in significant way, up to their stratigraphical
complexity. Conservation processes of these items must dialog with historical
and archaeological contents through conservation of material integrity and
authenticity of the cultural heritage. Programmed maintenance, in
conservation field, is considered as a dynamic process alternative to the
restoration. To define which interventions can be assumed as maintenance actions, it is important to
evaluate the stratigraphical effects. If we
assume that maintenance activities are distinguished by a repetitive nature
and, in this sense, don’t require a design activity time by time, we need to
contain their potential effects on the building stratigraphy. Evaluation
about impact on the archaeological framework offers a tool to outline the
maintenance field on cultural heritage. KEY-WORD: archaeological
heritage restoration, archaeological sites maintenance, architectural
conservation, authenticity, buildings stratigraphy, planned conservation,
programmed maintenance, stratigraphical approach. |
La manutenzione
programmata come prevenzione nei cantieri delle fortificazioni. Barbara Vinardi ABSTRACT:
Conservation through the planned maintenance of the urban Piedmont
fortifications is testified by documents that record the contracts for
maintenance, with assignment to a "master builder" for a period of
many consecutive years. The contractor
had to deal with any problem related to the building, taking advantage
of a fixed annual money allocation, according to certain estimates. In this
way it was possible to plan a maintenance that arranged works to be executed
at the proper time, allowing the prevention of degradation. The traditional
materials and technologies permitted the continuity of maintenance operations. Since the
century, however, those assets have lost their original function and the
continuity of techniques and resources for conservation has interrupted. This
fact gives them more fragility, exposing them to substantial impairments, so
it seems necessary "to prevent" their decay with interventions that
would make them someway practicable. KEY-WORD:
planned conservation, fortifications, Piedmont, prevention, planned
maintenance |
Prevenzione e
manutenzione nei cantieri della “grandi fabbriche”. Maria Grazia Vinardi The
programs of maintenance and prevention, provided for the main buildings as
the “Residenze Sabaude” at the end of each constructive phase, have allowed
the subsistence of palaces and estates. This routine were accustomed for the
cathedrals and the ecclesiastic buildings too: not only the parishes, but also
the commendams and the brotherhoods had a wise and consolidate rule that was
the building control of the buildings and work of art and pieces of
furniture. The developments of a careful prevention produced the continuity
of parts and workmanships, sometimes with substitutions, and the process has
shown itself positive and virtuous, although with purposes mostly turn to the
continuity of use, to the decorum, to the dignity of the constructions and to
their economic value. The guide lines for the compilation of the technical
manual include the building analysis in technological elements, that allows
the data registering, and, as in past, proposes a program of preventive
actions and of controls. KEY-WORD:
Conservation – Prevention – Mansions - Piedmont |
Applicazioni della
fotogrammetria digitale alla conservazione preventiva dei Beni Culturali.
Procedura di intervento. José A. Madrid García, Daniel Tejerina Antón In this
paper we aspects related to the documentation of Cultural Heritage and,
therefore, intimately related to the concept of prevention, lending attention
to the economic viability of this type of projects, specially to the price of
the necessary data processing applications to carry out. A protocol
based on the following aspects is proposed: planning and resource
management, acquisition of data, and organization of the information in
databases. KEY-WORD:
cultural heritage, prevention, documentation, low-cost technologies, digital
photogrammetry, databases. |
microclimatico e termoigrometrico per la conservazione dei beni monumentali
in ambiente esterno: il caso-studio della Deèsis di Castelvetere (RC). R.Banchini, A. Bianco, E. Di Fede, E. Uccellini The
writing highlights the preliminary results of a microclimatic and thermohygrometric
researches, realized on the remains of a monumental building, placed in an
open environment, the church of San Zaccaria in Caulonia (RC-Italy)
characterized by the presence on its apse of the “Deèsis”, a fresco depicting
an enthroned Christ indicated by the rare epithet "o
philanthropos", the Virgin and St. John “o prodromo”. The composition is
a remarkable testimony of Byzantine tradition and it is traceable to the
