"Qualsiasi degrado fa parte
della storia dell'edificio.
of building materials only depends on external causes. Every construction
method had been developing, in course of time, the best ways to protect
materials against the deterioration: choosing, cultivating, working, setting
up, protecting, maintaining, repairing.
of building relies on the existing (or eventually not existing) balance between
causes of deterioration, natural features of materials and builders choices.
The peculiar history of every building, its balance or unbalance, starts with
the former setting of building materials. There are breakings of balance that
happened in the past and others that happen in the moment we consider the
building. They could be caused by mistakes or bad choices, by missing
maintenance, by environmental changing, or by the concomitant presence of
plenty of reasons.
technical and scientific analyses are detached from archaeological ones, they
do not provide an history of the building deterioration and, consequently, they
will not point out the treatments that building really needs.
Key-word: causes of deterioration, history of
deterioration, building materials, building archaeology.
"La “diagnosi Archeologica”:
dalla L. 25 della Regione Liguria a una
esperienza sul Campo.
A new
law (established by the local authority of Liguria in 1987) gives funds for
diagnoses for building renovation. Among the others there is the archaeological diagnosis. In 1995 we had the possibility to test the
capacity of this option on two buildings. The occasion was part of a more
general project relating the old town of Genoa an being funded by the EC.
buildings can be considered like an example of XVIII - XIX century low classes
dwellings, very frequent in Genoa. We attempt a very wide approach to the archaeological
diagnosis, nevertheless the case can not be considered monumental architecture.
The study dealt with historical hypothesis, chronology, study of materials and
architectural elements. The aim was, at the same time, to improve the
historical knowledge around this kind of building and ta understand better the
deterioration problems.
Key-word: building renovation, building
archaeology, archaeological diagnosis, law.
C. Cavallo,
F. Passalacqua, D. Pittaluga, G. Valeri
Tra l'archeologia di scavo e quella di
elevato: le miniere del Monte Ramasso a
interesting factors originated this research in 1992: a complex area
encompassing subsoil, soil and oversoil; the traces of the mining and
production activities between XII and XX century; the archives of the powerful
D’Oria family in Genova, containing detailed information on the mines. The
object of this work, that is still in progress, is the site of Monte Ramasso,
ancient land for collective usage at the border of the town of Genoa. Inside
this area there is an abandoned mine where copper, iron and magnesium were
extracted since XV century. The study of mine tunnels, furnaces and adjoining
buildings has brought the historical reconstruction of this work environment
and its particularities.
On the
methodological side, this research is carried out in special conditions because
part of the site is over the soil and part is under it. Improvements in
archeological techniques have been studied to overcome these difficulties,
including refinement in surfaces studies.
Key-word: mine, interdisciplinary, research archaeological
D'Agostino, A. Melucco Vaccaro
Il rudere archeologico: un
contributo alla conoscenza della sua
current research aims at underlining the specific nature of archaeological
ruins, that survive to the present day in a completely transformed state with
respect to their original configuration and function.
They find a sense of purpose and value in their new existence as an historical
The least
alteration, the maximum durability, the transmission to the future of
archaeological heritage became a necessity to pursue through the adoption of
appropriate technologies for his preservation. For this aim we studied the
various specific kinds of vulnerability and the different vulnerability gauge
which characterize the structural safety of archaeological ruins.
Key-word: Archaeological, Ruin,
Vulnerability, Preservation
I. Arce, F.
Doglioni, R. Parenti
Gli strati di rivestimento:
strategie e tecniche di indagine tra
conoscenza dello spessore storico e finalità di conservazione/restauro.
development process of stratification has many similar situation, both in
finishing layers of historic buildings (plaster, frescoes, paint, etc.) and in
archaeological context, We think that’s possible to use the same ”tools”
(recording system e.c.) to investigate and to detect the stratigraphical
sequence with Harris matrix (Harris 1983). Obviously the strategy will be
different, but we’re trying to calculate the possibilities.
paper aims are those to compare the not-destructive approach with removing
little parts of sample and to built the recording system (the same problems are
faced by archaeologist). Now we are facing either the transfer/adjustment of the
archaeological way of study to the building archaeology (finishing, plaster,
frescoes, masonry techniques, etc.) and the ”digging” (as a mainly destructive
mean) to have knowledge. We found and discuss here the preliminary report, to
suggest a work-strategy, with poor and little destructive part of plaster, in
accord to the conservation aim.
Archeologia, restauro,
literature in the field of architectural restoration shows deep references to
Archaeology, dating from XIX century and the interest for the gothic
architecture (beginning from Vitet’s researches on Coucy castle, till the
modern Restoration Charters). This linkage is testified, for example, by
Viollet-le-Duc, Rustin, Dvorak, Giovannoni and many other authors. Among the
numerous aspects of the problem one is particularly important: that of new uses
for monuments and archaeological sites. It was s problem for the cultural
contest of the past century but it also recalled Alois Riegl’s theoretical
interest, at the beginning of the present, and now it is connected, for
example, to the post-modern architectural movement and to the utilization of
ancient ruins, like Cracalla’s Baths in Rome or the Arena in Verona. But the
problem of new uses for ancient monuments belongs, in the same time, to the
modern town- planning practice and culture. So, we can remember what Benevolo
said on ”Via dei Fori Imperiali”, or Renzo Piano’s ideas for ancient Genoa. In
any case, this problem gives us the responsibility of a choice we can not
ignore. It is a choice that obliges architets and archaeologists to cooperate,
knowing that there will be. in any case, a ”funcional future” for monuments we
can not consider as definitely ”dead”.
Key-word: Restoration - Architecture - Archaeology - Use
and Re-use - Dead monuments - Knowledge - Intervention
G.F. Pertot,
R. Tagliabue, G.P. Treccani
Sperimentazioni didattiche tra
archeologia stratigrafica e conservazione
del costruito.
present work is made to show a didactic experience acquired by the authors at
the Polytechnic of Milano, in the sphere of teaching Architectural Restoration.
The peculiar aspect of research is the attempt to apply the procedures
of archaeological stratigraphy to the project of conservation and dferent use
of architecture.
authors introduce further-more a new model of archaeological stratigraphy
lecture of the building expressed for the requirements of conservation and
different use, in proposing, as enclosure to the report, new index-cods of Phases Intersides and Associated Statigraphy Unily.
Key-word: Archaeology, Stratigraphy,
Restoration, Conservation, Reuse
Il rilievo stratigrafico nelle
coperture lignee.
