-anno 1999-
"Ripensare alla Manutenzione"


R. Codello

"La manutenzione assente."

Conservation history demonstrates a gradual but continuos extension of the monument concept. So, the routine maintenance of the past is decayed. The way forward today, in our wiew, is by encouraging mechanisms for reflection that will make it possible to analyse the maintenance problems with an open mind and to formulate new instruments on how our historical heritage shoul be treated in each context. The maintenance action may be intend as a simultaneously scientific and technical discipline whose main objective is to ensure that society can enjoy the benefits of the conservation of monuments and sites. In relation to the agents, it’s important to lay stress on the indispensable professional and interdisciplinary nature of the studies and works; the fundamental role of the protection authority and the active role of the research laboratories and universities to spread the practic results of the care action.

KEY- WORDS: Maintenance, studies, works, instruments, benefits.


E. Carpani

"La ‘manutenzione produttiva’ dalle macchine alle machines à habiter."

During the last decades, studies about building maintenance have been taking machine management as a starting point. In this field, many themes can be used as interesting consideration applied to the lecorbusieran machines a habiter: rnaintenance as a not only technic, but economic and organizing fact; the identification of the critic components of the machine-building the preventive maintenance planning due to the necessity of converting the breakdown real politics to prevention politics; the maintenance system monitoring.

In the mechanical field, the theoretical .and methodological elaboration about maintenance management is much more advanced than in the building sector. In these last years firms have becoming aware of the importance of maintenance for the competitivity of production system concept of ’productive maintenance’ has matured: maintenance activity is considered as investment and not as a cost. It’s a great change in mind which aims at a continuous improven the integration of maintenance responsability inside the productive process, the ’self-maintenance. This theoretical migration between different disciplines (machinery and buildings maintenance presentes some values and some lacks which this essay tries to examine.

Key-words: maintainability, maintenance engineering, machinery and building maintenance.


A. Becchi

"Persuadere la necessità: erudizione, costruzione, manutenzione."

The shattering of the meaning related to the word "maintenance" is a direct consequence of its overuse resulting from the enforcement of law no. 457/1978. The present paper aims to point out the repercussions felt in the field of structural interventions applied to historical buildings; with reference to these interventions it has always been difficult to indicate the adequate strategies of ordinary maintenance being able to avoid or, at least, to limit the extraordinary maintenance and the static restauration. On this subject we have considered the indications developed during the years by two famous scholars recently passed away, that is to say E. Benvenuto and A. Giuffrè. Their research concerning the problems deriving from a correct approach to historical architecture, not only from a theoretical point of view, but also with reference to the practical and urgent measures to be taken, is outlined in connection with this meeting’s topics.

Keywords: History of Construction, Art and Science of Buildings, Repair and Maintenance.


C. Mele

"Manutenzione e restauro: alcune riflessioni sull’evoluzione storica di questi concetti e sul ruolo dei modi costruttivi al fine del mantenimento in efficenza del manufatto edilizio."

In ancient times, Maintenance (from Latin manutenere, to conserve, to defend) operations were performed constantly so to maintain the functionality of the architectural object. Epigraphs discovered in Panhellenic temples are evidence of the continous maintenance activities performed by special operators assigned to the buildings periodical management.

Plinius The Old in his Naturalis Historia gathers complex prescriptions to create different protecting pigments (some of them made up by mortar and organic binders as casein were recently detected onto the sacrifice surfaces of ancient monuments).

Then, if in the ancient world the concept of maintenance was well known and performed, the modern concept of Restoration was unknown. In fact, the historical perspective according to which the ancient monument is perceived as evidence of the past and valued according to aesthetic canons was born during the Humanism and accomplished in the Renaissance. Besides, in the Renaissance the maintenance concept became clearer and was defined in a more modern approach as shown in the numerous works and essays of Architecture written during that time.

Today, amid the complex debate on Conservation, Maintenance and Restoration seem to represent opposite poles which are nevertheless complementary. Aside the "historical" issues, during the last years, there have appeared also issues deriving from the need of conservation and maintenance of the products of the Modern Movement, which only partially coincide with those of the historical building.

In this sense, the role of the constructive patterns and in particular the role of the details (whose use has been deeply mediated by the architectural culture of the time) in the restoration plan can take on a strong value that is not only aesthetical and of composition but especially functional and of maintenance.

KEY WORDS Maintenance, Restoration, Conservation, Protecting Pigmente Contructive Methods, Architectural Details


E. Filippi, E. Garda, M. Gomez Serito

"Manutenzione e modi costruttivi: come cambia il concetto di manutenzione dalla sua implicita applicazione alla sua moderna codificazione."

This research intends to investigate the historical evolution of the concept of maintenance, with special regard to the fracture – both on the ideologic and practical sides – brought forward by the Modern Movement, and previously anticipated by changes in the building modes dating the late nineteenth century. In fact, whereas in the past – thanks to the "good rule of the art" and to the use of well known materials tested by experience – there was a continuity between old and new architecture, the innovation introduced by the Modern Movement made the new architecture break with the tradition, in a polemical and even contradictory sense.

This involved – at a theoric level – a "dematerialization" of architecture ’itself with inevitable consequences on durability. After briefly examining some exemplary cases of maintenance ’effected on "traditional technology" buildings, this essay analizes the ’consequences as far as durability and maintenance are concerned, of the introduction of some "new materials" typical of "modern architecture, with particular reference to .the interactions between alteration and ’maintenance.

Key-Words: Manutenzione, architettura, tradizione, Movimento Moderno, tecnologie, materiali lapidei.

Maintenance, architecture, tradition, Modern Movement, technologies, stone materials.


T. Mannoni, A. Boato

"Ripensare al degrado per una vera manutenzione: agenti, azioni e cause."

In previous times "ordinaria manutenzione" (i.e. routine maintenance) was meaning a timely action in order to eliminate exceptional causes of deterioration. <Manutenzione straordinaria> (i.e. replacement) was meaning the remaking of surfaces or other parts of a building, which were completely worn out as a consequence of usual decay. Causes of deterioration consist of the overall interaction between different decays produced by natural or human activities. They always exist, because no building material is capable to indefinitely resist to weather or human action. Nevertheless when a decay effect is small and the decay action is slow, it is possible to speak about a <quasi-balance> state. For calculating a quasi-balance diagram, it is necessary to know both the original and the present state of materials, as well as how long they were in use. However, it would be profitable to know something about the intermediate states. In conclusion, every decay is part of the history of the building and the knowledge of this history is the only way ,to decide about a correct maintenance strategy.

"Ordinaria manutenzione" voleva dire: intervento tempestivo per eliminare una causa straordinaria di degrado, e ripristinare il quasi-equilibrio preesistente. "Manutenzione straordinaria" voleva dire: rifare una superficie, od altra parte, giunta all'esaurimento in un quasi-equilibrio con ordinarie cause di degrado. Le cause sono la somma, o l'interazione, tra piu azioni di degrado prodotte da uno o piu agenti naturali od antropici. Meno di quanto si creda, esse sono costituite da un’unica azione. Le cause di degrado esistono ovunque sempre, perche nessun materiale da costruzione, naturale od artificiale, è in grado di resistere indefinitamente nell'ambiente atmosferico usato dall uomo. Quando però il danno sia di piccola entità, rispetto alla quantità di materiale esposto, e soprattutto il suo procedere sia lineare nel tempo, si può parlare di quasi-equilibrio. Per conoscere e calcolare il diagramma di un quasi-equilibrio è necessario conoscere le possibili condizioni originali del materiale, lo stato attuale, ed il tempo trascorso. Meglio sarebbe se si conoscesse anche lo stato di qualche stadio intermedio. Qualsiasi degrado, cioè, fa parte delle storia fisica, ovvero dell’archeologia, dell’edificio, e soltanto in questo modo si può sapere quando e quale manutenzione veramente serva.