thirteenth century. The exposure conditions of the fresco to agents of
environmental degradation, including direct sunlight and an unceasing
climatic action, have made necessary and urgent to design an anti UV
roof-covering and opened from all sides, well ventilated and realized with
steel and glass, that, it is supposed, will change the local microclimatic
conditions in a slow way. Aim of
this research is to know, in quantitative and parametric terms, these
variations and to understand whether they may in time leat to real factor of
environmental risk (UNI 10829: 99). Key-work
microclimatic-thermohygrometric investigations, environmental risk factors,
fresco, Deèsis, Caulonia |
Stesura di
protocolli per la conservazione del patrimonio degli impiantiti pavimentali
sette-ottocenteschi in riggiole petenate e spetenate. Saverio Carillo, Pasquale Petillo This study
discusses a particular case of building production Neapolitan typically
represented by paving portions riggiole with drawings and sometimes partially
decorated with majolica. The unique
surface treatment of clay requires special security mode that, previously,
not only to preserve them over time but must also make sense, in a timely
manner all the design values. KEY-WORD: Riggiola, flooring, decoration |
L’intervento di
restauro e la compatibilità dei materiali nell’ottica della conservazione
preventiva: il caso delle pitture
murali di Casa Vas V. Magnani, V. Ferrazza, L. Rosi, M. Picollo, G.Botticelli, G. Germani, L. Dei The
present study was carried out during the restoration of the wall paintings of
Casa Vasari in Florence, in order to define preventive methodologies and to
select the most compatible intervention materials, essential to mitigate
future deterioration processes. This contribution reports the results
achieved in the study of original and superimposed layers of the frescoes,
carried out both with non-invasive techniques (FORS) and on microsamples
(FTIR spectroscopy and SEM-EDX analysis). The study focused as well on water
capillary absorption, useful to comprehend how the wall transpiration reacts
to the consolidation treatment. KEYWORDS:
FORS, frescoes, organic binders, water capillary absorption, barium hydroxide
consolidation. |
La vulnerabilità dei
serramenti in alluminio. Prevenire la corrosione di un materiale
“inossidabile”. Ornella Fiandaca, Raffaella Lione Beautiful,
strong and light. This is
the advertisement to promote aluminium, along with manufacturing versatility
and external agents resistance. The publicized advantages, in conformity with
the features of the material, put it in competition with other metals used
for building industry products, such as sheets and sections. The steel is its
direct competitor: since the ’70s, the first comparisons concerned
fastenings. The reason of this preference is the declared “stainless”. After
few years of diffused application, the remark of pathologies and corrosion
damages surprised designers and entrepreneurs. Drawing
from a sampling of real cases and by the technical support of producers and
fasteners, after a detailed study on damages reasons and deterioration
mechanisms, paying attention to the recurrence of corrosion, this study aims
to provide some suggestions for phenomena prevention, proposing, in
particular, planning directions. KEY-WORDS:
Aluminium, fastenings, corrosions, design |
Gli elementi
metallici nel restauro dei monumenti. Azioni preventive per la loro
conservazione. A.Luigi Pisciotta ABSTRACT:
Metallic elements used in ancient times for the restoration of monuments
represent the symbol of a practice of conservation that respects the
autenticity of ancient material. The natural metals tendency to degradation
lead to look for specific protection systems. These ones represent, together
with a maintenance program created in order to maintain in efficiency
protective systems, the instruments of prevention. Villa del Casale in Piazza
Armerina becomes the start point for a few reflections upon the possibility
of conserving historical iron structures used in past restorations. KEY-WORD:
conservation, restoration, prevention, maintenance, protection, metals,
degradation |
Conoscere per
prevenire. La catalogazione dei beni Cristian Prati In recent
years the debate on the protection of cultural heritage is often related to
the themes of the “Carta del Rischio” and planned maintenance. Prerequisite
to this ambitious project of prevention is knowledge of built heritage, that
could be realized with its cataloguing. KEY-WORD:
catalogue, built heritage, architectural surveys, inventories, cultural
heritage, database |
L’ispezione del
patrimonio storico- Stefania Bossi In a
planned conservation strategy to built cultural heritage it's correct to