The use
of the laws of archaeological stratification is very uncertain when you wish to
analyse the structure of wood roof. The problem is that the set
of elements physically belonging to the same plane, is a discontinuous set. In
the field, it’s possible to compile two kind of reports: the first shows the
superimpositions between the elements; the second shows the level of beam
manufacture. If you connect the level of the manufacture with the age of the beam, is easy to identify
a possible stratigraphic discontinuity, the units or archaeological
stratifications and the stratigraphic sequence.
Key-word: wood roof, beam manufacture, stratigraphic sequence, units or
archaeological stratifications.
Stefinlongo, M.C. Vecchi, A. Venturini
Il parco archeologico urbano
marittimo delle fortificazioni militari del
porto di Lido.
Il ”Sito Archeologico” costituente il potenziale ”Parco Archeologico Urbano Marittimo delle Fortificazioni Militari del Porto di Lido”, copre con i resti dei suoi caposaldi fortificati un arco di tempo che va dal XIV° al XX° secolo. In un tempo più circoscritto: dal 1797 data della caduta della Repubblica di Venezia, al 1945 fine della seconda guerra mondiale. Il 1960-70 è stato il periodo della dismissione di quasi tutti gli impianti militari che occupavano tutta l’area lagunare e la città di Venezia, e della loro consegna alle diverse amministrazioni demaniali, centrali e periferiche.
Del loro abbandono, ruderizzazione e dimenticanza.
Il Parco può assumere il carattere e la denominazione di ”Archeologico Urbano”, nell’integrazione dei concetti e dei metodi del settore dei Beni Ambientali e Architettonici e di quelli dei Beni Archeologici, per la loro conservazione attiva. Territorialmente occupa l’area strategica difensiva posta a controllo del sistema dei canali marittimi e lagunari che danno diretto accesso alla città antica, dalla bocca di Porto di Lido all’Arsenale e al Bacino di S. Marco.
E’ costituito dalla poligonale che ha i vertici sui forti di S. Andrea (M. Sanmicheli - sec. XVI), S. Nicolò, Treporti, Torre Massimiliano, Testa di Ponte di S. Erasmo - Lazzaretto Nuovo, partendo dalle tese acquee coperte dell’Arsenale nella Darsena Grande.
Forti veneziani fino al 1797, successivamente integrati - da tale data - da quelli napoleonici e austriaci; e da quelli italiani dal 1866 al 1945.
Key-word: Laguna di Venezia - Fortificazioni militari - Recupero conservativo,
archeologico, urbano.
Questioni di meccanica delle murature e conservazione delle
strutture storiche.
archaeology of buildings and of any above-ground constructional work
undoubtedly has consolidated rules, as well as building science and technique.
However, what openings are, or could exist, into branches of knowledge
apparently so far from one other? Furthermore, what contributions can be drawn
upon from the history of building ideas and thought? This brief note aims at
bringing attention to these questions as well as others which have not yet been
solved about the interpretation of the mechanical behaviour of old masonry
structures, especially in anticipation of preservation works. At the same time it invites reflection on the need to make reference
to History, not only as facts and events,
but also to the history of
ideas, of the development of knowledge, of thought, of reconsideration and of
the errors which have led to the present state of the art in scientific
Key-word: mechanical theories, masonry
structures, history of mechanics, structural restoration.
“..Sui ceppi pesanti del passato e
sulla cenere lieve del vissuto...” Alcune riflessioni su archeologia
postclassica e storia dell'arte del
decades of archaeological surveys on postclassical buildings have established a
solid research basis for studies on architecture, while building science and
techniques have made a great effort to renew themselves, opening extensive
fields of investigation to the engineers who are responsible for the static
safety of buildings undergoing a requalification process. However, there has
never been a link between those two research areas. The present report deals
specifically with this subject: the relationship between mechanics and geometry
suggests a few lines of research which may help to attain a better knowledge of
the static and building know how reflected by architectural works, which any
project must conform to.
Key-word: geometry, stereoscopy, construction
history. structural mechanics.
A. Decri, C.
Gavotti, M. Monguzzi
Uso incrociato di fonti scritte e
fonti materiali per lo studio
dell'edilizia storica. Verifiche di metodo attraverso un edificio
della Genova di età moderna.
For years the school of Architecture of the University
of Genoa is involved in a resource made by the cross examination between
documents and material sources about historical buildings.
The resourcing method consist in the examination of
many documents, comparing them with the results of the archaeological studies.
The assignement offer an example of studies about an
historical building of XVII century, comparing its original project and
realisation with the further modifications.
This work gives the possibility to verify the
trustiness of the historical documents.
The building is quite well conserved and, not with
standing it is actually lived, some archeological studies have been possible.
Key-word: archaeology
of building, history, knowledge, archaeometry, documents, material sources.
M. Librenti,
A.M. Visser Travagli
Analisi stratigrafica delle
strutture superstiti della chiesa di S.Paolo
Vecchio a Ferrara.
La lettura stratigrafica
dell'Arsenale Repubblicano di Pisa
This paper skows results of stratigraphic analysis
of the medieval Pisa shipyard (Arsenali Reppublicani) and some problems about
methodology of the research in architectural stratigraphic. The building’
archaeological study has allowed to underline some problems about the
stratigraphic record and chronological criteria in monumental architecture.
Finally, we would have to define a stratigraphic rules strategy to apply in the
restoration works.
Murature a Ferrara: dalle analisi
stratigrafiche del Castello Estense. Una proposta di studio delle
tecniche costruttive.
The stratigraphic survey made in the Estensi Caslte of
Ferrara, was extended to the study of the masonry of bricks and finishing in
order to start a first nucleus of knowledge of Ferrara masonry. Some observation
which emeged during the survey, suggest a change in the general historical
information about the transformations of the castle. The stratigraphic survey
starting from dated architectures, is an excellent occasion of study of the
building methods which trough comparison can lead to the knowledge and the
dating of the other buildings in Ferrara.
Key-word: stratigraphic
survey, masonry, building methods, finishing.
C. Riotino,
C. Sabbioni, O. Favoni, G. Zappia
Caratterizzazione di strutture
murarie Campano-Laziali di epoca Romana.
Samples were collected from on ancient masonry of the
Roman period in the archaeological sites of Minturnae, Sinuessa and Caiatia. In
order to verify the presence of pozzolan mortars, samples were taken
particularly from hydraulic structures, such as aqueducts, water reservoirs and
A characterisation of the ancient mortars was
performed by optical microscopy (MO), thermal analysis (DTA-TGA) and scanning
electron microscope (SEM-EDAX). Various quarry pozzolans (Segni, Maddaloni,
Borghetto) and specimens of pozzolan mortars prepared in the laboratory were
also studied.