Key-words: maintenance, decay, diagnosis, materials, building archaeology


D. Bosia

"Ritrovare la manutenzione."

Starting with some observations on the concept and the many definitions of Maintenance Works - some even of value in law - this contribution means to examine the aspects of the above mentioned matter which were already mentioned in older but still extremely up to date treatises and manuals. The subject of Maintenance certainly has a distant origin and it is and an undeniable fact that it developed - at times in quite a complex manner - in order to get to the actual definition of Programmed Maintenance, taking into account all the sometimes sophisticated but necessary instruments and techniques. However, with regards to the already completed buildings, it is possible to learn a lot from manuals printed many years ago. Far from being a rare occurrence in those manuals printed many years ago (especially those written in the 19th century) it was quite a common habit of reporting more or less detailed indications on the techniques and the Maintenance procedures for all materials, building techniques or the there described buildings: compulsory periodical inspections, most appropriate intervention techniques and sometimes costs. The concept of periodical Maintenance (today best known as "programmed") was after all already present in the 16th/17th century "Art of Building" (Arte del Costruire): the Maintenance of buildings in the learned and in the popular architecture was a traditional profession for many families.

KEY-WORDS: Maintenance Works, Definitions, Historical Treatises, Building Manuals.


S. Della Torre

"‘Manutenzione’ o ‘conservazione’? la sfida del passaggio dall’equilibrio al divenire."

The term maintenance usually implies frequent works inteded to leave objects unchanged, i.e. works which need no real project. Such an idea from the conception of the world in a state of equilibrium, that is, restorations lead buildings to a state of immutable balance. The latest epistemology, however, points, to a world of development, to metaphors of co-evolution, and an ethic of diversity. in this world, the role of the project and its methods is changing, so that the pratices of maintenance are to be linked to critical evaluations.

key-words: conservation, maintenance, diversity, care, project.


V. Di Battista

"La gestione del costruito: dal recupero diffuso alla manutenzione preventiva."

In Italy, building rehabilitation activities are constantly increasing, and this trend is very likely .to continue: in widespread local rehabilitation activities, in urban refurbishing, in maintenance activities (all these sectors have different characteristics).

In this context, important structural changes are occurring in the building sector. This paper outlines a few of them, such as the characteristic features of maintenance, the definition of ’technical terms in technical rules, the many unsolved problems between "maintenance" and "rehabilitation"; it also brings forth a few suggestions: integrated assessment methods, an organization "step by step" of the analytical phase, a clear distinction between "conservation maintenance" for the cultural heritage and "plain maintenance" for the stock submitted to marketplace laws, where economic and functional factors prevail.

KEY-WORDS Building sector, Maintenance, Conservation Maintenance


M. Corradi

"Il progetto di consolidamento delle strutture tra manutenzione e restauro"

The aim of this report is to think over the rationale backing up the static reinforcement process in view of maintenance works. Generally, although this kind of maintenance is made to small parts of the construction's frame, they remarkably weigh upon the history continuity, functional and building process of the construction itself. This is one of the reasons – the other ones will be better expounded below – why poor maintenance works extended over a rather long period of time may generate more damages than the same operations well organized and carried out over a well defined period of time do.

key-words Restoration, structural rehabilitation, maintenance.


G.P. Treccani

"Manutenzione come cura del costruito."

Beginning from the care concept in the medic qpproach, this text suggests a remark about the maintenance. The Hippocratic tradition defines this as an ensemble of procedures aiming at improve living standards through sanitary; hygienic and alimentary effective rules not separate from the more general attitude of the physician to heal diseases, also the healing process is linked to the general care about the whole person. By the earlier ’800 the care loses this meaning and becomes. simply hygiene or preventive medicine, and the effectiveness of the cure becomes the main figure of the modern medicine and synonymous of disease treating. The spread of the two care concepts produces the distinction from the restoration to the maintenance, the first interpreted as a disease treating and the second banished to a kind of niche between the hygiene and the preventive medicine. By this way the author wants to transmit the recovering of the Hippocratic tradition in the restoration world. Exalting the manufact care as a metaphore, for which is necessary try to merge the processes referred not only to the project. but also to the maintenance and the reuse.

key-words: maintenance, building, disease, care, cure


E. Carpani

"Le riparature solite o momentanee ed i lavori grandi. La manutenzione dei fabbricati militari nella Bergamo preunitaria."

this work shows some ’planned maintenance’ experiences, as one would say nowadays, of public buildings in Bergamo in the middle of the XIXth century. An efficient public administration, as it seems to all appearances, guaranteed an effective and simple management system of revenue and especially military buildings. The distinctive features of this management system are described in their general aspects: involved people, documentation and way of carrying into effect the building contract. Theoretical and practical problems connected with the effective maintenance custom are examined into details. Through the analysis of some protocolli di licitazione, the relationships between the Intendenza delle caserme and some specific professional figures (mason, carpenter, smith, glazier, painter, tinker, stone-cutter) are studied. Then some specific and exemplary maintenance contracts are presented: floors, walls surfaces, roofs. Some general reflections about maintenance, as an indispensable tool for the architectural heritage safeguard are-gathered from the specific cases which are here presented.

key-words:." building maintenance, Bergamo (XIX century), historical maintenance yard, maintenance management.


S. Lanza

"Uno spunto di riflessione per una cultura della manutenzione: il processo di manutenzione delle strade a Genova tra il XVIII e il XIX secolo."

The present research was carried out through a critical examination of more than two hundred historical documents found in the Archives of the City of Genova and concerning the activity of the old "Magistratura dei Padri del Comune".

The study demonstrates that a specific culture af maintenance was present in every subject of the maintenance process in the "ancient regime", both as individual citizens and the public administration.

The aim of this work is to contribute to the spreading of such a "culture" as a real education process that must involve all interested operators.

The ultimate objective is to support a "culture of maintenance" based on the principle of routine maintenance as an ordinary practice so as to overcome the concept of acting a posteriori, still too often adopted.

Key-word: maintenance - road maintenance - routine maintenance - planned maintenance - care - paved roads - ancient régime - culture.


L. Guidolin

"La fabbrica del Duomo di Milano nel secondo decennio dell’ottocento o "delle riparazioni istantanee che puonno essere evitate colla diligente cura delle ordinarie": la vis polemica di Pietro Pestagalli contro la perizia di Carlo Amati e le superiori istanze governative."

This contribution accepts the invitation of the first circular of the 15th assembly of Bressanone to "understand study in depth and keep in mind" the experience of the Vestry-boards on the works of ordinary. and extra-ordinary maintenance. Pietro Pestagalli, who was then elected as architect of the building structure of the Duomo di Milano on 20th May 1813, in substitution of professor Carlo Amati made himself a convinced supporter of "a maintenance as an act to put in order", - always with reference to the above mentioned circular. In his reports he insists, - always in controversy with the expert opinion of his predecessor, and with the ministerial dispatches with gave privilege to the urgent works over the necessity of annual maintenance, - "whose censurable neglect in past years has resulted in most expensive extra-ordinary restorations very much in excess of the budgets, and so high as not to be compensated by the sums saved on ordinary maintenance". Pestagalli’s opinion guarantees the report of 30th March 1813 issued by Giuseppe Zanoja, professor and secretary of the Royal Academy of Arts of Milan, and honorary architect of the above mentioned ’Building structure that the Duomo has been ill "in very parts (...) for years, and from the inclement weather, "but different is the damage produced in the antiquity of the Building, and different again that caused by the neglect from which the work suffered in time past".