define the inspection activities as a first kind of prevention: in fact the
inspection is useful not only to preserve the materials to the damage, but
also to disseminate a preventive approach. In this
way, the paper investigates the role of the restoration companies in order to
undertake this innovation. For the enterprises, offering inspection or
planned conservation services, it means to develop many aspects related to
the kind of goods, clients, size of service and also organization and
training. This work would underline - through some case studies - the
externalities of these scenarios in the economical and social context. KEY-WORD:
preventive conservation, planned conservation, inspection activities,
capability, restoration companies |
Manutenzione e
prevenzione delL'edificato storico in Inghilterra nell’ultimo ventennio: principi, strategie
e protocolli d’intervento. M. D’Aprile, C. L. Peluso The paper
aims to define the principles, dynamics and polices informing the maintenance
planning process for listed buildings in England. Planning polices,
institutional approaches and practices have been deepened to understand the
operational and management aspects related to the maintenance of historic
buildings. The study of some research programmes, in particular the Maintain
our Heritage programme, has provided an update of the recent theoretical and
practical references with regard to planned maintenance system. These
researches tackle some critical issues related to the preventive maintenance
of the historic built environment, including the cost-effectiveness of using
this proactive approach. KEY-WORD:
preservation, condition survey, proactive maintenance, corrective and
preventive maintenance, Conservation Management Planning, Quinquennal Reports |
La prevenzione come
processo: conoscenza, diagnosi, strumenti del progetto e attività preventive. Marco Leoni This paper
assumes the prevention as a process and investigates the relationship between
the knowledge of a building condition and evolution through time and the
project tools to define and support preventive activities. The goal is use
all the data about the building, collected and organized in an information
system, to set a tool that shows not only the current conservation conditions
but looks at the relationships between the elements and the context to
identify the zones that could be affected in future. This operation, that can
be realized using graphic or photographic representation, could improve
owners involvement and guide preventive activities. KEY-WORD Prevention,
Planned conservation, Project tools, Risk-zone identification |
“affidabile” per una corretta prevenzione govern Chiara Livraghi, Fabiana Pianezze The paper
will approach the issue of Preliminary Document (DPP) as a dynamic tool for
steering the project; the purpose is to build a framework of "reliable” knowledge
for activities of prevention. Using the DPP not as a static tool but as a
dynamic tool means to implement an innovative process that gives importance
to knowledge and address the project to advance preventive conservation
goals. If prevention activities are aimed at limiting the risk of conditions
related to Cultural Heritage, the DPP is a programmatic document for risk
management. KEY-WORD:
brief, prevention, conservation, analytic activities, risk, reliability |
Il “fascicolo del
monumento” come efficace strumento di prevenzione e cura programmata del
patrimonio The study
introduces a search developed in KEY-WORD:
prevention, restoration, conservation, authenticity, responsibility. |
La ristorazione
nelle serre e nei manufatti agricoli delle ville storiche, rischi e
opportunità: il caso di Villa Doria Pamphilj a Roma, dal caffè nel fienile al
bando per i punti ristoro. The
question about restaurants, literary coffees and others usages in the
historical roman “villas” is discussed from long time: often a restaurant in
an historical building means substantial changes, without hope of correct
maintenance of the same building and of the context. At Villa Doria Pamphilj
there is a recent experience of bar in an ancient simple “fienile”, which
offers pic-nic and other kinds of meats without any problems for the building
and for the near gardens. The hope is an adequate similar use of the
monumental “serre” of the XIXth century in the same “villa”, which could bear
literary use and an innovative kind of
restaurant. Villa Doria Pamphilj, Serre, Fienile,
literary coffees, restaurant |
Prevenzione e
programma di manutenzione del sito Maria Luisa Ferrara, Nicoletta La Rosa The test
develops the theme of prevention from degradation and maintenance
archaeological area of the Roman Villa of Terme Vigliatore, situated in the
territory of Messina and protected under cover designed by Franco Minissi.