Key-word: ancient
masonry, mortar, pozzolan.
C. Atzeni, L.
Massidda, U. Sanna, C. Tronchetti
Problemi di conservazione del
rudere di un edificio termale Romano-Imperiale
di Nora (Sardegna).
The composition and amin technological characteristics
have been studies of the opus caementicium and the opus testaceum
used to build a Roman baths dating to the 3rd century A.D. The decay of the
monument which is situated by the sea, is caused mostly by interaction of the
salts in the seawater and marine aerosol with the materials’ porous
microstructure. Various technical aspects of possible conservation methods are
Key-word: Roman
Baths, Marine Environment, Porous Materials, Opus testaceum, opus
caementicium, durability, conservation treatments.
F. Fratini,
P. Giovannini, R. Parenti
di scavo e scavo di un cantiere da costruzione. Alcuni aspetti della preparazione medievale della calce
-Rocca di Montemassi (Grosseto).
During archaeological excavations, it is rare
to uncover technological aspects of the process used to fabricate construction
materials. Numerous reasons abound for this such as the destruction of the site
or erecting yard where the constructing materials were assembled in addition to
the inadequate durability of these materials. However, when an erecting yard is
uncovered, useful information can be drawn about the technology of fabricating
construction materials. Given the lack of such findings, those available can ’:
become an important precedent for the way one must work within an
archaeological excavation to catalogue erecting site findings and determine,
from the collected data, which information is useful for uncovering
technological aspects of fabricating construction materials. In the
archaeological excavations at Rocca di Montemassi (Grosseto, Italy), a level
was uncovered that contained piles of suspected construction materials. These
materials were determined to be the remains of slaked lime sieving by in situ
observations and subsequent laboratory analyses. These results made it possible
to formulate some hypothesis on the technology used to produce this lime for
use as a construction material.
Key-word: Lime, Slaked Lime, Medieval Erecting Yard.
L. Appolonia, D. Vaudan, S. Migliorini
progetto diagnostico per il restauro archeologico di grandi aree.
The restoration work to be carried out on the
Roman Theatre in city of Aosta, has been object of a analysis campaign
involving a considerable amount of
chemical-physical tests. All the information acquired is listed here with a general comment on the results. Research
concerning the characterization of the materials which make up the monument
both from the mineralogical- graphic point of view and regarding the
chemical-physical characteristics that play a large part the decay process has
been added to the information already attained by diffractometric and climatic tests and on neoformation products. Particular attention
has been paid to the water absorption and desorption behaviour, both in the
liquid and steam states. This will be useful later the for the drawing up of
the final conservation project and for the research to be done on protective
(hydrophobic) materials to be used, In all we can call attention to the aims
and usefulness of various analytical methods and the possibility of increasing
scientific research useful or understanding the intrinsic behaviour of the
materials better. The conclusion, not yet final, for the choice of
restoration work, is thus linked to various factors due to both the results
obtained and to the final use which is to be made of the monument and of
the way it should fit into its urban surroundings..
Key-word: diagnosing, analysing, planning.
G. Capponi, A. Ferroni, A. Melucco Vaccaro, A.Giovagnoli, U.
Santamaria, G. Vigliano
e controlli di durabilità nella manutenzione programmata dei monumenti marmorei di età imperiale a Roma.
Key-word: Maintenance, air pollution, damage map,
restoration material
La chiesa
di S. Sofia a Padova.
This research deals with the church of S.Sofia
in Padua: first results of the stratigraphic analysis supply a new sequence in
the architectonic history of the church. The comparison with the wide
bibliography produced in almost two centuries on this subject strengthens the
importance of stratigraphy to overcome the problems tied to a simple analysis
of the stylistic and formal characters.
Particularly the question of the temporal relation
between the archaeological iscoveries (crypt) and hemicycle is clarified.
Key-word: S.Sofia - Padua - stratigraphy - crypt - hemicycle
I. Arce, G. Campanella, P. Giovannini, A. Mennucci, R.Parenti,
Le fasi
costruttive, le modifiche alla distribuzione interna e alla destinazione d'uso di Palazzo Corboli ad
Asciano (SI). Strati di rivestimento e stratigrafia.
paper it’s an interim report about a successful experiment by mean of
the stratigraphic metod, with Harris Matrix used into archaeological field, to
recognize and to record the building
activities and the finishing layers of a
medieval Palace near Siena (Tuscany). Both recording system for masonry
plaster, frescoes and paint, and strategy of intervention are of the same kind,
so we have a widespread common language to be communicated the known result.
Furthermore, now we show some pragmatic observations about the graphic record
and technological characterizations on finishing layers (plasters, frescoes,
paints), AutoCad, orthophotography and recording sheet.
The possibility to try out the plastered walls
as an archaeological site, ’digging’ the plaster, bring us to hold the
recording system up as a model.
Key-word: Building Activities, Stratigraphy, Finishing, Plaster, Fresooes
La tutela
ambientale dei siti archeologici.
S. Cancellieri, P. di Nola, U. Santamaria
La lettura
archeologica ricondotta all'architettura come metodo di analisi: il Palazzo Vescovile di Frascati.
Both stratigraphic and thermographic surveys
(even if the latter in a different scale), up to day peculiar of the
archeological sector, have been used in the historical analysis of architecture.
By means of the archivistical research, as well
as the geometric survey and the typological comparison, the structural changes
through the time are pointed out; this ”archeological” method: is very useful
in evaluating the absolute chronology if it becomes a verifying instrument of
everything is already supposed.
The application of such method has been
realised about the Frascati’s Palazzo Vescovile
near Rome. The results obtained up to now are very interesting and more
note sull'isolamento del gruppo monumentale Laurenziano a Milano.
F. Guerra, S. Magro, S. Tuzzato
Il palazzo
della Ragione di Padova: applicazioni di rilievo fotogrammetrico per la gestione ed
elaborazione di immagini non metriche di
scavo stratigrafico.
The ”SALONE” in Padova, the medieval Palace of
Justice, represents a global monument: it
contains several evidences about the city,
besides its own historical evolution.
Special procedures for metric rectification
applied for non-metric images taken during the archaeological survey supply new
kind of documentation to support critical and historical analysis about the
site and about the medieval urbanization before the Salone was built and
during architectural evolution.
Key-word: survey, archaeology, stratigraphy, architecture, non-metric
Il tempio
di Apollo a Cuma.