Key-Word: Ordinary and extraordinary repairs, annual maintenance, conservation, Building structure of the Duomo di Milano.


A.M. Oteri

"Tra riparo e ristauro: la manutenzione dei siti archeologici della sicilia orientale a cavallo tra ‘800 e ‘900."

This study concern practice of maintenance in sicilian acheological sites, with the particular attention to eastern part of Sicily between the end of last century and the first twenty years of 20th century. By examining two pratical events, such as the restorations of Taormina's theatre and Syracuse's anfitheatre, it tries to specify the meaning of maintenance in a period where theoretical matters about conservation are not clearly defined yet. Besides the study tries to explain, how in this period conservation in influenced by changes in the organisation of the preservation of ancient monuments. At the same time, we would like to point out that is not supposedly modified by the introduction of new technologies.

Key-words: Archeological sites, Sicily, maintenance, mending, Cavallari, Orsi.


S. Longhi

"La cultura della manutenzione nella prassi e nei contratti per la conservazione delle fontane a Bergamo tra età veneta e unità."

In the subject of public waters, because of the necessity to assure constantly functionality to fountains and aqueducts, the experience of maintenance grew naturally.

In the case of Bergamo, during the venetian period, conservation of waters pertained to the "Vicinia", a ward institution born in the Middle Ages, and to the "fontanaro", a technician that, with .time, became a professionist specifically employed in protection and reparation of fountains.

This well rooted culture, in the napoleonic new organization of public structure evolved in a proper "programmed maintenance", ratified by Provincial Delegation in the General Contract of Public works of 19 November 1822, that charged to the contractors the nine-years maintenance of new buildings.

This kind of contracts declined in the second half of XIX century, for the diffusion of new building materials (concrete, iron, etc.), generally considered eternal.

Key-words: Bergamo, Department Engineers, fountains, maintenance contracts


P. Piantanida, V. Borasi

"Conseguenze del tipo di committenza sulla qualità della manutenzione, come guida e controllo per la conservazione dei monumenti: il caso del complesso di S. Gaudenzio a Novara."

The question of maintenance in ancient buildings can’t be faced without considering the close relationship , between the kind of customers who is committing maintenance and the people "using" and enjoying the monument, especially in the case of old architectures: to this relationship is due the main part of efficiency and of durability in any intervention of maintenance. The case of the St. Gaudenzio Basilica in Novara (Italy) is a big example of this relationship: the main part of this monument has been built in the XVI and XVII centuries and it has been maintained till now by the "Fabbrica Lapidea della Basilica di San Gaudenzio". The question is the structure of this "Fabbrica": till the last part of XVIII century it was o private corporation, with its own budget and its own incomes, that proceeds autonomously in maintenance and in improving the cathedral with the general agreement of the holders, the Canons of st. Gaudenzio. In the last part of the XIX century, the "Fabbrica" becomes a public agency, still with its own budget but from now on without any autonomous in-come: till today the incomes are granted by the Municipality of Novara, that practically is able to condition the king of maintenance and its size by working on the income amount. From that little change is derived a lot of problems for the monument conservation, sometimes because of too slow management and sometimes because of incongruous provision.

Key-words: maintenance history, kind of customer and maintenance quality, monument conservation, St: Gaudenzio basilica (Novara, Italy).


S. Pesenti

"L’evoluzione storica del concetto di manutenzione. L’esperienza fiorentina negli interventi del secondo ottocento."

The actual meaning of the therm ’buildings maintenance’ must be connected with the evolution of the conservation concept, which informs the whole restoration planning experience from the beginnig of his disciplinary matters in the XIX century. We can say that until today the conservation or maintenance work of ancient buildings was considered like a work 'without quality' (instead of restoration work, which includes an historical or artistic critical rendering). So, governement institutions and town administrations which have in charge anciet buildings survey and conservation, did'nt make a projectual planning of this type of works, but only a financial management of economic resources assigned for this purpose. Florentine in late XIX century experience shows this approach to monuments, related to different quality and size of works, but also in connection with artistic and historic value ascribed to different buildings. a

Key-words: maintenance planning tecnique, florentine buildings maintenance, second half of XIX century, restoration lexicon.


G. Brino, D. Bousquet

"I lavori di manutenzione ordinaria e straordinaria eseguiti nella villa medici a Roma, dal 1802 al 1968."


In 1988 the French Ministry of Culture commissioned a systematic research project into the archives, and the set-up of a Data bank of the maintenance works at Villa Medici during the period 1802 and 1968. The data bank was finalized to the rational management of the. maintenance work for a property of this type, unique in the world. The model adopted for the data bank and described in this paper represented a continuation of similar work already carried in setting up data banks for the city colours of Turin and Marseilles and for the painted façades in the regions of Piedmont and Liguria it also availed itself of personal experience gained trough the restoration work of the masonry structures of historic buildings and in professional training work within the field of restoring painted façades. In order to verify the correct methodology of the project, the work has also included the experimental cleaning work on the main façade facing towards the garden,. including ancient bas-reliefs of great archaeological value, and the integral restoration of two shrines/fountains in the garden.

Key-words: Villa Medici, Rome - Maintenance Data bank - Maintenance Mamagement - Maintenance History


Boato, A. Decri

"Porte e finestre, trasformazione e manutenzione."

Doors and windows are very manipulated manufactures. They are chaged both by technical and other facts. But not the whole manufacture is changed, more often some small parts are changed, or something is put on it, so that we can see many steps of history on itself.

This paper analyse how doors and windows have changed and what kind of maintenance has been made on them.


F. Brigandì, M. Corradi

"Tecniche di consolidamento tradizionali per la manutenzione del costruito storico."

The new valuation of old building masteries based on experience and experimentation of ’doing’ reinforcement rather than on the scientific knowledge and technique of specific analysis and calculation methods becomes crucial when we deal with building maintenance which encompasses complex and so different operations. This is the reason why this brief report will expound traditional building techniques and methods, and static reinforcement systems. The aim is to resume that history continuity that, especially in the last few years, has slowly been dying out because of the directions taken up by research more and more oriented towards developing innovative techniques that often have no connection with historical architecture. The polytechnic nature of the reinforcement project can be so complied with and realized if the ’functionalist’ aspect of the structure is overcome. This way, the structure will play the right role, the one . belonging to it, in the building. This will mean overcoming the dichotomy of technical culture and humanistic culture, and making reinforcement works, and especially maintenance works, the means to give material and static dignity to the original structures and not just a way to preserve the material image.

Key- words: Reinforcement project, static reinforcement systems, maintenance



"Cultura della costruzione e cultura della manutenzione nel passato di Genova."

Molti fattori condizionano -i criteri, i tempi, le tecniche di conservaziane degli edifici e da sempre la manutenzione è indispensabile alla sopravvivenza dei manufatti in genere e di quelli edilizi in particolare. Il titolo del convegno allude espressamente alla opportunità di una ri-lettura, di una ri-visitazione e di una riflessione sui molteplici significati connaturati all’idea di manutenzione (manutenzione come intervento programmato, mahutenzione come intervento a guasto avvenuto, manutenzione e progettazione del nuovo, ecc.) anche attraverso l’analisi di alcune vicende manutentive nelle società preindustriali. Tale studio, a metà tra analisi storica dei significati attribuiti al concetto di manutenzione e valutazione indiretta delle forme manutentive poste in opera nella città di Genova tra Seicento e Settecento, può in effetti contribuire a chiarire e a promuovere una rinnovata consapevolezza dei problemi da affrontare oggi.

key-words: Building, upkeep, routine maintenance, document sources.


