Salvatore D'Agostino

Conservazione e manutenzione strutturale dell’architettura del novecento.

There is clearly a fundamental difference between the historical building heritage and modern buildings, where the overall structure has an autonomous role, designed on the basis of precise mathematical models and made out of industrial materials.Furthermore, these mathematical models and in particular the technological innovations evolve rapidly, giving rise to new criteria both for calculations and for technical applications connected with advances in materials engineering. Then over recent decades much greater attention has been paid to safety in general and structural soundness in particular, with reference to seismic vulnerability.This research project sets out to analyse this last aspect, showing the need for a historical approach to the norms. It emerges that the criterion of structural improvement must be adopted, suitably revised to meet the requisites of modern architecture.  Since it is rarely possible to go back to the original designs of modern buildings, guidelines are needed for their structural conservation.  In this respect we shall show the importance of the so-called finishings in reducing seismic vulnerability in the overall structure. We also present a series of tests which, without causing any significant damage to the building, will enable analysts to make sufficiently reliable pronouncements on the safety of the structure                                  1

Andrea Canziani, Stefano Della Torre, Valentina Minosi   

L'introduzione dei nuovi materiali e i problemi della manutenibilità e della manutenzione.

This paper aims to point out an important feature of technological research in XXth Century, both in building and in restoration, i.e. how much the introduction of new materials and techniques led to abandon of maintenance and preventative practices. Some sentences found in a popular handbook like Griffini’s Costruzione razionale della casa, as well as some major debate about new materials in restoration, will be discussed. The authors’ thesis is that the abandon of maintenance can be linked to a desire of “durability without care”, meaning, in the field of restoration and conservation, a project of enforcing ancient things instead of understanding their modes of compatibility with environment and use                                             9

Serena Pesenti         

Conservare il novecento. Note sull’evoluzione del dibattito disciplinare.

In the history of restoration, the extension of interest to the architecture of  XX century is  a recent acquired concept  and its evolution is strictly related with the concept of history and of material culture also related with the formal appearance and  the building tecnique of the architecture. This critical essay deals with this headway, focalizing its main connections  17

Danilo Biondelli, Roberto Bugini, Luisa Folli, Valeria Saltari        

I materiali lapidei nell’architettura del Novecento a Milano.

Milan is an important case to study the development of the italian architecture during the 20th century. The use of natural stone material in this architecture is decreasing side by side to the growth of the use of cast stone elements; the diffusion of the so-called Liberty style leads to the confinamento stone in the basements of the buildings. Stones traditionally used in Milan buildings (Adda conglomerate, Ghiandone and Baveno granites, Verona limestone) were replaced by stone coming from new local quarries or from abroad following the trading facilities (Travedona conglomerate, Alzo granite, Aurisina limestone, white and veined marbles from Apuanian Alps).The cast stone, made by Portland cement and crushed stone aggregate, was used as ornamental element and rendering on the building façades.                        27

Danilo Biondelli, Roberto Bugini, Luisa Folli, Valeria Saltari        

I materiali lapidei nell’architettura del Novecento a Milano

2. Un architetto “prolifico”: Piero Portaluppi.

The Milan architecture during the Thirties is characterized by a strong growth in the use of natural stone: fter decades of cast stone use, new stones coming from the whole Italian territory were used to make facing slabs and ornamental elements. The architect Piero Portaluppi it’s an example of this stone renaissance. Stones used by Portaluppi are compared to the stones used by contemporary architects in their buildings; they came from Lombardy, Piedmont, Venetia and Friuli, Tuscany and Latium. The most important is the Travertine coming from Siena and from Tivoli, a stone never used in the past Milan architecture                               37

Danilo Biondelli, Roberto Bugini, Luisa Folli, Valeria Saltari        

I materiali lapidei nell’architettura del Novecento a Milano

3. La seconda metà del secolo.

The reconstruction after the WW2 give a strong boost to the Milan architecture. The first period is characterized by the use of local stones easy to provide (Adda and lake Iseo conglomerates, Ossola Gneisses and Granites, Candoglia and Ornavasso marbles); later on were used stones from the whole italian territory (Apuanian marbles, Lasa marble, Finale Ligure fossiliferous limestone, Euganean trachite, Siena and Tivoli travertine). The use of stone was neglected for decades in favour of other materials as glass, metal, ceramic etc. The last decade show the use of stones from abroad as Baltic brown, Emerald Pearl, Assuan red granite, Kuru Grey, Juparanà                 49

Danilo Biondelli, Roberto Bugini, Luisa Folli, Valeria Saltari

I materiali lapidei nell’architettura del Novecento a Milano.