Cuma is the oldest town of Magna Grecia region.
The archaeological researches in order to discover the buildings of its
acropolis started with the excavation of the Apollos Temple. It was carried out
in 1911 and its documentation consists of a ”Giornale”, a rather summary, and
of 22 large size photos.
authors, as architects, cooperate since many years with the
Archaeological Soprintendenza of the area, and in 1979 they were charged to
draw a complete and accurate survey of that Temple. At that time they studied
the above mentioned documentation about the excavation of 1911 and they could
note the relevant damages occurred after
a period of about 70 years and the consequent changement of the ruins image.
The spontaneous vegetation and visitors
influx have been the main reasons of those damages.
The maintenance works have not been successful
to limit the further damages and, consequently, the condition of the ruins has been getting worse and worse
since 1979 till now. It would be very important to succeed in limiting the
damages caused by visitors because their influx is continuously increasing.
Key-word: Archaeology, excavation, documentation, ruin, weakening, maintenance
N. Ludwig, F. Macario, L. Rosi, E. Rosina, G. Suardi, G. Tucci
del rilievo geometrico, termografico e stratigrafico per la conoscenza del patrimonio architettonico.
Images are an effectively and expressive medium
to communicate information's. The precise metric information's, obtain through the rectification of digital images and
photogrammetry, allow us to univocally locate the uneveness of the elevates.
The photo piano becomes the basis for next thematic maps of the object. Every
new layer contains the specific information about pathologies, or historical phases, or about
the preservation intervention. The common grid of the reference system permits
to compare or ovenvritten each layer on the others, to point out every possible
relation between the different maps. For instance: thermal images show the
discontinuities detected only in the infrared range but the common metric
reference of the pictures alloys to locate in the stratigraphic image these
data. Vectorial and raster maps are the final results: new important links were obtained between different
analysis of the images crossing the different scanning.
Key-word: thermal analysis, digital
images, vectorial map, raster, stratigraphy, photogrammetry, preservation, rectification
mensiocronologica delle strutture antiche di Parma: i setti murari.
Herewith we are suming-up the results obtain a
from the study of the masonry structure of some buildings in the historic
centre of Parma.
The aim of this research is to date part of
historic buildings in accordance with the dimensions of the bricks constituting
the building structure.
We have used the ”measure-chronological” method
based on the statistic study of the measuring done on samples.
This research has been supported by a historic
study from archives based on the analysis of the municipal regulations.
As the information found correspond to the
statistics results we have elaborated the first ”measure- chronological” curve
of Parma.
Key-word: Parma, dimensions, measure, statistics
F. Fratini, C. Manganelli del Fà, R. Parenti, E.Pecchioni, P.
Le malte di allettamento nelle
murature medievali: struttura, composizione, durabilità.
The structure
of walls and buildings found in archaeological sites can vary widely due to the
numerous decay processes affecting the stone and mortar components. Decay
processes owed to natural factors, as well as those stemming from the
history of the region (e.g., wars and
reconstructions), and those om any previous restoration attempts, all affect
the shape and strength of wall buildings. With regard to the method of mortar
preparation (e.g., water and
aggregation medium content) and the various components used therin, both affect
the durability of walls and buildings constructed with mortar.
In the
medieval village of Montarrenti, near Siena, mortar samples were collected from
walls and buildings in various state of decay. Samples were collected from both
walls and buildings of different ages.
The aim
of this study is to emphasize how the technology of mortar preparation coupled
with the bonding and aggregation components of mortar, affect the durability of
mortar structures.
Key-word: mortar, binder, cohesion, durability.
Le strutture murarie di un area archeologica giungono generalmente a noi subendo processi di degrado spesso molto differenziati anche per le loro diverse tipologie costruttive. Come e noto azioni .naturali o antropiche, contribuiscono in maniera sostanziale a modificarne la forma e la resistenza. Tuttavia le murature che per particolari vicissitudini si ritrovano poco rimaneggiate, ci permettono di indagare sul loro comportamento in relazione alle caratteristiche strutturali, alla morfologia dei singoli pezzi, alla tecnologia di preparazione ed alla composizione della malta. Nel villaggio medievale di Montarrenti, presso Siena, dove le condizioni sopraccitate erano presenti, sono state prelevate malte provenienti da murature di età diversa. Scopo particolare di questo lavoro e quello di evidenziare, come gia accennato, quanto le caratteristiche intrinseche dell’impasto possano influire sulla durabilità del manufatto stesso.
A. Surace, R.
Bugini, L. Folli
Il Castrum Longobardo di Castelseprio.
Sibrium (Castelseprio, Varese - Italy) was a very important settlement from 7th
to 12th century and was completely destroyed in 1287.
and restoration concern several unearthed and/or restored remains during last
ten years. Buildings are: defence walls, churches, houses and other buildings.
In 1989 was begun a series of investigations on binder and bedding mortars.
Samples were analysed, according the rules of Italian Commission for Stone
Material (NORMAL), using X-ray diffraction on powder; optical microscopy on
thin section; scanning electron microscopy equipped with an EDS X-rays
spectrometer, mercury porosimetry. The aim of the investigation was to
recognize the mortar composition, the raw materials and the making techniques;
to compare samples dated from different periods; to study the possible change
in techniques and materials; to detect the decay products. Walls are made by
magmatic or metamorfic big pebbles from glacial deposits, already worked
carbonate rocks and rarely bricks. Bedding mortars are poorly sorted and they
are made by magnesian lime and quartz-silicate sand with crushed brick.
Plasters are medium sorted and they are made by magnesian lime and
quartz-silicate sand. Comparative analysis allow the identification of several
restoration works. The state of preservation is poor: roots destroys walls and
plasters; surface efflorescence and binder erosion cause powdering and
detachment of mortar from pebbles.
Restoration works carried out in 1980-95 involve mortar consolidation by
acrylic resins, crack sealing by slaked 1tme and wall capping by lime mortars.
In all cases the first work was the removal of plants and vegetation.
Key-word: archaeology, masonry, mortar, stone, decay, conservation.
I restauri della chiesa di San
Nicolò Regale a Mazara del Vallo.
Nicolò Regale is a little Norman church built on an archeological site of roman
age, located on the riverside of Mazara, in Mazara del Vallo. The informations
about its origin are very. short: probably it was part of a large Benedictine
monastery destroyed at the end of 19th century. It was closed in the 1911 and
after than it was subjected to many restorations maked by the Supervision of
Sicily Monuments. The aim of this article is to document the monument story by
means of the story of its restorations taken place since the Baroque age. In
particular we explain the specific problems and the methodology used to resolve
them comparing the particular solutions used with the contemporary culture of
restore. The analysis are directed to know the existence of particular
solutions used to restore the mosaics of roman age that the excavations of the
1930 have brought to light.
