Stefano Podestà , Lorenzo Scandolo1 2

1 UniversitàdegliStudidiGenova-DICCA,ViaMontallegro1,

2 UniversitàdegliStudidiGenova-DICCA,ViaMontallegro1,


Claudius Aqueduct was one of the most important aqueduct of Rome. The 1.5 kilometres of Claudius

Aqueduct in the “park of the aqueducts” is well preserved while the near portions are seriously affected by


Some NTD tests are performed on two pillars of Claudio Aqueduct to evaluate the state of conservation of

this archaeological finds. These experimental analyses demonstrate that sonic tests are able to define the

consistency of the material and locate the presence of internal crack. Moreover the value of sonic velocity,


A finite element model was achieve from a survey with high level of detail and after a stratigraphic analysis


Structural analyses are carried out to evaluate the static and the dynamic response of a part of aqueduct. The

damage mechanism that cause the collapse of a lot of arches seems isn’t directly connected to seismic

phenomena, but can be clarify more easily supposing the settlement of the foundation. This hypothesis is

credible considering the measure taken to reinforce the Aqueduct a few years after its construction, through


Even if the static analyses have not shown particular problems, the severe state of degradation can quickly


Parolechiave/Key-words: ClaudiusAqueduct,archaeologicalfinds,conservation,NTD,structuralanalysis.