P. Bianchini, F. Fratini, C. Manganelli del Fà, E. Pecchioni, R. Sartori

"Sette secoli di manutenzione programmata per la conservazione dei paramenti lapidei della Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore in Firenze."

Reflecting upon the monuments maintenance, we should recall that this operation can be carried out with the substitution of the alterated portions. For some monuments there are circumstances that testifie the planning of substitutions since the beginning of the construction. As a matter of fact the historical documents owned by <Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore> which supervises the maintenance of the Cathedral, point out that in the original : building technical tricks were taken that assumed following substitutions. These planned substitutions allowed to preserve the original structure until now in spite to what happened :in other constructions where the maintenance caused also important rebuildings.

Nevertheless in recent time substitutions have been performed that emphasize some incongruities in the selection of the stone materials. These problems could have been - avoided with the help of the present knowledge on the composition and behaviour to alteration of the stone materials.

Key Words: maintenance, substitution, stone, decay


M. Manzelle

"Tempi e soggetti del progetto."

La manutenzione come conservazione materiale dell'opera, come mantenimento di capacità di prestazione funzionale, come perpetuazione della memoria dell'opera.

Il progetto non può porsi come "grado 0" nella vita delle opere, ma deve essere compreso in un'accezione processuale degli interventi.

In questo contesto è necessario rivisitare alcuni fondamenti del progetto: innanzitutto il tempo che gli si attribuisce e i soggetti che vengono identificati come gli attori, e conseguentemente anche le caratteristiche strutturali del progetto.

Si propone un progetto che assuma la manutenibilità dell'opera a proprio fondamento, strutturandosi come un "progetto normativo" in grado di indirizzare le modalità per procedere a successivi interventi.

parole chiave: manutenzione, manutenibilità, processualità, cura.


"La libreria del Sansovino a Venezia: studi sulle passate opere di manutenzione del paramento lapideo per l’attuale intervento di restauro"

I contributi presentati fanno parte di una ricerca condotta secondo la logica di uno studio interdisciplinare in cui i diversi contributi dialogano e si confrontano con continuità. Il percorso di ricerca, che aveva comunque lo scopo di approfondire le conoscenze delle superfici lapidee della Libreria del Sansovino a Venezia, si è sviluppato attraverso il confronto di diverse "fonti": dal dato storico e d'archivio, all'osservazione visiva del dato materiale all'indagine analitica. In Questa fase di studio, tuttora in atto, il tema centrale nell'ambito della conoscenza, è stato quello di individuare e caratterizzare interventi di manutenzione ancora presenti sul paramento lapideo. La ricerca si sviluppa in tre parti.


A.D. Basso

"La libreria Sansoviniana: studi sulla conoscenza e la conservazione del Paramento lapideo."

Le note che seguono sono il frutto di una prima fase di studi, indagini, riflessioni, opere di manutenzione e restauro che hanno interessato il paramento lapideo esterno della Libreria Sansoviniana in questi ultimi anni. Sono stati eseguiti numerosi campioni e analisi dei caratteri visibili delle superfici lapidee esterne focalizzando l'interesse soprattutto nella zona d'angolo verso il campanile. Il paramento lapideo in pietra d'istria presenta non pochi problemi conservativi. Nel corso degli ultimi anni sono state restaurate le sculture poste alla sommità e la balaustra. Negli anni 1997/98 si sono realizzati lavori di pronto intervento atti a porre in sicurezza le parti pericolanti del monumento. A partire da quest'anno verranno realizzate prove di pulitura allo scopo di definire il - o i - sistemi più idonei a realizzare il restauro.


A. Quendolo

"Studi sul paramento lapideo della libreria del Sansovino per la conoscenza degli interventi di manutenzione."

The study of the maintenance interventions realized on the stone surfaces of the Sansovinos' Library is articulated in three steps: the survey of the different conditions of deposit on the stone surface; the singling out of the processes of duilding transformation occured in the time: the study of the documents of archives. The aim is to verify if the different conditions of deposit observed correspond or their alteration. Beside this, if it is possible to recognise homogeneous maintenance and restoration interventions according to the different periods, to put them in relation with the eventual treatments effected.

Key-word: manuntenzione, patinature.


G. Biscontin, E. Zendri, M. Pellizon Birelli

"Indagini chimiche per l’individuazione e caratterizzazione degli interventi di manutenzione."

Vengono descritti ed analizzati i diversi strati individuati attraverso l'analisi visiva del manufatto, per accertare e caratterizzare gli interventi di manutenzione effettutati in passato e precedentemente descritti. I risultati ottenuti indicano l'effettiva cura della superficie lapidea, attuata con prodotti diversi in relazione all'epoca d'intervento.


R. Maspoli

"Il ruolo del sistema informativo per pianificare la manutenzione del patrimonio architettonico storico."

A careful look at the specific techniques for preservation conditions diagnosis has grown within the disciplinary of preservation and restoration.

Operational attention has come about after an observation of the material knowledge and an increase preservation objects since they are of testimonial value.

The current problem is to outline instruments and methods which allow public and private organizations to effectively plan and carry out maintenance of the historic property over time. To be precise: to activater a management procedure which is effective and scientifically based in relation to the budgeted resources and the functional ruole of the property.

Attention was directed to a information system able to collect and process different kinds of data and structures depending on technical regulation and procedural models. This was done in order to respond to the needs of maintenance management tied to the operational planning and organisation of the maintenance operations, and to respond to the need of estate management relating to the identification, registration and administrative management of the property.

Key-words: Historic property, maintenance, maintenance management, planning


S. Calò, G. Cavagnini, G.L. Liva

"‘Cartella clinica’: un sistema informativo per progettare la manutenzione del costruito."

The informative system "cartella clinica" is an open and adaptable software, not rigidly fixed, which consents to project the maintenance interventions. It is a filing and collecting system of information’s, able to acquire and order the data, and to interact with the data processed with other programs (Word, Excel, Paint Shop Pro, Corel DraW, ect.)

Key-words: Restoration-preservation-software-cartella clinica.


P. Gasparoli

"Il controllo di qualità negli interventi esecutivi di manutenzione delle superfici."

The paper deals with the control of interventions on the surface of buildings, related to Quality Systems requirements, as they are defined by UNI-EN ISO 9000 set of rules. The control process, both in the design phase and in the implementation phase, and the management of non- conformities, are mainly carried out by self-control routines by each phase operators and are mainly based upon on-site visual surveys. Inspections are planned according to Quality Control Plans, whose effectiveness is discussed here.

A well structured control system is expected to reduce errors in the design phase and defects in the execution phase.

Key-words: building surfaces, control procedures, maintenance, quality procedures.


G. Petrini, P. Giovannini, A. Moncini

"Istruzioni, prescrizioni d’arte, norme e capitolati speciali per la manutenzione tradizionale dei lastrici fiorentini (1781-1913)."

At the end of the XIII century both the roads and the squares in Florence were already paved. A few centuries later most of them were stone flagged, thanks to the large number of sandstone caves set around the city. The use of the Pietraforte and Pietra Serena paving slabs, reached its maximum employment at the end of the last century, during the town center renewal works as well as the urban structure widening works. At the same time also the periodical working maintenance urban paving’s began. This paper investigates the peculiar documents concerning the maintenance of Florence’s pavings (1781-1913). These documents, most of which unpublisched, are kept in the Biblioteca comunale and in the Archivio Storico del Comune di Firenze. From this research it resoults that there was a very articulated display of peculiar norms, rules and art prescriptions which were continually brought up-to-date. All of them ruled the complex system both of the empirical knowledge’s and of the technical-executive experiences. The aim of this study is to provide a contribution for the preservation and maintenance of the ancient flags which still characterise the historical center of Florence.