The cover, similar to that achieved by Minissi for the Villa Romana del
Casale of Piazza Armerina, ensured the conservation of an archaeological site
that has a considerable scientific interest in the studies concerning the
mosaics of the period late ancient in Sicily and the Mediterranean. However,
the archaeological site of Terme Vigliatore pays, today, in a state of
insecurity restorative, invaded by the vegetation that grows uncontrolled,
and by an absence of maintenance, too long of the archaeological evidence and
of the system of coverage. KEY-WORD:
cover protective, archaeological area, mosaic, Roman Villa, Franco Minissi |
Linee guida per la
conservazione programmata delle facciate decorate della citta’ di Massa - un
caso-studio per la diffusione della cultura della prevenzione. Stefano Aiello ABSTRACT:
In the historic centre of Massa there are clear and half hidden signs of its culture and Arts in XVI century:
ornamented façades, graffitos and frescos which appear on the surfaces of
recent plasters. In the past years that imporant heritage has been
disregarded or treated not properly, so it is necessary for operators to plan
interventions to preserve those important art signs and to prevent them from
deterioration. This study outlined the “guide lines” and “preservation plans” in order to preserve
that fragile heritage; it presents an example of prevention of an ornamented
façade of an old building in the city. KEY-WORD:
Massa, painted façades, conservation, preservation, prevention |
Il degrado dovuto
all’azione di agenti biodeteriogeni: verifiche e riscontri sull’efficacia di
prodotti studiati per la prevenzione e la manutenzione di manufatti esposti
all’esterno. Mirella Baldan, Leonardo Borgioli Biocides
used in architectonic conservation are washed away with ease from rain, or
they degrade, leaving the surface without protection. In 1994 was developed a
mixture of ethyl silicate and biocides, which at the end of the reaction
remained “trapped” in the silica matrix, blocking their washing away and
performing their protective action in time. The product has been used for the
protection of numerous monuments (different types of stone, bricks and
mortars), and in this paper the results of monitoring of protection in time
has been reported. Results show a
surprising protective efficiency even in situations of high humidity and
external microbiologic pressure, which allows to notably reduce maintenance
interventions. KEY-WORD:
protection, ethyl silicate, Bio Estel, biocide |
La prevenzione nei p Mariangela Bellomo Green
areas, urban parks and gardens play a meaningful role as small but important
natural spots in the dense building system of cities, for their ability to
provide perceptive and environmental wellbeing. Naples
University Department of Urban Design, on the base of an agreement with
Naples Town Administration, ran a research on sustainable technological
processes for rehabilitation and building of urban green areas and parks, in
order to provide knowledge and support tools for woks on urban green spaces.
The research developed guidelines to promote technical solutions in order to
prevent errors in design and construction, to reduce environmental costs, to
encourage the use of local materials. KEY-WORD Sustainable
technological process, parks, gardens. |
analisi del
biodeterioramento nella conservazione del museo casa Erbo Stenzel. Janice Bernardo da Silva Rodrigo Giovanella, Márcio Pereira da Rocha Wooden
patrimony are constantly exposed, especially the historical architecture
which suffers the action of external agents of deterioration. The intensity
of damage can be generated from combining of several agents, physical,
chimical, mechanical, biological; intensified to the tropical Brazilian climate.