4. Catalogazione dei fenomeni di degrado e di alterazione.

Natural stones and cast stones used in Milan architecture during the 20th century are exposed to different kinds of decay given rise to the mineralogical composition, the structure, the cut and the working, the setting on the building. Decay phenomena were subdivided according to the effects on the stone surface: change of the surface; loss of material; accumulation of by-products, change of the shape.                                   57

Andrea Canziani

La pellicola dell’analogia. Immagine e restauro nella conservazione dell’architettura moderna.

This contribution is meant to open a debate about the influence of the photographic image in modern architecture conservation practices. The twentieth century architecture is closely linked with the ideas of authenticity and perception, image and matter. Both our appreciation and ideals are fed by early images of the modern buildings that played an influent role also in writing the history of architecture. These icons of that “modern monuments” exert a large influence on restorations and reconstructions; they act as our primary source of reference to estimate the quality of the modernist buildings. It seems to be taken for granted that the image is the only reference. The twentieth century architecture seems to be affected by a Dorian Gray syndrome, where two-dimensional images dominate over the three-dimensional shapes and erase the dimension of time and material authenticity. Analysing the relationships of our society with images and the different authenticities of the modern architecture, this paper aims to identify the processes of definition of a new “iconic authenticity                                    67

Anna Rosa Nicola

Materiali costitutivi e vecchi interventi: problematiche tecniche e di scelta nel restauro di un dipinto murale gia' strappato di oltre sei metri per sei - Renato Guttuso - 1946 - "Boogie Woogie" cm 622x638

This contribute  aims to illustrate a particular intervention we have done in 2001 on a very large wall painting (oil on wall) made by Renato Guttuso between 1945 and 1946, for the Olivetti’s show-room in Rome.  During the sixties,  this art work was  stripped  from the wall by “strappo”, transferred on canvas, separated in four pieces and widely repainted; then, in 1987,  it was restored again because it was very damaged.  In 2001 we found it in a very bad condition so we tried to resolve all the  different problems we meet, caused from the restoration materials, particularly from the reactions of the glue used for the “strappo” leaved on the surface and lying  under the repainted of the old restorations                 77


Antonella Postorino, Maria Gulli,.Letterio Mavilia, Laura Messina           

L’edilizia residenziale popolare a Reggio Calabria tra il 1920 e il 1950.

The architecture of the first half of the ‘900, characterizing the building patrimony of Reggio Calabria, fruit of the reconstruction happened after the 1908 earthquake that devastated the whole city, gives us strong and precise eclectic and floral style architectural connotations. Focusing the attention on the typical typologies of the public residential house-building we analyze the constructive technical, the materials envoys in work, the state of maintenance, the pathologies of degrade, the processes of alteration, comparing partly the costs of realization and those some necessary maintenance interventions, to verify the reliability and the durability of the constructions, on meaningful examples, for a champion-project methodologically extensible to the whole fabric.                            87


Thomas Danzl

I materiali costitutivi degli edifici del Bauhaus a Dessau tra tradizione e innovazione. sviluppo di un metodo di restauro conservativo (1998-2004).

Since the sensational rediscovery of colour systems in German architecture of the modern movement in the seventies conservation scientists, restorers, architects, historians and many other disciplines are occupied to study the structural and material qualities of the Modern Movement. As already various theoretical - often opposite - approaches do exist in “traditional” practice of monumental care, it must not surprise that also towards modern monuments an agree in treating them must be elaborated step by step. A categorical imperative is for sure the statement “treat them as any other monument”. In this way the old confrontation between “conservation versus reconstruction” is reopened, as the history of conservation and restoration of the Bauhaus buildings in Dessau proves. The author tries to show out referring the dynamics of the working processes and their consequences for the understanding of the original materials and the concept of historical substance in the Nineties  at Dessau that an appropriate “project management” is able to permit a conciliation of diametrical opinions: Conservation and repair of the original and at the same time a moderate reconstruction in the limits of the potentiality of the remains                          105

Musso Stefano          

Restaurare il moderno: una contraddizione in termini?

Restoration, even with all the differencies deriving from a long debate, is a term that immediately remind the idea of something ancient or simply old. But these words, with the related concepts, are not consolidated and fixed. They change long the time passing and characterize every cultural period and its relationship with the previous ages. The definitions of these terms outline a sort of “project of the past” that seems to be a product of the present time, of every “present time”, more than an historic data definetely aquired. Any interrogation about the restoration of “modern architectures” is, therefore, signed by numerous questions about our relationships with the products of the work of other men and other generations before us, also reconsidering our true or presuntive certainties about the modes of intervention on ancient buildings. The paper tries to point out some of the questions of the contemporary cultural, disciplinary and technical debate about the restoration of the “modern”, considering the always existing dialogical couple of terms: restoration/history, restoration/project and restoration/science and technique     119

Caterina Mele

Manufatti dell’architettura del novecento. Aspetti tecnico-interpretativi e problematiche d’intervento.