Key words: Maintenance – Flags – Norms – Florence


X. Casanovas Boixereu, R. Graus Rovira

"El mantenimiento en España. Nuevas herramientas de implantación."

At Spain, while housing rehabilitation (several big actions done in order to updating edificated buildings) was introduced in the 80’s, maintenance has taken the relay from rehabilitation during the 90’s (regular little surveys to care buildings).

This shift in piblic mentality and the recuperation of maintenance culture is due to several reasons, such us European dynamics and repeated accidents caused by lack of building conservation.

For this reason, that situation has required taking political, economical, legal and technical decisions to promote and make housing maintenance easier, in order to improve the state of buildings.

Key-words: Maintenance, Spain, conservation, housing, survey, high Alumina cement, check-list


P. Beccalli, F. Bonacci, M. Boriani, M.C. Giambruno

"Strategie operative per la manutenzione programmata: il caso del villaggio giardino Andrea del Sarto a Milano."

The principal project objective for the upkeep of Andrea Del Sarto town, realised in Milan at the beginning the XX Century, was to plan an active tutorship, by promoving a systemic and conservative upkeep, in a building context -homogeneous from the architectural and material point of view and not subordinated to any tutorship condition or rea1 estate.

Fundamental instrument of the project for the programmed upkeep is the procedural and demanding normative law. ’The normative law is supported by an Archive of the Urban Division, that is to say, a database which includes a technical register of the buildings, destined to co-ordinate and maintain the information useful for the planning and program of diagnostical controls and services. The computerised urban division archive is organized in the form of an electronic hypertex.

Furthermore, some fundamental electronic supports has been foreseen:

    1. Guide-book for the analysis of the decay and the intervention of conservation of the town’s historic building palimpsest, available under payment for experts and designers.
    2. Guide-book for the conservation of the town, distributed for free to the inhabitants; in it, historical, architectonic and ambiental values of the place are illustrated, as well as the reasons of its conservative tutorship.

Key-words: Programmed upkeep, procedural normative law, urban division archive, technical guide-book to the intervention.


M. Nicolella

"Il libretto di manutenzione degli edifici quale strumento di gestione e salvaguardia del patrimonio immobiliare."

Programmed maintenance has her executive tool in the maintenance handbook, re-proposed and actualised by law tendencies and chronicle events.

The proposed survey analyses contents and purposes of the maintenance handbook, in consequence of tests carried out in University of Naples, Department of Building Engineering (D.IN.E.)

Key-words: maintenance – maintenance handbook – managing – planning – life cycle cost.


G. Franco

"La manutenzione dell’involucro nelle architetture del movimento moderno: problemi tecnici e metodologici."

Analogamente a quanto è già avvenuto in campo industriale, il settore edilizio si sta oggi aprendo al tema della manutenzione programmata, ritenuta a ragione più vantaggiosa, anche in termini economici, rispetto alle riparazioni "a guasto avvenuto". Questa tipologia manutentiva si basa su una costante pratica di analisi, monitoraggio, diagnosi, archiviazione dei dati; tali operazioni sono preliminari alla scelta delle forme, dei modi e dei tempi degli interventi.

Sembra dunque che, soprattutto sulle operazioni architettoniche realizzate con materiali e tecniche costruttive "moderne", la manutenzione sia un problema eminentemente tecnico. In realtà recenti operazioni condotte su manufatti moderni sono testimonianza di innumerevoli problemi di natura diversa, più largamente legati al tema della conservazione e del restauro. Il forte stato di degrado in cui tali edifici versano, insieme a difetti tecnologici spesso insiti nel progetto, inducono a pensare alla manutenzione come parte di un progetto più complessivo, da porre in opera anche a "restauro" appena concluso.


L. Scazzosi

"Appunti su recenti strumenti di manutenzione e gestione del paesaggio."

Landscape, as historical artefact, is now object of a large interest in Europe and in Italy. National and International experiences for the landscape preservation produced interesting solutions to project and planning ordinary maintenance and future evolution control, particularly "maintenance projects" and "management plans". This experience is important also for buildings and other historical constructions, because there are a lot of similar problems with landscape preservation.

Key-words: landscape, preservation, conservation, maintenance, management plan, planning.


M.R. Pinto

"Il rispetto delle preesistenze: programma di manutenzione per gli edifici residenziali pubblici del borgo medievale di Varano."

The preservation of built environment: program for the maintenance of the public residential building the medieval town of Vairano

The residential pre-industrial buildings require efficacious and efficient codes for the maintenance. is to mediate between the requests of the inhabitans and the ties of the conservation. A program for maintening may provide recommendations for managing the interventions, in order to control the quality of the technical, economic and administrative results. The goal of the study was to illustrate a program for the maintenance applied to the buildings in the medieval town of the Vairano (Italy). This for identifying the rules that have to be complied in the maintenance of the buildings. In fact, guidelines in the inspecting activities for the diagnosis of the degradation are individualized. Furthermore, the intervention for the maintenance is associated to the technical instructions, the skill of the workman, the time and the cost,

Key-words: maintenance, pre-industrial building, inspecting activities, intervention


M. Boriani, F. Renoldi, M.C. Brembilla, E. Cassia

"Un manuale di procedura per normare la qualità minima degli interventi di manutenzione sull’edilizia storica diffusa."

Preservation of Italian architectural heritage is threatened by a great number of maintenance works of doubtful quality. The uncontrolled and irresponsible use of incongruous materials and surface finishing, the usage of invading treatments risk to change the aspect and, most of all, the material consistence of the historical buildings irremediably. In absence of specific laws which rule the works on existing buildings, "maintenance" is often misunderstood as "tampering".

Professor Maurizio Boriani of the Architectural Faculty of Milan Polytechnic, with three assistants, proposes a Procedure-Handbook to rule the minimum quality of maintenance projects on the widespread historical buildings addressed to local authorities and planners. This methodological and operative handbook, tested on some historical man-made landscape fabrics, gives instructions and operative criteria to draw up new instruments, called "Guide ’to Maintenance of Historical Buildings ". This Handbook aims at filling in the Guide in three phases, regarding the documentary historical research, the inquiries and surveys, the rules for interventions. It promotes the idea of maintenance as result of a deep process of knowledge, founded on the respect of the peculiarities of historical buildings, finding a balance between modern necessities of living and the need of historical building finding a balance between modern necessities of living and the need of preserving memories of the past.

Key-words: conservation, preservation, maintenance, handbook, guide, architectural-heritage, historical-buildings.


A.M. Navone, S. Sganzerla

"Necessità e difficoltà della manutenzione. Gli edifici tutelati destinati al culto."

Is it possible in our country to have a politics of a correct standard maintenance planning about protected buildings’?

Long periods to acquire the necessary authorisations, doubts about the skills of the involved institutions in charge of the protected buildings, but unprepared to operate correctly, loss of that constant care once assured by skilled artisans, all these are factors that increase abuses and interfere with the need to assure a long-lasting conservation of the buildings.

Until about fifty years ago a scheduled maintenance; sometimes under an accurate direction, was assured. Today, instead, the procedure is characterised by global projects that don’t take in the right consideration the necessity of continual maintenance and which sometimes create new conservation problems.

How to get over this system? How to install standard maintenance programmes that can be put into operation quickly, planned and realised by skilled workers and consequently really effective? Who should give the right criteria?

Key-words: Maintenance planning, ecclesiastical buildings, Carlo Borromeo, Milano, laws.


M. Jadicicco Spignese, L. Jurina

"La manutenzione come programmazione della conoscenza."