The non-destructive technique has been applied in the museum called «
Museu-Casa Erbo Stezel» by visual inspection. The wooden house belonged to
the artist Erbo Stenzel, was transferred to São Lourenço Park and transformed
into a museum of his works. The analysis xylophagous degradation was proposed
checking active and inactive attacks. In order to verify the result the
extent of degradation and establish a diagnosis for prevention and
conservation of the historic heritage. KEY-WORD:
Visual Analysis, xylophagous degradation, Wooden Patrimony. |
I luoghi dell’ P. M. Galimberti, M. Carlessi, A. Kluzer, L.Jurina The essay
concerns the researches made to improve the knowledge about the XVIIth
century buildings where today is sited the historical Archive of the Ospedale
Maggiore in Milan, best known as “la Ca’ Granda”, and built on Francesco
Maria Richini’s project. These studies and analyses, urgently started in 2002
- and on which we are still working -, are chiefly focused on the evaluation
of structural and pollution risk conditions in these ancient and valuable
places, in order to allow the prosecution of their usage, the necessary preventive
practice and the conservation, both of the building and of the inestimable
cultural and artistic heritage of a such an important Foundation. KEY-WORD:
Ca’ Granda, Ospedale Maggiore, historical Archive, war damages, structural
diagnosis, aerobiological pollution, ancient wood libraries, preservation of
historical documents. |
Una casa in Magna
Graecia. Interventi di restauro e proposte per la realizzazione di una
copertura nel P Maria Teresa Iannelli, Francesco Antonio Cuteri The
archaeological sites recently investigated in the city of Kaulonia are, almost exclusively, located
on the sea front. In one of these sites, close to casa matta, we escavated
from 1990 to 2009 an ellenistic building. This building has a length from
north to south of about KEY-WORD: Monasterace, Magna Graecia,
casa ellenistica, edificio termale, intonaci dipinti, muri in terra, embrici
greci, vasche da bagno, conservazione resti archeologici. |
Strutture protettive
in Anelinda Di Muzio Archaeological
excavation is extremely traumatic for materials and objects brought to light
because they suddenly change the microclimatic conditions which preserved
them for a long time underground. The first intervention consists of placing
temporary shelters on archaeological finds as a preventive measure in order
to reduce deterioration caused by mechanical and physical action of
atmospheric agents; it let to limit restoration of ancient materials. So
planning a temporary or permanent archaeological shelter is deeply connected
with preventive measures; in fact, especially for permanent archaeological
shelters, preventive designing choices are connected with microclimate (which
must be stable and controlled), structure (which must be independent from
ancient materials) and fruition respecting archaeological finds. KEY-WORD: Shelters on archaeological finds,
microclimate, structure, fruition. |
Prevenzione nel Restauro. Progetto per il monumento Sufico M.H.
Kashi. Hossein Fallahdar n.d. |
Il museo del
paesaggio nel palazzo Viani Dugnani a Pallanza. Controllo microclimatico per
la conservazione delle collezioni e dell'edificio. Daniele Fraternali, Alberto Grimoldi, Carlo Manfredi Palazzo Viani Dugnani in Pallanza is a
patrician XVIIIth century building. Owned by
the Municipality since the end of the XIX Century, it has been housing the
Museum of Landscape for one hundred years. The Museum should be opened during
the winter but the matter was to supply sufficient comfort for human
well-being, as well as preserve collections and artworks, avoiding damages
caused by changes in indoor climate. A wall-tempering system – that is not
properly an heating system – was chosen for the following reasons: it can
stop rising dump, moisture condensation, and damaging effects caused by
thermal stress due to temperature difference between indoor environment and
wall surface. Furthermore, monitoring the indoor climate is the best way to
control and run the system, in order to set up the building maintenance. KEY-WORD: Temperierung, tempering, monitoring, cultural heritage,
preservation, microclimate survey |
conservativi nell’integrazione delle lacune mur Manlio Montuori This study
proposes a multidisciplinary framework
for optimizing the timing and the type of maintenance, based on a
methodology developed to update lifetime inspection and repair of brick
structures involving a decision tree analysis. Architectural heritage and
civil engineering structures are designed to serve public instances,
performing safely for decades. In spite of that, no matter how well they are
designed, all these structures are going to deteriorate over time. Thus,
maintenance strategies should promote solutions that are directed towards
preservation and conservation by relying on the existing structural capacity
and give preference to stabilization rather than substitution or replacement.