Key-word: church, roman mosaics, Arab and
Norman architecture, culture of restore.
S. Della
Torre, A. Pedercini, P. Riva
Il grande pilone delle grotte di
Catullo a Sirmione: definizione di
presidi antisismici.
the archeological site known as- ”Grotte di Catullo” in Sirmione, a
particularly interesting structure is the ”Great Pillar”. It is a masonry all
of huge dimensions (14.5 m. of height and 2.15 m. of width) characterized by a
non- symmetrical shape and an apparently unstable configuration with severe out
of plane deformations. Due to his peculiarity, the preservation of the pillar
in its actual configuration, eventually by means of either invisible
strengthening device or by means of a cable stayed solution adopting easily
removable external cables, is therefore a must. This paper presents a set of
non-linear finite element analyses performed on the pillar with the objective
to investigate the stability of the structure with respect to sismic events
both in its present configuration or in case a cable stayed solutions is
adopted for its strengthening. The results show that the adoption of four
cables would guarantee an increase of up
50% of the sismic resistance
of the structure, thus enabling the pillar to sustain moderate earthquake
events such on those that might strike Sirmione.
Key-word: Grotte di Catullo, Great Pillar, seismic
strengthening, non-linear analysis.
Archeologia d'emergenza in
occasione dei lavori per il recupero del
palazzo Ducale di Genova.
1981 and 1992, the members of I.S.C.U.M. have performed regular investigations
on the inside of Doge’ s Palace in Genoa, in the course of restorations. This
report presents data collected both from archaeological excavations and from
stratigraphical analyses of ruins which have been preserved under later
structures. According to the available evidence, it’ s possible to argue for
the existence of five building- phases in the site commencing with the Xlth
Century: then, a part of the former city walls ran along the slope; after,
during the second half of the XIIth Century, a large size tower for military
use was erected; the abandonment of this was followed by the construction of a
great house, which belonged to the Fieschi’ s family; around it a neighbourhood
unit grew up, which was the core of the city hall to come; at the end of
Sixteenth Century, a magnificent Palace replaced the pre-existing block of
habitations and streets.
Key-word: stratigraphical analyses, city
walls, building-phases, tower, great house
F. Bisconti,
M.G. Patrizi, S. Cascioli, B. Mazzei
Problemi conservativi nel cubicolo dell'annunciazione
nelle catacombe di Priscilla.
recent works of conservation undertaken in the Cubicle of Annunciation, in the
Catacomb of Priscilla (Rome), were necessary due to damage done by high
humidity, vandalism and by previous works of conservation being carried out
using non-suitable materials. Since it was not possible to eliminate the
humidity, conservators tried to restrict its consequences wich are spots or
quartz concretions. Further problems for the colour were due to the use of a
vinyl fixative during the previous work of conservation. This is probably the
responsible for the colour's rip and darkening. Many steep were taken in the
restoration of these mural paintings, to include: cleaning of the plaster,
partial removal of spots, quartz concretions, vinyl fixative and putty.
Finally, reinforcement of friable, detached areas, and chromatic reinstatement
were made.
Key-word: Catacomb; humidity; plaster;
concretions; colours; fixative; conservation; reinforcement.
Tecniche di consolidamento e di
documentazione in situ di strutture
pertinenti alla edilizia domestica etrusca: l'abitato di Kalousion (Doganella Orbetello).
present study reports about the technical of consolidation adopted for building
structures of stones of houses of archaic and classic age in the Etruscan city
of Kalousion (Doganella-Orbetello). Particularly it’is documented
the intervention of replacement of raw clay as wall binding with epoxy resins
by two component. We obtain a preliminary stability of the structures, enjoy
the archaeological area from the public. The presence of the numerous pillage
trenches, essentials to the planimetry comprension, was necessary with the
intervention of conservations and the evidence of them. This is obtained by the
use of the crushed stone of different colour as regards to the surrounding
earth and to the original conserved walls.
Key-word: Etruscans Houses; Consolidation;
Dry-stone Walls; Pillage Trenchs, Epoxy Resins
P. Bassani,
S. Bortolotto, L. Jurina, S. Sganzerla
Dalla semplicità alla complessità
la diagnosi archeologica e il progetto
di conservazione.
activity of research and application of cognitive studies for the development
of a preservation project, as described in the paper, are all aimed at considering
the ”archaeological reading” not as a compulsory general rule, but as a tool for discovering other possible ”point ol’ view”. This
approach can validate the soundness of an ”hypothetical” appraisal and can
justify further investigations in order to discover renovating balances or
imbalances of the building itself.
Key-word: archaeology, diagnosis,
conservation, Casciano, S.Giovanni Battista church.
C. Bianchi,
S. Bonomi, M.E. Perissinotto
L'area archeologica di Montegrotto
Terme. Note su un progetto di copertura.
project of a special roof-structure, to
protect archaeological excavations, starting from a generic hypothesis, a
structure with an original ”joint’, ends developing more themes, historical,
archaeological, urban, all connected to the real problem of the roman thermal excavations in
In this site, by somebody even called ”Pompei
of the North”, for the many antique traces found under the actual inhabited
area, which already in ’700 got
attention by the Venetian Republic, around 1780 very important excavations came
to light, on the land properties Dondi dell’Orologio.
The clear importance, that descends from this
archaeological reality, therefore richness for Montegrotto and its historical
context should lead in the future, to a more responsible and conscious
behaviour towards e project that protects and potentiates this extraordinary
A. Cottone,
R. Corrao, S. Pennisi
Il restauro dell'ex Seminario dei
Chierici a Palermo. Integrazione tra
archeologia e architettura.
The aim
of this article is to explain the restoration works of Choristers Seminary in
It was
built at the end of the 16th century in a part of the city already edified in
the past. During the restoration works many archeological remains were found.
In particular the excavations have brought to light objects of great
archeological interest and the remains of roman walls and floor. An hypogeum, a
little crypt and parts of an ancient aqueduct, were found too, together with
human remains.
report here a short description of the remains and the methodology used to
restore it together with the structure of the building.
Key-word: Monuments restoration, Archeological remains,
Hypogeum, Crypt, Storical beddings preservation.