Maintenance criteria have to influence the conservation design. A simple but complete model of the structure has to be formulated in order to make good maintenance choises. The model has to include not only mechanical parameters but also time. The necessity of consolidation has to be strictly proved, through a scientific approach. Some practical cases are illustrated in which maintenance has the role of a programmed increase of knowledge of the structure.

Key-words: Maintenance, programming, preservation, knowledge, model, identification


I. Arce

"The management plan as a framework for the preservation/maintenance of sites and cultural resources."

A review of topics about preventive maintenance, that everybody would assume as already known and obvious, but that are seldom put in practice. Special stress is given to the Management Plan as the logical framework for the maintenance of cultural heritage.

Key-words: Archaeological sites, Cultural resources, Cultural tourism, Maintenance, Management Plan, Sustainability.


V. Borasi

"Per progettare in termini amministrativamente corretti la manutenzione edilizia, oggi persino le direttive CEE ci impongono di prestare attenzione a un numero più alto di rischi rispetto al passato perchè tutti i materiali sono cambiati e il suo prezzo è aumentato."

Ordinary maintenance was very cheap (@ 1%) and has never been part of ancient buildings management, up to less than one century ago, when technical plants grew more and more indispensable and when new materials radically changed the durability and reliability performances. Along with the contemporary affirmation of an antiquary aesthetic culture, it has been necessary to extend the industrial principles of plant maintenance even to buildings. As such principles concern only safety hazards and production efficiency, a theory concerning monuments conservation is developing, at different normative levels, both national and European, in order to extend the list of exigencies of manifold building users. In particular, such theory refers to the competence of all sciences considering the risk of leaving to the future generations an architectonic and urban heritage which does not represent our culture.

Key-Words: Durability, performance, building sciences, new and ancient building materials, maintenance, management, EEC directives, EEC essential requirements.


V. Borasi, M. Aiello, M. Rella

"Le novità nei rischi attuali di perdere per sempre i beni storici autentici, hanno mutato prezzi e mentalità perché anche la programmazione della manutenzione edilizia sia sempre ottimizzata su standard industriali europei."

The concept of building maintenance is relatively recent. Therefore, the maintenance principles must find inspiration on economical reasons rather than on the historical building tradition.

A simila point of view involves the use of statistical sciences, particularly risk analysis in order to optimise the management of resources.

It is thus necessary to point out the main exigencies that have to be achieved through maintenance, according to National and European rules. It is also necessary to evaluate accurately the global cost of the intervention, in order to decide the effective opportunity and value of certain maintenance intervention.

Key-Words: Durability, performance, risk analysis, global cost, EEC directives, maintenance.


M. Baccaro, L. Giorgi, P. Mauro, S. Vannucci

"Il pavimento del duomo di Siena. Valutazione critica dei danni provocati dall’attuale sistema di protezione."

This paper reports a study of the flooring of the Cathedral of Siena (Italy). This is a unique work of great beauty, consisting of innumerable marble decorations, which was created during the period 1369 to the first half of the 16th century. This study, which included also an architectural survey of the flooring, looks at physical and chemical deterioration processes arising from the current floor protection, which consists of a covering made of panels of faesite. Various analyses, including mineralogical, chemical and SEM studies, have shown that these panels, which are impermeable acidic, in conjunction with high, persistent humidity, have resulted in the creation of a micro-environment at the interface with the flooring, which is very aggressive towards carbonate lithotypes. Soluble salts (sulphates, chlorides, nitrates), which contribute towards deterioration of stone, are thus mobilised and transported. The most obvious result of the corrosive effect of panels is, the formation of a "shadow" on the panels, which effect is visible when they are removed from the flooring.

Key-words: Cathedral of Siena, marbles, protection and maintenance, physical and chemical decay, soluble salts.


G. Frulio

"La manutenzione della ‘scala urbana’: alcuni esempi nella sardegna settentrionale."

The absence of a programmed maintenance at urban level has altered the features of the villages in Sardinia’s hinterland that, often, are not recognised as "centre of historical interest". Consequently the almost total absence of control by the public institution and the liberty in privat operation have depreciated the urban and rural landscape, that is poor but is the only testimoniance of the peculiar Sardinian masonry.

The more evident consequence is the unsuccessful coordination of the maintenance at urban level are the condition of abandonement of the roads and the absence of draining system for the rai wather.

Key-Words: programmed maintenance - masonry - rural - Sardinia


G.L. Belli, L. Cuniglio, R. Grilli

"Le ‘Carte del rischio’ e la programmazione degli interventi manutentivi sull’architettura storica. Un’applicazione."

‘Risk maps’ and maintenance programm for the conservation of historical architecture are applied to the facade of a palace built in Florence in XVI century. Historical, geometrical and material analysis, investigations about conditions and causes of decay are elements to build a "risk map" of the building’s facade. The map, that characterises through colour areas with the same degree of vulnerability, is the basis to programme maintenance works and their periodicity.

The maintenance program is composed of simple works, regularly repeated in a long time (10-15 years). Their aim is to check and to maintain the conservation state of the facade as at the beginning of the program; eventual preliminary works are provided to reach this initial satisfactory state. The program is useful in order to keep under observation the item to carry out light works and to spend in different times financial resources

Key-words: analysis, conservation, protection, computer-based synthesis, risk, programmed maintenance, digital archives in progress.


L. Rinaldi, B. Mörlin Visconti

"Manutenzione Vs. conservazione? Il cantiere del duomo di Milano negli ultimi trent’anni."

The "Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo" is the very board of the Duomo, the Cathedral church of Milan.

It’s a non profit organization in charge of maintenance, restauration and conservation. It was created in 1387 and has always remained active following a tradition which has lasted without interruption for six centuries. As the cathedral church is built entirely in marble from Candoglia, the restoration and maintenance of this important monument is made easier by the right, exercised by the Fabbrica on the quarries of Candoglia. Important restoration works continue according to a schedule well outlined in compliance with a special guardianship commission, but a large debate over this works was never carried out.

The following report deals with the problems of maintenance, between the old usage of wide stone replacement, and the modern necessity of an extension of material conservation.

Key –words: Milan Cathedral, Candoglia (marble), stone conservation


G. Capponi, E. Valente

"Rimettere ‘in pristinum’ riattare, rimediare ai danni, togliere i danni. Il tempietto di S. Pietro in Montorio, lessico e prassi di manutenzione."

Current works of conservation at the Tempietto di S.Pietro in Montorio in Rome, as a cultural partnership between the Istituto del Patrimonio Historico. Espaňol and the Istituto Centrale del Restauro, have been an opportunity to think about techniques and methodologies of numerous interventions that marked the conservation events of this monument. Tests made directly on material data during the works: compared with archives sources let us learn about substance of some interventions and methodology of their accomplishment. Analysis of these data made us consider how the idea of maintenance has changed during the years. Ancient maintenances faced conservation of individual components as replacements, latest maintenances paied attention to the original document introducing changes related to critical interpretations.

Key-words: ancient, maintenances, material, techniques of conservation.


M. Celada, A. Faria da Costa

"I fari portoghesi. Un patrimonio strumentale e funzionale da affidare agli organi di tutela per una valorizzazione storica architettonica ed ambientale."

Portuguese lighthouses are an important historical and cultural heritage.

Presently they are not protected and it’s urgent to create legislation in order to regulate intervention in those monument.

Key-words:Lighthouses, Portugal, up keep, new uses.


C. Montagni

"Il piano di manutenzione della cattedrale di Chiavari (GE)."

This contribution deals with the drawing up of a "Maintenance Plan" for the Cathedral in Chiavari (Madonna dell’Orto), through all the phases that spontaneously determined it.

This leads to identificate the interventions, punctually carried out in all parts of the building, following a "calendar" that considers the whole of the parameters.