The Twenty has been the century of the technology in any field of science. Particulary in architecture new materials and new constructive techniques like glass, steel, concrete etc. were adopted. The whole Modern Movement architecture was built with these new experimental technologies so, today, in the complex restoration field, many techniques problems about this architecture need to be solved. This paper focus the attention on some specific restoration problems of the Modern Movement Architecture, also with support of cases of study   125

Luciano Marchetti, Alessandro Ferretti, Maria Piccareta  

Le architetture di Mario Ridolfi in Umbria: un tentativo di superare i limiti della norma per garantire la tutela dell’architettura contemporanea.

The purpose of the following article is to illustrate the activity of Soprintendenza Regionale per li Beni e le Attività Culturali per l’Umbria about the conservation of Ridolfi’s architectures in Umbria. Accordino to a specie law that provide more than fifty years old cultural goods to be protected, a possibile solution has been considered for the most recent monuments.In this article the affair of the school Leonardo da Vinci is described in accordance with law no. 490/99 art. 2 comma 1 lett. B).                 131

Martina Bonora, Mila Dallavalle, Elena Melloni, Paola Rossi         

TRESIGALLO (FE). Schedatura e catalogazione come strumenti di conoscenza per la redazione di un codice di pratica e per la tutela del Moderno.

Tresigallo, small agricultural centre in the plane of Ferrara, ri-founded thanks to the Fascist leader Edmondo Rossoni’s will, presents a clear and strongly conceptual urban plan: two road axes linking, physically and ideally, the main points in the life of this small town: the Church (spiritual activity) and the G.I.L. (physical activity); the productive and civic centre (every day life) and the cemetery (the memory). The urban network comes out from the meeting between the language of the rationalist vanguard and the traditional constructive practice. Recognised the historical and architectural value of the place, we planned to build up an instrument in order to list and to take a census of the urban and building structure following the ICCD filing rules. We start from the study in urban scale up to the details to underline the characteristics which make the urban tissue of Tresigallo a meaningful example of its period under a formal, composite and technical-constructive aspect. The filing operation is only the preliminary period necessary to the redaction of a “corpus” of behaving rules, ‘codice di pratica’ (handbook for the realisation of conservative interventions) in order to carry out and to check the interventions of maintenance and restoration of the building inheritance so that it will be possible to preserve the formal and substantial identity of the place           141

Andrea Alberti           

TRESIGALLO (FE). Stato delle conoscenze, indirizzi di tutela e parametri di restauro di una città di rinnovata fondazione degli anni Trenta del Novecento in territorio ferrarese.

Tresigallo, re-built in the 1930s, as for the town structure and formal connotation of its specialised, residential and industrial  buildings, can be compared to experiences that may be found also in other contemporary Italian towns “of new foundation”. The introduction of subsequent phenomena of  “interference”, like the execution of incongruous changes and the introduction of  foreign elements, have produced a progressive alteration of original aspects, both architectural and urbanistic, of the original image, luckily widely still legible. Keeping in mind the objective  of protecting the historical, architectural and urbanistic valences of the place, the aim of the developed work is: to evaluate  the conditions of ageing and to define appropriate and shared instruments of protection; to contribute to the knowledge of the architectural and material characteristics of the buildings through their  catalogation and through the individualisation of parameters for the drawing up of  “codice di pratica” (handbook for the realisation of conservative interventions) for the execution and the checking for future interventions of maintenance and restoration; to analyse the experience of other  yards in progress on meaningful buildings    151

Marzia Alpini, Marcello Bozzarelli   

TRESIGALLO (FE). Casa della GIL: riconoscibilità di una architettura del Novecento.

The “Casa della G.I.L.”, previously named “Balilla House”, was conceived as a place where young people were formed from an ideological and physical point of view. It represented the tangible will of a change.    In Tresigallo, in the 30s, the Minister of Agriculture Edmondo Rossoni, in order to transform a small agriculture village in a sort of “Ferrarese territory of the lictor” ordered the construction of the “Casa della G.I.L.” in a very important junction at the beginning of the main axe of the new town. The “Casa della G.I.L.” in Tresigallo clearly represents the stylistic rules codified by architect Del Debbio as for shape, functional distribution and for the use of “new” materials. It was also realised on the border line between tradition and innovation and it can be easily taken as an  example of a  widely recognisable model, even if it was used for a very short time and, soon after, completely abandoned.    Today, more than fifty years later, it has become a ruin but it represents a case it’s worth studying because it can give exact information about the positive and negative aspects of the “new” materials, technological and stylistic solutions,  giving evidence of the behaviour due to ageing in extremely bad conditions of conservation.       161

Simone Pelliconi, Giorgia Zoboli      

TRESIGALLO (FE).L'ex casa del Fascio: compromesso tra innovazione e tradizione nell'Italia Autarchica.