C. Cacace, G.
Capponi, M.C. Laurenti, N. Petrini
La protezione delle aree
archeologiche: La Domus Dei Coiedii a Suasa.
roofing to protect the archaeological sites, especially requested to conserve
mosaics and other fragile rests, as for example wall paintings, is an open
problem also in our days. The adopted solutions that we can see, in the most of
cases, are architectonical realizations that are not founded on conservatives
purposes requested for a correct conservations of the ancient artifacts under
them. Otherwise nothing has been made and most of our archaeological sites keep
the provisional shelters built at the moment of the excavation or nothing at
all. We can’t cover everything with a shelter, it’s a responsability of the
archaeologist to decide what has to be reburied or has to be left uncovered for
the fruition. We have the necessity to set out a correct planning that,
besides the aesthetical aims, must consider the environmental peculiarity of
the site. It seems very important to study what happens in the site after
building a shelter, always there will be some changes of the microclimatic
parameters under the shelter. ICR is engaged in a complex research regarding
the shelter already planned and to be built over the archaeological rests of
the domus of Coiedii, at Suasa (Ancona), an archaeological site rich of mosaics
and wall paintings dated from the republican age to the late Empire. The
excavations have been led by the Bologna University, ICR research consists in a
project to control the microclimatic changes caused by the new shelter and in a
study of the effects for the conservation of the archaeological rests. This
program of scienti6c controls is necessary to modify and improve the structure.
Key-word: archeological rests, shelter, microclimatic
Il restauro dei rilievi della Curia
dell'antica Brixia, oggi Palazzetto in
piazza Labus n. 3 a Brescia.
restoration operation concerned the /
’Flavian age architectural elements
on the facade of the building situated at number 3, piazzetta Labus, Brescia.
They are what’s left of the southern
side of civil basilica nf Brixia. one
of the most important buildings of the Roman town.
lower part of the architectural structure extends for 3.2m below street level
and was discovered during the excavation effectuated between 1823 and 1826
Instead, the lower left-hand side of the entrance was only brought to light
last year.
differing state of degradation of the surfaces, in the three different areas
ot’ the facade, inevitably bears the traces of a diverse evolution.
Also of
interest are the signs left by the Roman mason’s tools. There aie large areas simply rough-hewed with a sabbia. On the whole it seems that all of the facade
of the basilica had been treated in two different ways.
R. Maggi, M.
Chiavarini, V. Guidetti, A. Pasetti
Caverna delle “arene candide”
(Finale Ligure) Conserva-zione dei lembi
residui dei sedimenti rimasti dopo gli scavi.
Arene Candide cave preserves some pyramidal wall of archaeological
sediments (up to 8 meters high), which accumulated since 25.000 BC
(Upper Paleolithic) until the Byzantine Age.
Pleistocenic sediment is largely due to natural formation, while the Holocenic
one is mainly of anthropic origin. In the latter, Neolithic layers are
perfectly stratified and can be considered as result of anthropic activity.
Holocenic deposit has been almost completely
removed by excavations, so we have to face the problem of preserving in situ
the remains without changing their chemico-physical and biological properties,
not to hinder future scientific research.
the treatment must satisfy two requirements: it should not modify the
superficial appearance and neither alter the bulk of the material. The locally
high humidity inside the cave and the proximity of a stone quarry were also
taken into account.
experimental studies have been carried out first on artificial samples with low
cohesion and then on little specimens taken from the deposit.
best treatment resulted to be the combined application of two fluorinated
elastomeric products: a first application of the water emulsion Akeogard LTX
and another of a solution of Akeogard CO in organic solvent.
the selected treatment has been tested in the cave at four places with
different sediments and microenvironments. With only slight modifications this
intervention proved suitable to reaggregate all the considered surfaces.
Key-word: cave, archaeological sediments, protective and reaggregating products,
C. Bettini,
M.A. De Lucia Brolli, M. Chiavarini, V.Guidetti, A. Pasetti
Il santuario di Monti Li Santi a
Narce. Studio del degrado e proposte di
intervento di protezione sulle strutture.
Monti Li Santi suburban sanctuary sited in Mazzano Romano has been discovered
in 1985. It consists of the remains of a monumental complex dating back to
IV-II century B.C.
structures are mainly of different tufaceous materials. After the excavations
they were not protected against atmospheric agents. The weathering is
particularly strong because the orography of the site makes either the diurnal
and the seasonal climatic variations very large.
most evident result of the degradation is the loss of cohesion and the
superficial cleavage with an increasing change of the original ”facies” of the
A set of
analyses and tests (both in laboratory and in situ) have been performed to find
out a suitable treatment to preserve the sanctuary.
we studied the petrographic nature of the stones employed in the monument, the
degradation causes and the present weathering degree.
several protective and reaggregating products have been tested in laboratory on
samples taken from the sanctuary. The best treatment resulted the application
of a water born fluoroelastomer polymer. This product, also in the in situ application, permits to obtain a
good hydrorepellency and a high reaggregation of the very porous and decayed
tufaceous materials, without altering their chromatic properties.
Key-word: tufaceous materials,
protective and reaggregating products, fluoroelastomer
Cinquegrana, E. La Forgia, M.R. Marchetti, P.Musella, C. Piccioli
La conservazione in Archeologia: il
caso della Villa Romana di Boscarotto (Caserta).
study is an example of intervention made in conservative field on an archaeological
site discovered in 1987 during the works of realization of goods yard
Marcianise-Maddaloni in Boscorotto place (Caserta, Italy). In particular,
original ruins of a rural Roman house dated Imperial Age have been found during
the works. The Soprintendenza
Archeologica di Napoli e Caserta is interested in archaeological complex
discovered, and it has promoted a plan of restore and recovery with the aim of
reutilizing this archaeological site.
Key-word: Excavation, conservation,
archaeological, reutilize, interventation.
Paesaggio perduto e paesaggio
ritrovato. Il caso del Castello di Onigo per
un progetto di comprensorio.
An urgent intervention aimed at the consolidation
of the medieval walls of the remains of the Castle of Onigo, situated in the
Administration of Pederobba (TV), has given the occasion for an effective cooperation between the Office,of the
Architectural and Environment Goods of Eastern Veneto and the Department of
Science of Antiquity, University of Padua.
It has thus been possible not only to define a
project for the restoration of the Castle, a real challenge for technical
problems it involves, but also to organize a territorial system in witch all
the other archaeological areas of Val Cavasia and the hills around Asolo will
in the future be connected thus enhancing the intrinsic value of each site.