The plan is based an the relationships among many elements, such as: easiness of access to the place, preliminary analysis that can be considered necessary, costs and, consequently, it is possible to determine the priority of each intervention in comparison with the others.

Key-Words: Piano organico di manutenzione, organizzaziane del piano, insieme di procedure.


S. Cancellieri

"Quaderno di manutenzione episcopio di porto (Fiumicino-Roma) cantiere di restauro -Giubileo 2000-."

It appears difficult and complex reading and interpreting correctly the sometimes, rare and undetailed notes about the preservation and maintenance of the building, written as marginalia aside the much more accurated documentation of the building repairing such as calculations or estimations for the restoration. In the case of Episcopio many archive’s quotations reported are ambiguores in the distinctions between restoration and preservation. After having studied the history of the various restorations of the Episcopio, the author examines the strategy of restoration and preservation applied to a particular structure of the monument, the entrance gate. The efficency of the operations applied to it should be tested through a complex procedure of controls, which has been proposed by the author.

Key-words: Porto - Episcopio - Restoration -Preservation – Maintenance


Frattari, I. Garofolo, R. Albatici, M. Dal Prà

"La gestione programmata della manutenzione negli edifici della tradizione costruttiva lignea: un caso di studio."

In the field of the reclamation and manteinance of historic cultural buildings it is important to put attention to the problems related to the reclamation of buildings constructed with peculiar materials or techniques, such as wooden buildings. Most of the damages we can today register on the built heritage is related to a bad maintenance or to a lack of maintenance schedules. Manteinance process are today well articulated activities but developed with not always clear principles an criteria. Then it is necessary to consider again the maintenance of buildings especially if the cultural and historic values strongly depends from their building system. The research which the under way at the Laboratory of building Design, at the University of Trento deals with the maintenance management problems related to the conservation of the traditional vernacular wooden architecture of the region in the Alps (Trentino-Sud Tirol). The paper deals with the development of a maintenance management system which starts from the consideration of the risk factors for this kind of architecture. Just after a preliminary analysis of the present conditions, the methodological approach of the system is explained with particular reference to the main items of the system.

Key - words: wooden architecture, maintenance, rehabilitation, expert system.


G. Stagno, E. Rosina, E. Costantino, N. Ludwig, A. Casarino, F. Vitali, L. Rosi

"La manutenzione del moderno: il monitoraggio del calcestruzzo al quartiere A.R.T.E. di Genova (1980-1999)."

Maintenance plans for buildings are primary based on the durability of materials used, on their perfect application and on their compatibility. Main damages are visible on coating surfaces and are caused by environment conditions and lack of maintenance.

Early diagnosis prevents major damages and, consequently, allows to decrease the cost of restoration.

The paper presents an integrated method of preliminary diagnosis applied to the A.R.T.E. district in Genua (Italy). Tests have been applied on concrete and the results were used to support the choice of the intervention and of the characteristics of the waterproof materials to be applied.

A second phase of diagnosis (experimental diagnosis, not yet finished at the moment) regards the most significant, parameters to monitor. In addition to traditional tests (permeability, absorption, etc) thermography has been used for integrating data. Thermography has been applied to detect differences of porosity of the surfaces. Lab test encouraged the application on the field. First results confirm the correspondence between water absorption and increase of the surface temperature during an adequate heating.

Key-words: concrete, experimental diagnosis, porosity, ultrasound, thermography, maintenance.


L. Binda, G. Baronio, C. Cardani, G. Frigerio

"Effetti della mancanza di manutenzione: cascina Rosa a Milano."

The surface deterioration and structural damage of brick masonry buildings are frequently connected to environmental causes as water and salt penetration by capillary rise, heavy rain, frost-defrost action, air and water pollution, exceptional loads, etc. Nevertheless in many cases the decay can be reduced or even stopped if continuous maintenance is carried out together with the necessary protection or prevention operations.

The case of Cascina Rosa, a typical farm of the XVII century situated in Milan is presented demonstrating how on the contrary a building can be lead to nearly total destruction within ten years of total lack of maintenance. In situ and laboratory tests were also carried out following the progressive decay of the materials and structures.

Key-Words: Rural buildings, Masonry, Decay, Lack of maintenance, Structural damage.


P. Dalla Nave, R. Quaresima, G. Scoccia, R. Volpe

"L’oratorio di S. Pellegrino a Bominaco: problematiche e redazione di un progetto manutentivo."

Aim of the present paper is to develop a methodological approach for the design of the maintenance process of the chantry of S. Pellegrino (XIII century) settled in Bominaco (L’Aquila). For this reason historical, environmental and technical data have been preliminary achieved. The work must aim to ensure that each building constituent is periodical check. In the case of the chantry the control of the infiltration’s from the roof and from the walls have emerged as being most important. Therefore periodical visual and instrumental checks (to perform with videoscope system and with thermography) as well as inspections must be carried out on these constituent. Furthermore to improve the maintenance of the whole monument the retrain of different constituent (roof, walls) is suggested.

Key-words: Chantry - Bominaco - Roof - Diagnosis – Maintenance.


S. Gizzi

"La manutenzione di un restauro del Valadier."

Non disponibile


A. Maniaci

"La manutenzione nel piano di recupero del centro storico di Palermo: temi ed esemplificazioni."

Since the half of the eighties, the municipality of Palermo, has it’s our "office" which deals with the reconstruction, conservation and safeguard of the historical centre of the town. For this reason in 1988 it plan promoted a project of a special executive plan (Piano Particolareggiato Esecutivo) compiled by Leonardo Benevolo, Pier Luigi Cervellati and Italo Insolera, which is going to realised. This plan is pitted up with a "Manuale di Recupero" compiled under Paolo Marconi’s scientific supervision. It-has been a remarkable but difficult experience, if we think about the dimension, of the historical centre of Palermo witch’s one of the biggest in Italy. Undoubtedly it is one of the most original historical centres because of the rich amount of styles it contains in the architectonic evidences.

Since the end of last century restorations have been started; their aim was to save the original style, that mostly was the medieval Arabic-Norman, belonging to Sicily itself.

My taste is to analyses the plan effect on the historical buildings and to control its changes trough the time.

Key-words: reconstruction, safeguard, conservation, maintenance, plan, different style, originality, medieval Arabic Norman style


M.R. Pinto, S. De Medici, G. Caterina, M. Palumbo, L. Nicolais

"Il processo evolutivo di degrado delle superfici intonacate: linee guida per la manutenzione programmata."

The evolution of degradation of plastered surfaces: guidelines for programmed maintenance

An informative system able to correlate physical parameters obtained with various analytical techniques with different level of degradation on aged plasters has been developed and applied for few ,real situations. The identification of performance degradation has been associated with the origin of the defects and with their growth with time also with the objective of a programmed maintenance. An adequate simulation of the degradation phenomenology can permit a prediction of the life cycle of the material and therefore a careful program of intervention with the reduction of maintenance costs.

Key-words : informative-system, plastered surface, programmed maintenance


A. Ceradini, G.L. Marchetti

"Programma di manutenzione per un edificio storico aquilano."

This study tackles the maintenance of residential buildings in historical centers.

After the discussion about general problems of the topic in object, the programmed maintenance is showed as a suitable strategy for the active conservation of buildings.

Then a methodology is given to realize the maintenance program of buildings; this procedure is based on the durability of the elements which compose the manufactured and allow to define a system of periodical operations, related to continuous maintenance activity.

The method is presented as with an example developed for a residential building place in the historical center of L’Aquila.

Key-words: maintenance, masonry building, conservation, durability.


L. Folli, R. Bugini

"E’ ancora possibile la manutenzione."

