Elena Romoli 1, Alessandra Zanelli , Elisabetta Rosina , Elisabetta Rotta2 2 2
1 SoprintendenzaperiBeniArcheologicidelleprovincediCagliarieOristano
2 PolitecnicodiMilano,dip.ABC
The aim to keep the original architectures and decoration in their excavation site, that has been emerging in
the last years, requires to protect them by temporary or definitive shelters. Soprintendenza per i Beni
Archeologici of Cagliari and Oristano promoted and started monitoring four shelters already existing on the
archaeological areas of these provinces, with the aim to check the effectiveness in the local environment, and
to plan their improvement or/and new structures. Politecnico di Milano collaborated at the research by
monitoring the environment and remains conditions, especially underneath the shelters, modelling the effects
of the existing shelters and planning new solutions. In San Cromazio (Villaspeciosa), monitoring the new
definitive shelter allowed the researchers to discover the critical points and to find out their improvement. In
Su Monte (Sorradile), monitoring allowed the researchers to define the expected performances of the new
shelter. In San Saturnino (Cagliari) monitoring and numerical analysis was applied to 2D and 3D models for
improving the ventilation of the volume underneath the new shelter. In Nora (Pula) the results of monitoring
and the innovative approach of design served to check the performances of the present temporary shelters.
Nora approach shows how to overcome the limits of current protective systems, combining the requirements
for preservation with new issues as feasibility of technical textiles, low maintenance and easy deconstruction
to allow the reuse and adaptability of shelters in different locations and seasons. The ultimate goal was to
renovate the design process by covering archaeological sites in a more environmentally conscious way and
Parole chiave/Key-words: Archaeological site,shelter, moisture, design,technical textiles, ventilation, solar