In this context, the paper has been proactive in identifying the significance
of brick-masonry arch bridges; hence, once the cultural impact has been
determined, the next logical step in dealing with these historic structures
was to develop a treatment/management plan. The methodology is illustrated by
the first results of the project entitled “Improving assessment of Nugent
bridge in Capua”, organized by the author, to develop and provide tools that
help optimising the life-cycle management of brick-masonry arch bridges,
preserving both the physical structure and the historic authenticity, while
promoting an effective exchange of good practice between the railway
administrations. KEY-WORD:
anti-fungal mortar; brick-masonry arch bridges; inhibition of spore
germination; optimum maintenance strategy |
Prospettive di ricerca - riscontro su casi significativi. Cristina Pastor n.d. |
Interventi di
“conservazione” come “manutenzione” e “prevenzione”: un caso di lavoro in
Lomellina. M. Raffaeli, F. Trevisan, E. Airoldi, K. Colombo, L. Zappettini, N. Ghiaroni, M. Baldan, G. Castiglioni, L. Jurina preservation and conservation of worship Buildings
in Lomellina (PV) were mostly subjected to late and invasive works, which
were characterized by their ineffectiveness or by the inadequacy of the
techniques used. This essay wants to show the relation between prevention and
conservation taken into examination in a recent case: this hit the mark of
buildings’ conservation and valorisation thanks to a hard work of census and
prior monitoring on the preservation status and thanks to the attentive
planning of series of little maintenances, precise stabilisation and
protection. KEY-WORD: prevention maintenance conservation
monitoring mapping diagnostics Lomellina, Pieve del Cairo. |
La prevenzione del
degrado in Planned conservation of an archaeological area
includes the inspection, the periodical control and maintenance of findings,
and the management of the risk factors for the conservation. These risk
factors are in the natural environment and their effects are due to the
excavation of findings and their display in the open air. Main damages depend
on the interaction of different
phenomena as humidity, sun irradiation, pollution, biological attack, and
especially the continuative variations of these factors affecting the exposed
findings. The study case shows the monitoring protocol to
achieve the knowledge of the thermal-hygrometric behaviour of the ruins in
the environment and to study the affection of the provisional shelter on the
findings microclimate. From the results analysis, the authors line out the
parameters for designing a definitive shelter and the monitoring protocol,
with the aim to optimize the effectiveness of the periodical inspection and
control set in the conservation plan and to prevent further damages. KEY-WORDS: archaeological areas, shelter, IRT,
monitoring, planned conservation, maintenance, restoration, trachyte,
nuraghe, Sardinia |
La Prevenzione del
danno e prestazioni dei trattamenti conservativi: metodi diagnostici
innovativi per applicazioni in situ. E. Rosina, N. Ludwig, A. Sansonetti, F. Gerenzani, V.Pracchi, M. Gargano Recent applications of IR Thermography (IRT)
effectively contributed to evaluate in the
field the thermal hygrometrical exchanges between stone surface and
the environment, by localizing the diffusion of water inside the porous
system of the surface external layer. The study takes into account via IRT
the evolution of liquid water application onto stone surface by means of the
spilling drop and moisture ring methods. The authors experimented the procedures
on 30 specimens of Noto calcarenite, Dorata sandstone, Macedonia marble before
and after the application of water-repellent protective products (Paraloid
B72, Silirain 50). These
investigations have suitable applications during the whole knowledge and
decision making processes, from the characterization of the materials and the
damage assessment, to the evaluation of the applied restoration products and
to prevent the damage and to plan the proper maintenance. Keywords: IRT, spilling drop, moisture ring, stones,
protective products, capillary absorption, evaporative flux, contact sponge |
Coperture temporanee
di siti Patrizia Schievano, Alessandro Lugari The participation presents a new temporary
protecting covering system essential for maintenance. A new material, Delta
Lite, has been tested on the marble floor made by opus sectile of Templum
Pacis in Roman Fori. It has proven very successuful in protecting the area
under restoration even when the work is still in progress and undergoes
frequent stops. KEY-WORD: conservation, restoration, floor,