The value of casa del fascio in Tresigallo cannot be compared to the most illustrious examples of case littorie in Italy. Anyway it is worthy because it springs from a compromise between the usage of architectonic elements, materials, technical and constructional devices of Italian origin and other completely innovative and experimental devices, spreaded during the fascism, according to the policy of autarchy promoted by regime. The conservation and improvement of the elements’ quality required a thorough analysis and survey and produced, as a result, a list of  important materials, typical of the thirties, such as: wood and iron frames, flooring and facing in polychrome marbles, external facing in travertine and artificial travertine, concrete and glass, italklinker, glass covering, Sap and Sapal.             171

Francesco Santalucia           

La copertura dei mosaici della villa del casale di piazza Armerina – riqualificazione, restauro o sostituzione?

le strutture di musealizzazione della villa del Casale a piazza Armerina costituiscono insieme un caso di struttura funzionale e di architettura contemporanea il cui degrado è dovuto soprattutto all’abbandono che non ha permesso di rinnovare e mantenere la struttura, rivelatasi, per dati e confronti, tra le migliori sia per le finalità di conservazione che per quelle di fruizione. oggi si pone la questione di un radicale intervento che ne ripensi le caratteristiche e si pone la questione se le insufficienze possano essere superate con modifiche parziali, interventi conservativi o con una sostituzione integrale: nella sostanzia si tratta di valutare se le caratteristiche del manufatto possano essere conservate in assenza della conservazione della materia o se ciò sia essenziale anche nel caso di un complesso architettonico che è contenitore e contenuto           181

Maria Grazia Vinardi 

Edilizia antica, tecniche nuove: le reintegrazioni dei danni di guerra.

"The essay illustrates some problematic topics of reintegration of architectures of historical-artistic interest after the second world war damages, with particular attention to the Turinese context. The text means to bring to evidence the problem of the application of the nineteenth century technologies in the reconstruction of part of buildings and entire architectures, especially if part of a urban centre. Gustavo Giovannoni had already observed that ""the topic of the"" reconstruction ""can be extraordinarily wide"", because either the adaptation to the new comfort or the new procedures and new construction materials are involved. In the post-war period all that happened in terms of urgency and/or necessity: on one side criteria of economization and from the other the subtended topic of the recognisebility. The examples will regard the realizations of some stretch of via Po, the reconstruction of Lascaris palace and that of the Region headquarters in Piazza Castello. The main subjects that emerge from these interventions refer to the application of reinforced concrete technologies for the rebuilding of part of porticos, the realization of ceilings and beams, consolidations of pillars and  the resetting of surviving ancient parts till then postponed"


Luciano Re     

Fenomenologia del Gioco della Torre (Littoria).

The essay examines some topics related to the approach to modern architecture, refering to Turinese examples; it also proposes the opportunity of a methodological and critical reference to these buildings to more general principles about architectural preservation                             201

Vito Alunno Rossetti ,Alessandro Dal Bò, Paolo Gasparoli

Restauro e manutenzione dei calcestruzzi nelle architetture del Novecento. Valutazione della affidabilità di materiali e sistemi oggi disponibili per il ripristino corticale attraverso lo studio dei parametri di rischio alla fessurazione e rischio al distacco.

Frequent failures occur in many concrete repair works. The large number of  pre-mixed products and systems for repair works  available in the market requires a critical revision of the technologies involved in order to guarantee  an adequate durability the repaired concrete surfaces. Seven of the most frequently used pre-mixed repair mortars available on the Italian market have been characterised according to the recent EN 1504 European Standards on: ”Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures” and other  specific test methods.  The objective was to evaluate the durability of the concrete repair with laboratory testing and field trials, through the measurement of the parameters that seem to affect most their performance.  Cracking risk factor  and delamination risk factor  have been proposed as indices of risk of failure. A correct understanding of these two factors could help the design engineers to a proper selection of the repair system with reduced risk of failure.                              211

Carlotta Coccoli, Barbara Scala, GianPaolo Treccani        

Archeologia e cemento armato: la ricomposizione del Pronao del Capitolium di Brescia (1939-1945).