The atmospheric pollution leads a rapid decay of the stone materials, the decay affects also the newly restored buildings. A very frequent maintenance is needed. A decay phenomenon that affects the particulate matter on hydrophobic stone surfaces is described.

La situazione dell’inquinamento atmosferico è così grave che il degrado interessa anche edifici appena sottoposti ad interventi conservativi rendendo immediatamente necessaria la manutenzione. Viene descritto un fenomeno di degrado che coinvolge il deposito superficiale e interessa le superfici lapidee sottoposte a trattamento idrorepellente.

Key-words: stone, pollution, particulate matter, decay


A. Pittaluga

"Mantenere il ‘contemporaneo’: 30 anni di manutenzione al quartiere fieristico di Genova."

This paper describes the maintenance experience of the "Fiera Internazionale di Genova" since its construction more than 30 years ago. This experience has several interesting points:

the exhibition site is in an "hard" environment because of its close proximity to the sea and this put more stress on the maintenance issue; moreover the main builidin materials used in the site are steel and concrete, and they proved to be vulnerable to this salty atmosphere

the present of building designed by famous architects puts more constraints in the restoration activities

recent new laws on public safety required substantial changes in the structures

The major maintenance activities occurred are described together with syntetical evaluation of the interaction occurred between design and maintenance.

Key words: Genova, maintenance activities, steel, concrete, restoration activities


S. Musso

"La manutenzione delle antiche pavimentazioni stradali "ad decorem et pulchritudinem totius civitatis"."

La relazione, attraverso alcune incursioni in un universo costruttivo trascurato, sulla scorta di recenti ricerche condotte a Genova e in altre sedi universitarie, propone alcune riflessioni sui valori di cultura storica e tecnica che caratterizzano il patrimonio di pavimentazioni stradali antiche, attirando l’attenzione sui problemi posti dalla sua "sopravvivenza". Occorre infatti pensare alle forme di analisi che consentono di attingere a questo "universo" e ai limiti insiti in ogni tentativo di travasarne i dati nella pratica della programmazione, progettazione ed esecuzione degli attuali interventi manutentivi. Debbono essere analisi che non si limitano agli aspetti morfologici apparenti, ma coinvnlgono la sostanza costruita di questi manufatti. Di fronte ad esse stanno, d’altra parte, possibili interventi estremamente diversificati, per dimensione, invasività e complessità, oltre che per materialj, tecniche e forme realizative, in una realtà culturale che sempre più ricerca o vive la necessità del confronto e dell’integrazione tra "tradizione" e "innovazione"

Key-words: maintenance, care and conservation of ancient urban paves


C. Di Francesco, A. Alberti

"Manutenzione come restauro. Casa Romei a Ferrara."

"Casa Romei" (Romei’s house), a luxury XV-century house in Ferrara, has been restored many times since 1898. Works have ever been marked by maintenance principles. maintenance as "a whole of works to get the building efficient and functional". This limited-operations working method was adopted in the first period (ended in 1952 with the opening of the museum to the public) and it’s still considered a good method. In fact, Casa Romei is today a periodic-treatment yard: care problems are studied, and works are limited works, but aimed at getting maintenance and efficiency of the whole building, with its structures and decorations.


S. Berti, C. Bertolini Cestari, N. Macchioni, R. Zanuttini

"Quale manutenzione per gli antichi pavimenti di legno?"

The paper offers a synthetic guideline for a correct maintenance scheduling of ancient wood floors, not rarely present in the halls of many historical buildings as precious work of art but which are also considered as wear and tear surface frequently forgotten. Due to the lack of maintenance it is in fact not rare to find "parquets" in very bad conditions or requiring heavy interventions, that often become substitution.

After some information about the wood species used and the main laying typologies adopted, described through the technical literature and some significant examples, we analyse how to make an exhaustive diagnosis about the state of conservation of those important products, underlining that the reason of many damages can be frequently ascribed to poor maintenance or faulty interventions done.

The paper briefly indicates the most advisable maintenance procedures, considering different operation levels reported in an exemplifying project. National and European standards in use or in study are also mentioned, considering however that only few of them can be applied to historical wood flooring.

Key-words: maintenance, historical flooring, wood.


C. Bertolini Cestari, S. Cravero, S. Curtetti

"Interventi sul sistema tetto nel costruito storico: manutenzione ordinaria? straordinaria o restauro?"

The paper confronts the topic of roofing interventions of historic buildings trying to find a way to clarify demarcation lines between routine or special maintenance and restoration or conservative rehabilitation.

The present debate on building maintenance has not yet cleared up the difficult problem regarding roofing systems.

On the other hand, how the problem of intervention on historic buildings at the preservation level proceeds exactly from the roofing system and how, and all too often, the roofing is understood as a sacrificial element of a building, is well-known to sector operators. And how even today interventions are entrusted directly to the building contractors, avoiding the overall control plan. Therefore the authors, starting from an observation of the indications supplied in historic literature and designs and taking into account recent regional law provisions concerning material, illustrate some emblematic cases in the roofing of historic buildings.

Two case studies are analysed: they concern the routine maintenance of the roof of the SS. Annunziata Certosa Church at Collegno (Turin district, former Psychiatric Hospital) and the rehabilitation of the roof and replacement of the roof and replacement of the roof-covering of the nineteenth-century wing of the Valentino Castle in Turin. The cases examined offer a starting point for the observation of maintenance criteria of historic building roofs.

Key-Words: roofing, routine-special maintenance, recommendations


P.R. David

"Interventi sulle murature absidali della chiesa di S. Prisca a Roma."

Key-words: S.Prisca, abside, dissesti, incatenamenti


V. Fassina, M. Fresa, M. Rossetti

"La loggetta Sansoviniana: monitoraggio e indagini propedeutiche all'intervento di manutenzione."

In 1995 a survey on the state of conservation of the Loggetta del Sansovino was carried out in order to plan a maintenance intervention.

The results obtained showed a different behaviour of the various lithotypes according to the "type of treatment used. In fact two different consolidants were used.

Some drawbacks were ascribed to the epoxy resin especially on Verona red limestone. Unfortunately after three years since the survey it was not possible to start the maintenance intervention because any financement was available.

Key words: Stone decay, epoxy and silicon resins maintenance, discoloration


A. Moropoulou, M. Koui, N. Avdelidis, CH. Kourteli,R. Van Grieken

"Preservation planning: monitoring techniques and spatial management of information."

In order to plan the preservation of historic complexes, in situ monitoring and control techniques of Environmental Impact Assessment have to be employed and spatial management of information has to be performed. In the present work a pilot application is demonstrated on the historic complex of the Medieval City of Rhodes suffering from the percolation of soluble salt solutions and the crystallization of salts within the porous historic masonries.

The results of Non Destructive Methods, and more specifically Infra Red Thermography, for the assessment of the humidity distribution within the masonries and the degradation of the stone texture, are supported by the examination of the microstructural characteristics of the stone and the water percolation within the masonry, regarding soluble salts and humidity measurements. It is proved that these methods can be combined into a reliable assessment of the critical levels of environmental factors triggering damage to the monument.

A G.I.S (Geographic Information System), could be used to manage a multidisciplinary database, including environmental, functional, materials, structural and social data. Integrated environmental planning can be achieved by the analysis of all the relevant data with the objective of eliminating the negative impact of the natural and man-made environment on the monumental building and the historical complexes as a whole, in order to prevent further damage and to maintain the necessary conservation level, while the historic site and city or complex is revitalised through new uses and its role is strengthened.

Key-words: preservation planning, monitoring and control techniques, spatial management of information, Geographic Information System (G.I.S.), Infra-Red Thermography, humidity, salt decay of porous stones