La copertura di un sito
archeologico: un problema architettonico.
highly questionable relationship in
between conservation and architectural design is evidently displayed in some
project related to archeological areas.
few examples of the covering solution
for archeological sites and excavations are analyzed: from provisional cover to
”light’structures, to buildings used as
”containers” or constructed over archeological layers, to ”protections” which
establish a new urban soil.
these conditions the dimension of the project and its contextual impact raise
difficult problems related to perception, combined with a question deeply
rooted in our culture: preservation and exhibition of a ”special” site.
too often these project are confined into the category of ”technical interventions” giving up all possible
reflection on the site, its interpretation and its message.
building project involving workmariship or
its context has to reveal a
critical interpretation and in these terms has to be an architectural design.
Key-word: Architecture, archaeology, preservation, restoration,
protection, roofing, museum
C. Atzeni, G.
Demurtas, L. Massidda, U. Sanna, C.Tronchetti, S. Cara, G. Sistu
Valutazione dell'impatto esercitato
dal moderno utilizzo sulla conservazione
del teatro Romano di Nora (Sardegna).
Nora Theatre is a roman monument situated just a few meters by the seaside on
the south-west coast of Sardinia. This monument is composed by various
materials and is subjected to intensive weathering process. The opus caementicium structure appears
partially pulverized and the andesite ashlars of the tiers are deeply flaked. A
significantly contribution to this progressive decay is also caused by the
frequent people’s treading on the theatre, as the access to it is allowed in
summer for shows. Correlations between the forms of weathering observed and
microstructural characteristics of materials constituents the structure are
Key-word: Roman Theatre, Marine
Environment, Andesite, Rock Weathering, Opus Caementicium, Archaeological Sites
C. Cicirello,
T. Guglielmi, C. Montagni, D. Pittaluga
Una storia di archeologia del
costruito: il metodo seguito a Villa
Saluzzo-Serra in Genova Nervi.
Saluzzo-Serra in Genoa-Nervi is a real historical collection and showcase of
restoration techniques and on the public a private mindsets that generated them.
special situation made it possible an investigation just before the
restoration, using a well defined and balanced method; this has allowed an
evaluation of the conservation or modification interventions of the past and it
has provided precious information for the actions to be executed in the near
sources have been put side by side with material sources, and the physical
history of the building has been confronted with the observations on materials
themselves, using instrumental and archeometric analyses. This approach has
showed their conservation state and the degradation roots that happened during
the centuries. The large historical documentation has allowed the comprehension
of the philosophy and the point of view that lead the design choices in the
various conservation, destruction and rebuilding Interventions along four
centuries. These modifications were necessary because of changes in the
property and use of Villa Seluzzo-Serra: from aristocratic residential building
to Modern Art Gallery for the Township of Genoa.
Roman Hypogeal Monument (4th. C.A.D.) Tomis (Constantza) Dobrudgea contry, Romania.
in 1988, the hypogeal tomb
with frescoes in Tomis is located in the rea of the city’s old necropolis, an
important Greek colony, later on Roman and then Roman Byzantine possessions.
great importance of this tomb, the funeral inventory.of.which proves it to be
dating from the 4th C. A.D., mostly resides in the frescoes covering
the walls and the vault, the motifs of which are anthropomorphic, zoomorphic
and fitomorphic. Placed at the frontier between the Roman .and the
Roman-Byzantine eras, the monument proposes a remarkable image of the economic
prosperity, the artistic and spiritual refinement achieved by the Roman
population living in the Roman province of Scythia Minor, located between the
Danube River and the Black Sea.
paper presents the current state of degradation this important monument is in
and it also advances some proposals in view of its preservation.
Key-word: Roman hypogeal monument, frescoes,
efflorescence, preservation.
Interventi di consolidamento
nell'area archeologica di Cornus
following text talks about consolidation works on local excavation materials,
that shov a lot of preservative problems.
At the
beginning such elements (sarcophagus, architectural elements, etc.) were
protected with a plaster, nowadays lost, and nov they degrade themselves
tested compounds based on lime and ethyl ester of siliceous acid and we have
archived good results.
G. De Palma,
E. Mancinelli, C.S. Salerno, M. Valenzuela
Corfino (L'Aquila) località Piano
S.Giacomo. Recupero di intonaci dipinti
da una Domus Romana.
following paper concerns the ancient wall paintings found in a roman domus Corfinio (L’Aquila), pertaining
to the ceiling of a collapsed porticus.
the excavations these fragments were rescued through a new method, consisting
in reinforcing the back of wide sections of painted fragments with
polyurethanic foam.
technique allowed an easier handling of the fragments, since they were put up
until the end of the restauration.
Key-word: Field archaeology; Wall paintings;
E. Armani, F.
Bocchieri, A. De Comeli, F. Scotti
Lo scavo archeologico ed il
restauro conservativo dell'arco di Riccardo a
The arch
of Riccardo is one of few roman monuments remaining in Trieste. it was part of
the urban walls destroyed since 1° century A.C .
many researches on site, an intervention of restauration has been ruined on,
involving foundation . structural aspects and stone ( from aurisina )
consolidation, filling and protection have been phases of the same intervention
decide these operations, an archaeological survey on the area increased
knowledge's of monument.
Key-word: Restauration Stone conservation
Archeology Archeologica survey
Il parco archeologico urbano di
case of the Archaeological Urban Park of Volterra presents different motives of
proposes, in fact, a model of different archaeological park from other
generally realized or projected in Italy: in fact, it is diffused in the city
and in the territory with his runs and his archaeological sites and it
possesses a likewise diffused structure of didactic equipments and of service,
that they help the visitor to understand the traces of the past. It bears to
the inside of a Town General Plain, a tool of general planning, also
particularly innovative in the actual ,Italian panorama.
It is
in phase of realization: the executive projects have completed and any
interventions are in course of realisation.
archaeological park: planning, project, organization and management;
Arslantepe (Malatya) Una esperienza
in corso protezione delle strutture e
musealizzazione del sito.
In 1992
Istituto Centrale per il Restauro proposed a project plan for conservation and
public exposition of an archaeological site with monumental buildings in mud
brick and mural paintings dated IV millennium a.C. having an exceptional value.
Fragility of exposed material made it necessary an intervention with in
accordance with excavation strategy should allow the protection of the
exhibited structures through a museographic arrangement. The project of
permanent shelter structure imposed some necessary conditions: 1) modular
system 2) low cost 3) easy supply of building materials 4) feasibility of
workmanship 5) employment of long lasting building material 6) a proper
position for routine maintenance, dismounting, replacement and changes after an
indicative time 7) concordance of the solutions with expositive and security
requirements 8) choice of an area to start for a structural test to verified
the project previsions.