Il saggio illustra l’influenza che ebbero i temi e i materiali della modernità, principalmente il calcestruzzo armato, sulle procedure di restauro del Capitolium di Brescia. Abbandonando i criteri di un rigoroso filologismo di stampo ottocentesco, tale intervento, con l’indispensabile sussidio di tecnologie moderne, si è avventurato nel territorio, per sua natura incerto e insidioso, della reinterpretazione del monumento in chiave critica. Il ritrovamento di reperti, stimati sufficienti per quella che si reputava un’esatta ipotesi ricompositiva, ha avviato un dibattito in cui si sono confrontate soluzioni restaurative discordanti riguardo al risultato estetico che si voleva perseguire. Ma ha dato l’occasione anche per progettare e realizzare, con materiali e tecniche in parte moderni e in parte d’ispirazione tradizionale, strutture capaci di accogliere sia le porzioni antiche sia quelle moderne, necessarie per l’opera di un’ardita ricomposizione                          221

Massimo Corradi, Valentina Filemio

Il Cemento Armato e la basilica di San Gaudenzio a Novara, ovvero il restauro statico regolato dall'ideologia della "soggettività”.

The aim of this paper is consider the role of concrete in the restoration of S. Gaudenzio dome in Novara. To evaluate the compatibility of one of these intervention, the authors examine the circular ring built in concrete by prof. Danusso in 1938, to the extrados of semicircular arches of transept at the level of 26.50 meters.This particularly concrete structure realized to circle the tambour of dome has demonstrated as concrete is not always the most rational material to establish reinforcement of monumental architecture. In fact, in this note is been showed that his functionality is ineffective, unnecessary and invasive                          231

Laura Pecchioli, Fabio Fratini

La decorazione a graffito dei primi del novecento nel territorio fiorentino.

Technique graffito is a spontaneous expression that we can find also in ancient times. In florentine territory was used both as “urban decoration” and in villas. This kind of technique is no more used also because we haven’t an appropriate law that could regulate. We can only make hypothesis regarding graffito’s execution, because we have few historical documents that can explain this method. So our research was done first in a historical aim, that’s to give evidence for future of an appropriate historical documentation and in second aim to focus on Nave a Rovazzano area, rich of this kind of graffito dated 1910’s. Our research focused on the mineralogical-petrographical composition of the Via Della Villa Cedri’s original plasters. The analytical data wascompared with conservation state’ method and was useful to understand how proceeds in a appropriate restore   241

Teresa Perusini

Le pitture murali di Afro Basaldella tra il 1936 e il 1955: analisi storico-tecnica e problemi di conservazione.

"Afro Basaldella (Udine 1912-Zurich 1976), generally considered one of the most important Italian painters of the last century, painted a number of murals in the early period between the Thirties and Fifties.  During the Thirties the debate on traditional techniques (De Chirico, Sironi, Santagata, Oppo) had a strong influence on the young artist, as did his friend Cagli's ""Walls for painters"" proclamation.  The work Afro carried out in 1936 at Udine in the ONB building designed by the rationalist architect Ermes Midena and in 1938 at the Cavazzini house are an interesting reflection of the artistic and technical trends of the time, while the large ""Port of New York"" mural that Afro painted in 1955 in the lobby of the new INAIL building in Udine bears witness to the major change, both of style and technique, that took place in Afro's painting after his stays in America and meetings with Gorky and De Kooning. The restauration of the INAIL mural in 2001 and preparatory explorations carried out on the paintings at the Fermi school (ex-ONB) and the Cavazzini house (both are now public property), also made it possible to deal with the problem of the discrepancies between written sources and analytical discoveries that often occur when contemporary art is restored, as well as another, more serious one, the preservation and change of use of twentieth-century buildings"  249

Giuseppe Berardi, Angela Calia, Mariateresa Lettieri, Maurizio Masieri, Giovanni Quarta        

Le finiture delle facciate del teatro Petruzzelli a Bari: i materiali e i rifacimenti.

The Petruzzelli Theatre in Bari is an important example of a nineteenth century “Politeama” (i.e. a venue intended for various forms of live entertainment) which was inaugurated in 1903. After the fire of 1991, a restoration plan was drawn up for the building which included a study of the plasters and other finishes. Mineralogical-petrographic analyses (observations on thin sections, XRD analyses),  chemical analyses (ESEM-EDS), and FT-IR and micro-Raman analyses carried out on samples of the finishes on the façades of the theatre have provided information on the constituent materials, as well as on the re-touches carried out over time. The data obtained in the laboratory, together with archive photos, have made it possible to make hypotheses regarding the iconographic history of the façades of the theatre, but the lack of archive material relating to repair jobs carried out on the building since its inauguration mean that it is not possible to date these operations with any certainty               261

Giuliana Barilà          

Innovazioni nel processo ed apparecchi per la fabbricazione di pietre artificiali.