temporary protecting covering, traspiring material. |
conoscitive e interventi per la prevenzione nel caso degli oratori campestri dell’A.S.P. “Golgi-Redaelli” di
Milano. M. Bascapè, R. Madoi, M. Carlessi, A. Kluzer, M. Valentini ABSTRACT: The essay deals with the studies and
analysis on six small countryside churches built between the XVIth and the
XVIIIth century in the plain south of Milan. They are part of a rich cultural
heritage which requires a great effort for its conservation, beginning with
its most simple practice: prevention. In KEY WORD: countryside Churches, Milan, report,
diagnosis, monitoring, rising moisture, moisture-laden air, planned
conservation |
La manutenzione
preventiva programmata nel p Maria Grazia Filetici, Benedetta Alberti The Appian Way Archaeological Park consists of a
variety of monuments in a landscape
that has been continuously settled from Roman times until today. In 2000, the
Archaeological Superintendency of Rome adopted a programme for the
maintenance of the sepulchral monuments along this ancient road. The aims of
the programme are: protection and long - term preservation of these monuments
through regular maintenance activities; technical documentation of their
general state of preservation by mapping the extent and nature of decay;
proposal of a plan for conservation or, where needed, emergency intervention;
analysis of the causes of any dampness encountered in the buildings;
improvement of methods for the protection of masonry, mortar and plaster from
humidity; understanding general structural problems; promotion of educational access and
research opportunities to enhance the state of knowledge about the monuments
of the Appian Way. The main objective is the creation of a long-term plan for
the comprehensive management of the entire landscape in order to protect it
against dangers such as earthquakes, decay, looting and vandalism. KEY-WORD: programmed maintenance; preservation;
safeguard; conservation |
La protezione
antiaerea del patrimonio monumentale italiano durante la seconda guerra
mondiale: l’UNPA. La formazione dei
volont Barbara Scala This intervention will illustrate the work of UNPA,
a body that actively acted not only in protecting and preparing the civilian
population to the war but had a major role in protecting ordinary buildings
and monumental. The voluntary activities of members ensured disease activity
undertaken in the various fields. The volunteers selected but was formed
through the technical courses and usually directed towards building
activities. Among the operations which were called operators UNPA there was
action in first aid staff dedicated to the protection of monuments according
to a ministerial path provides the preparation of an overall but specific to
each monument identified by the Ministry of . KEY-WORD: Air defense, First Response, World War II,
Blackout Masking |
La “cura” degli
edifici ecclesiastici nella diocesi di Milano: da C Laura Lazzaroni This paper summarizes how the Diocese of Milan
tackled the church property prevention and maintenance problem during last
centuries. Thanks to the Diocese of Milan extension of the territory, its
autonomy and its normative power this paper presents an interesting case
study that can give a cue even for today’s prevention, focusing on saint
Carlo’s texts. In the second half of the sixteenth Carlo Borromeo
introduced a new best practice in keeping church estate in good condition,
providing a useful guideline for his successors. He codified the principles
his modus operandi was based on, underlining with pastoral visits the
importance of continuous territorial control in order to take the right
countermeasures against buildings decay. Cardinal Ferrari and Cardinal
Schuster recently took up again Carlo’s tradition and planned frequent
pastoral visits on Church’s lands. This attitude from a central authority is
probably the key to goods maintenance: you should know perfectly what you own
and its conditions to avoid its decay. KEY-WORDS: Carlo
Borromeo, Federico Borromeo, Diocese of Milan, pastoral visit, “Regulae de
nitore”, Ildefonso Schuster |
La prevenzione del
degrado a Venezia nel XIX-XX secolo: studio delle superfici di Ca’ Rezzonico. M. Sgobbi, E. Zendri, M.Melchiorre Di Crescenzo, F.C. Izzo, G. Biscontin, F. Pedrocco The will of preserving something is one of the
oldest desire of men. But even the strongest, as for example, stones were not
eternal, so they become to prevent decay. The materials used were different,
in few cases they are described, but from scholars and not from workers. The
distance of scholars and real applications led to think that, perhaps, they
did not know exactly the nature of materials used. This consideration is