A way
system completed with protective structures will make it possible to separate
the visitors conducted tours from the scolars one. Permanent shelter is
decomposed in different sector for a realization in phases. To a clear reading
we looked for a correspondence between the orientation of the structural model
and the archaeological wall.
Key-word: Site conservation, permanent
shelter, adobe, earthen ruins, preservation strategy.
Mappatura degli interventi di
restauro dell'Arco Felice di Cuma.
Castel del Monte: archeologia delle
componenti stereometriche.
Gestione e conservazione dei siti
archeologici con riferimento all'Iran.
article gives a brief account on the main features of the history, development
and training in the field of archaeology
in the 19th and 20th century in Iran, and it also
outlines the legislation in the protection of cultural property.
World Heritage Sites are examined as case studies in the present-day management
and conservation of archaeological
site are the Elamite ziggurat of Tchoga-Zanbil in the region of Khuzistan in
the South-west of the country dating from the
13th century BC, and Persepolis, the ceremonial capital of the
Achamenids builf in the fifth century BC in Fars in central Iran next to the
holy mountain of Mehr. The issues that are discussed include: causes of decay,
site management, development tourism,
site planning and protection. Furthermore, illegal excavation and exportation
of historic materials are mentioned as two major problems in the country. Some
information about fhe training in the field of archaeology is provided.
Key-word: Iran, archaeology, conservation,
legislation, management, World Heritage, Persepolis, Tchoga-Zanbil
C. Di Thiene,
G. Driussi, F. Guerra, L. Fregonese O.Scomparin, A. Mazzucato, L. Pilot, P.
Scarpa, C.Balletti
Villa Zeno di Andrea Palladio:
procedure analitiche di rilievo.
Procedures Documentation Architecture Palladio
Zeno by Palladio has been chosen as a case study to determine the procedures
and the techniques which have to found the common bedplate for the knowledge of
a Venetian Villa.
approaches are necessary for the comprehension of a historical building; this
villa has provided us the occasion to undertake the process of cognition of an
historical building from the material text as there is no knowledge of archival
documentation and the design of the building has been radically changed from
its original status. Digital photogrammetry is introduced to implement the
representation of the building.
Key-word: Palladio, Survey, Stratigraphy,
Photogrammetry, Building Materials.
Esperimento di interazione tra
lettura stratigrafica e formulazione del
progetto di restauro - il caso di Palazzo Rota a S.Vito al
Tagliamento (PN).
report produces the results of an experiment performed along with the
developing of restoring works; this experiment aimed at checking the
possibilities of interaction and continuity between the stratigraphycal
plotting of the walls and the restoration plan.
plotting of the pre-existing buildings has been taken as a pivotal referring
point, it is therefore formed by the descriptive plotting, with the
plotting-out of the stratigraphycal units
and of aII the walls, the units
are often elaborated according to the points of connection which are formed by
interiors, by plane photographical documentation and by the listing of stratigraphycal units enriched with a brief description.
Consequently the plan is formed by drawings were the additional, the conservative
or the removal units are formulated. Furtherly ’: there is a ’synoptical framework in which the present stratipraphycal units, the
planned units (positive or negative unit) are listed. An ”abacus of the main
points of contact among the stratigraphycal units” has been done as a
”specimen” it indicates the techniques and the ways of operating, particulary
at the outskirts of the planning-units, to give a clear reading of the
G. Biscontin,
A. Bakolas, E. Zendri, D. Zancanaro
Studio di tecnologie delle malte
dell'Arena di Padova.
amphitheatre of Padua is a roman structure erected in the first century A.D.
The site undergone various constructive interventions on both medieval and post
medieval period and unfortunately, all that remains is only a trace of the
sp1endidroman structure.
purpose of this research is to characterize the original mortars and those of
the medieval and post-medieval constructive interventions and evaluate their
behaviour in urban environment and durability in relation to the construction
period. The study is carried out by granulometric, XRD, FT-IR, TG-DTG and
porosimetric analyses.
results indicate mixtures of hydraulic nature with the provisioning of the raw
materials for the preparation of the mortars of local provenance. The mixtures
show a good state of conservation, with the roman mortars presenting higher
characteristics of durability
Key-word: mortars, arena, mortar
S. Gizzi,
M.M. Segarra Lagunes
De-Restauri Archeologici.
A. Moropoulou, Chr. Kourteli, D. Tsiourva
of Cultural Heritage through the environmental management.
processes render the environmental impact on the Cultural Heritage.
Protection of Cultural Heritage could be
implemented not only by conservation interventions but also through the
management of the environmental decay factors.
work presents, case studies concerning the environment - materials correlation
by multivariate and discriminant analysis statistical techniques, applied on
marine and industrial environment. All cases are unified through a common
methodological approach.
the planned development of cultural tourism or the monitoring and control of
industrial activities, environmental management comes to be the indispensable
tool for the long - term protection of Cultural Heritage and the only feasible
way for its conservation and maintenance.
protection from natural hazards like earthquakes, should be provided as well,
on the point of proper environmental monitoring and conservation interventions
of specific and localized character.
G. Voza, F.
Santalucia, F. Mannuccia
Studio sull'impatto delle
rappresentazioni classiche sul materiale lapideo del teatro greco di Siracusa.
II Teatro Greco di Siracusa, il più importante e grande dell’antichità, è stato il primo utilizzato per gli spettacoli classici moderni, giunti oggi alla 34’ edizione e per manifestazioni oltre ad essere sottoposto ad una media di visitatori di circa 400,000 presenze all’anno, Dal 1993 è in corso una campagna di controllo del danneggiamento prodotto dagli usi mentre è stata avviata una campagna di sensibilizzazione: si è così evitato un eccesso d’uso per spettacoli mentre è stato elaborato uno studio sugli effetti primi della presenza umana e dell’esecuzione degli spettacoli, e degli inquinanti principali che interessano la superficie lapidea del teatro. II lavoro documenta, con tecniche di computer-grafica, lo stato attuale del degrado connesso all’uso, ponendo su base sperimentale e a conclusione di una lunga epoca storica della fruizione, la questione dell’uso degli spazi teatrali antichi, destinati a spettacoli e manifestazioni.
Key-word: Teatro, uso, investigazione diagnostica, prevenzione e manutenzione.
M. Macera, E.
Micheletto, R. Ientile, M.I. Lupo Cametti
La chiesa abbaziale di S.Dalmazzo
in Borgo S.Dalmazzo.