Artificial stone was introduced in architecture in the period between the end of the XIX and the early XX century in order to imitate the more expencive natural stone.

It was used not only in decorations, but also in masonry, coatings, tillings. Techniques of cleaning, consolidation, and in general of restoration are well known for natural stone; just a few is known of artificial one and often the intervention on it is characterized of superficiality nevertheless it represents a good part of the building of the first quarter of the century. This heritage deserves to be treated in the same way of the “noble relative” so as element up to Restoration. All the radical interventions of reconstruction should be avoided, in the respect of the autenticity of the building.

For artificial stone a deep historical and cultural knowledge is necessary in order to start the right process of conservation through the previous reappropriation of techniques of construction.

The research has the aim of delineating, reading very particular documents, invention patents, the evolution of the material used largely at the begininning of the last century. The archives of invention patents are very rich font of information, useful in order to follow difficult history of a production that had several, also local, variations.         271

Fabio Bevilacqua, Giancarlo Grillini, Rita Fabbri, Carlotta Assirelli, Francesca Tassinari          

La Pietra Artificiale nell’Architettura degli anni trenta del900. Esempi in Emilia Romagna. Problemi di degrado e tecniche di realizzazione.

The study purposes to analyse the development of the technique for the realization of “False Stone” (Travertine, Sandstone, Breccia, Diorite), used in structures of early twentieth century. The bibliographical research allowed to derive informations both on the origin and on the evolution of this constructive practice.

Interviews granted by still living people, that attended and worked in an Artisan Shop active in the first years of twentieth century in Romagna, allowed to gather precious informations on the building technology used and on the various workmanship stages, until the fulfilment of the finished product.

The products constructed by these craftsmen were essentially flooring tiles and covering panels, realised with particular pigments, bindings and inerts, and sometimes crafted with tools purposely conceived to manufacture the artificial hand made articles.

The study listed the different floorings still existing in some buildings of Romagna, in this way being able to display the particular laying techniques, influenced by the geometrical valence of mosaic carpets.

Furthermore, an analysis of degradation morphologies more frequently noticed on these materials – placed in buildings of the rationalist architecture - has been conducted, and a preservative intervention, able to maintain and  exploit that  materials, has been conceived.        281

Daniela Borgese       

Valutazione delle tecniche e dei materiali per i restauri a Messina dopo il sisma del 1908: consolidamenti della Chiesa di San Francesco d’Assisi (1909-1922).

The Church of St. Francis of Assisi allows us to diachronically analyse the different stages which characterised the renovation and rebuilding of Messina’s architectural heritage: at first it was strengthened, as it was a ruin of historical importance in the architectural heritage, then rebuilt, with modifications to the original planimetry and a new reinforced concrete structure. We chose to examine the strengthening stage realized by the architect F. Valenti on the apses, because it constitutes an indication of the first approach, relating to an archaeological culture which privileges the preservation of surviving parts as a testimony of the original monument, through the use of new techniques involving reinforced concrete support structures. An analysis of this course of action has enabled us to define in what way the antiseismic regulations which were put into effect after the earthquake actually influenced the renovation plans – innovations which were mostly associated with the introduction of reinforced concrete. It is precisely the introduction of this new material in renovation which entails a variation of the criteria applying to the renovation process, linked to the use of the new techniques: a close examination of the renovation procedure, adopted in the aftermath of the earthquake, has enabled us to trace the consolidation procedures, and to produce tridimensional graphical restitutions of models of the reinforced concrete structures which were set into the historical buildings; this has made it possible to study the methods used in these first consolidation operations realized with reinforced concrete. We focused on the specific features of every procedure analysed, so as to pin down shared strategies in the use of these static models, realised with reinforced concrete structures                          291

Rosalba Ientile          

La trasformazione dei criteri di sicurezza e la sopravvivenza delle opere in calcestruzzo armato del Novecento.