referred not only to ancient, but also to the XIX and XX century, when the
debate on materials to fight the decay was very high, but made up by
scholars, frequently far from the site of application. The aim of this study
is to compare the information coming from the patents and from the
literature, about maintenance treatments of the stone surface, and the traces
of these interventions on Ca’ Rezzonico in Venice. Key-words: Venice, Boni, silicates, cultural
heritage maintenance, Ca’Rezzonico |
Sistema antigraffiti
per superfici G. Biscontin, G. Driussi, M. Mazzari, Z. Morabito, R. Nicoletti, M. Tonon The cultural heritage surfaces covered by vandalic
graffiti (tags, symbols, drawings) seems to be more and more commons. In
order to defend the stone surfaces it’s possible recurring to an antigraffiti
coating. This study shows the results of a specific product, regarding an
effective and respectful antigraffiti coat, by laboratory test to the
application on-site, finally to some prestigious restoration work as the
columns in the S. Marco square in Venice. KEY-WORD: antigraffiti coating, architectural
surfaces, laboratory tests, application |
Il concetto di
prevenzione e la tutela del paesaggio. F. Putignano, V. Pracchi, S. Della Torre ABSTRACT: When dealing of landscape, prevention cannot mean a set of
indirect actions, nevertheless it is productive thinking of new proactive
strategy as a way to face problems affecting landscape preservation since its
origin. The use of complex systems paradigms is here suggested as a tool to
understand that prevention can happen only through change of behaviors:
Florence Convention and Faro Convention entail that the pre-condition of
landscape preservation is the life of territories. KEY-WORD: Landscape, European Landscape Convention, Convention on the
Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Faro), Systemics, Preservation,
Implicit Project |
I dipinti murali della Casa del
Bicenten F. Piqué, G. Chiari, M.P. Colombini, G. Torraca ABSTRACT:
The paintings in the Tablinum of the House of the Bicentenary were well
preserved when excavated in 1938 but underwent a progressive decay and the
present condition suggests that more deterioration is to be expected. The
study by the Herculaneum Conservation Project shows that the most important
parts of the decoration were painted over a white layer whose main components
are aragonite, gypsum, calcite, and dolomite; this is the layer that fails
causing extensive losses of the paintings. Organic materials (waxes, proteins
and sugars) were also detected in the top layers. As the multilayer structure
is sensitive to changes of relative humidity and temperature, some climatic
control is essential for future conservation. This paper discusses the
findings and the methods to control relative humidity mainly by passive
means. KEY-WORD:
Wall paintings, Herculaneum, Deterioration, Painting Technique, Environmental
Control, Passive Climatization. |
Pratiche storiche di
prevenzione nell’ Giovanni Castiglioni, Marco Cofani This paper
focuses on the work of prevention conducted by engineer Alessandro Perez in
the cavea of the Verona Amphitheatre, between 1879 and 1882. The question
about the cavea is the question about water and about all the problems
connected to the presence of water inside an ancient building. The cavea,
with its funnel structure, can be assumed to be the roof of the Amphitheatre.
In fact, the external surface receives the rain and drains the water out of
the monument to keep dry the internal spaces and the masonry structures. The paper
have a conservative purpose, which consists in providing information from the
historical restoration works and suggesting practically methods useful to the
maintenance of the cavea. KEY-WORDS:
Amphitheatre – Verona – Alessandro Perez – historical restoration – water
infiltration – waterproofing techniques. |
Tra non luogo e
semaforo, appunti per un’idea di prevenzione. S. A. Alberti Il concetto di prevenzione nell'ambito
della più complessiva attività di conservazione viene collegato, nel codice
dei beni culturali, all'ambiente circostante in cui è immerso il bene da
tutelare. Il lavoro, attraverso alcuni esempi,intende circoscrive il ruolo
della prevenzione isolandolo dalla attività di manutenzione e accentuando il
ruolo che l'attività di tutela può svolgere come prevenzione da rischi futuri
e come l'attivita progettuale costituisca un primo momento di azione e
valutazione preventiva dei rischi a cui può essere esposto il bene da
tutelare nel corso di un ipotetico intervento di restauro o di
"valorizzazione". KEY-WORDS:prevenzione,progetto,previsione,
profilassi,utopia, tutela, paesaggio. |