The fundamental moment of the conservation project of a building in reinforced concrete is the comprehension of the safety philosophy, which has informed the construction and the motivations, which bring some buildings to a partial or complete out of order situation. Several have been the regulations, throughout the twentieth century, which have traced the criteria for the evaluation of the resistance of the structures in reinforced concrete and have therefore set the safety conditions. As many have been the “Restoration Papers” and Protection Laws which have outlined the criteria for the maintenance of the constructed heritage. The discipline which regulates the design of reinforced concrete buildings has not been explicitly outlined until the last years of the twentieth century, the problem of materializing constructions to be passed on, as, maybe unconsciously, has happened for works in the past. We ask ourselves, reasoning on the surviving of the heritage built in reinforced concrete, which have been the reciprocal spin-offs on the architectures and on the prefixed lifetimes of these, on their safety and on the possibility of their conservation, during a period strongly characterized by the use of new technologies and by the mutation of the regulations regarding its application. The study proceeds with reference to the analysis of the documentation which form the archive of the G.A. Porcheddu company, mandatory for the Italian area, during the years 1895-1935, of the patent “Hennebique System” for reinforced concrete, examining a case of architecture which has gone beyond the lifetime limits set today of an analogous type of construction.                            301

Federica Rovello       

Materiali del moderno. Una rilettura critica del repertorio Domus del 1934 di G. Pagano Pogatschnig. Conoscere per conservare.

The recovery of one of the last copies of the “Repertorio Domus” edited in 1934 has allowed, in the proposed essay, to process some considerations about the tested and adopted materials in Italy in the early post-war. In fact, the “Repertorio”, edited for the first time in 1934 as editorial of the magazine Domus, had to become the first test to start up a series of similar publications. On the contrary it remained a lonely example. The purpose was to inform, to make designers, architects, engineers and builders of the time acquainted with the opportunities offered by the building production market.The communication of the meeting proposes the object to analyze such document, highlighting some specific topics: the building techniques, the materials and the components produced during the Thirties that, nowadays, are useful to face consciously a protection policy of the architecture of the period.At the same time it is tried to make an analysis of the comprehension of Giuseppe Pagano Pogatschnig’s role, inside the promotion of materials and techniques to express an architectural innovating language and is connected with a series of searches started by the authoress, beginning from 1998, about the restore of the Modern in Trieste.                                                                                        311

Chiara Rostagno       

“Norme edilizie, tecniche ed igieniche obbligatorie per i comuni colpiti dai terremoti” nel primo novecento. Dai contributi del Regio Genio Civile alle istruzioni compilate dalle commissioni tecniche ministeriali.

Between 1908 and 1912, following the grave effects of seismic events at the beginning of the twentieth century, a set of “Mandatory Technical, Construction and Hygiene Regulations” were drawn up for the territories effected. The aims pursued by the government bodies for succeeding guidelines was the drawing up of technical and regulatory provisions to reduce damage to buildings; and, in the public interest, the limitation of loss of human life in future occurrences. Through a retrospective reading of the provisions applied in the previous century, concerning the methods adopted in the reconstruction and repairs to buildings, it is possible to trace back a genealogy of risk mitigation practices (for repairs and new constructions) which were accompanied by improvements in building practices and codified in a restricted body of regulations   321

Anna Boato    

I restauri del novecento e l'archeologia dei restauri.

The archaeologist usually distinguishes, recognizes and separates. In this way he can understand the traces belonging to different culture within artefacts characterised by different historical layers. This goal begins in any case more difficult when "restoration" produce mimetic result, such as in numerous restoration works conducted on ancient buildings and such as in the completion, maintenance or restoration of contemporary architecture. Within the first case the intervention goals try to pass the distances existing between ourselves and the past. Within the second perspective the constructive techniques seem to be confused by the homologation of the productive processes and because they belong to a single architectural culture. That means that any attempt to extend the use of stratigraphic archaeology to the restoration of nineteenth century buildings needs deep consideration about some questions of technical and methodological nature, but also about the meaning of the results and about the way of working that can derive from them.                              331

Lucina Napoleone     

“Restaurare” l'architettura del Novecento.

As regards twentieth century’s Architectures, restoration often uses to complete the lost parts and even, for the most clamorous events, we can find regular stylistic restorations. In this case it’s not obviously easy to give up reinstatement’s seduction. During the nineteenth century this kind of restoration was legitimate, but at our days it results incorrect because it’s completely disconnected from a reference theoretical thought. Anyway the fact is that we can’t tolerate signs of time which twist and wrap these architectures up. Instead of enriched architectures they seem crushed and illegible. In contemporary architecture degradation and restoration don’t seem to go together and every buildings reveals some of the never completely faced crux of the matter, pointing out every contradiction.          339


Mauro Moriconi         

Valutazioni sulla manutenzione nell’architettura contemporanea.

Se da un lato il mondo del restauro inizia ad interrogarsi sui problemi specifici degli edifici del novecento, in generale non tutelati dalla legge, la realtà rivela un approccio alla manutenzione quasi sempre privo di attenzione per l'integrità dell'opera. Ciò vale in particolare per edifici di importanza "minore" che però hanno un valore all'interno della sterminata produzione di bassa qualità della città contemporanea. È evidente come queste operazioni siano effettuate, assai soventemente, senza porsi il problema della conservazione dei valori originali, producendo un danno all'edificio che a volte risulta irreversibile. Caso emblematico è ciò che sta accadendo per il cemento faccia a vista che, nella gran parte degli interventi, viene ricoperto con materiali che snaturano la consistenza materica della superficie.

L'obiettivo che ci si propone, utilizzando il materiale raccolto per la città di Genova, è quello di definire una sorta di abaco degli interventi di manutenzione inadeguati. Da una visione d'assieme di questa realtà sarà forse più facile comprendere quali strategie intraprendere per invertire la tendenza                                 343

Vincenzo Angeletti    

Quale Tutela per l'architettura Moderna?  Il caso delle Opere Ternane dell'architetto Mario Ridolfi.

What preservation for the modern architecture? The example of Mario Ridolfi’s works in Terni. The inseparable binomial Terni-Ridolfi is a strong and rare relation instaurated between a city and an architect. In fact, after the Second World War distructions Ridolfi, as urbanist, studies the planning for rebuilding Terni and draws the idea of a new city. This is an articulated system of spaces and volumes that disproves the geometric orthogonal scheme step by step. At the same time, Ridolfi, as architect, plans buildings and Terni can be called “a model city”, that is a right definition. Although, the italian law about preservation of cultural heritage can be hardly referred to the modern architecture because of the limit of forward fifty years.                      349


Marco Morandotti, Alessandro Greco, Daniela Besana, Gianpaolo Calvi  

Diagnostica di un restauro “Moderno”. Un caso di studio.

the methodological approach applied to the Modern’s preservation is based upon the classical theories of restoration although it presents some specific operational characteristics joined to building technologies and innovative materials. This approach is applied experimentally inside the current search’s activity of the Laboratory of Science and Technique for Building and Planning (STEP), Department of Building Engineering and Territory of the University of Pavia. The paper’s aim is to carry out this integration methodology of approach for the church of Santa Maria alle Cacce. The interest towards this ancient monastery is born from the historical and functional stratification and from its religious and modernism components. In fact numerous and different remarks altered, in the time, the geometrical, functional and morphological system, until the last restoration by the Arch. C.E. Aschieri (1935-36) that gives a new appearance to the monument. The researchers developed a whole relief of the monument based on pathologies’ survey with the consequent map of decay and alterations. Also non destructive tests have been developed. In particular some thermal infrared inspections has been useful not only to understand its state of preservation, but also to rebuild some historical and architectural events.              359

Alessia Bianco, Michele Candela, Emanuela Fallanca        

Impiego delle PnD per la valutazione delle risorse dell'edilizia storica in Calcestruzzo Armato: il caso dell'edilizia in “muratura confinata” dei primi del 900 a Reggio Calabria.

The earthquake of 1908, leading the death of 10.000 persons and the dismissing of 30.000 also, determined the need to rebuilt entire wards, realized in the years ’20 and ’30 of ‘900. This event offerede the opportunity to practice a new and revoluting technique, the “confined masonry”, a structural system costitued by a reinforced  concrete framework, connected to the curtain masonry, that behaves  as a bearing wall. The search, here exponed, concerns to estimate, large scale, the residual resources of these structures, making a field diagnostic investigation, that offers the application of a procedure optimized for this specific building type and tests to relation the conservation state of these elements in reinforced  concrete of the first years of ‘900, comparing them with reinforced  concrete building realized in the years ’60 and ’70 of ‘900.      369

Susanna Bortolotto, Mariascristina Giambruno, Cristina Palo,  Raffaella Simonelli       

Il “Moderno” non “Moderno”: linee guida per la conservazione del quartiere ICP Regina Elena ora Mazzini a Milano.

The Azienda Lombarda per l’Edilizia Residenziale di Milano (ALER) appointed the Department of Architecture of Milan Polytechnic to prepare the necessary tender bid documents for the restoration of the urban residential quarters ex’ICP Regina Elena within the municipality of Milan, built by Arch. Giovanni Broglio.

The Laboratorio di Diagnostica per la Conservazione e il Riuso del Costruito has in fact been appointed the task of defining guidelines for the conservation of the above mentioned constructions targeted for intervention. In particular, a number of solutions consolidating the quality of this 20th century buildings have been identified. These include the adaptation of conservation methodologies that are utilised in the restoration of modern buildings; as well as  interventions aimed at saving natural and energy resources.

The Guidelines are aimed at the conservation of the building elements (decorative concrete; coloured and odd-sized tiling; Terranova finishes; patterned floorings; ornamentations on the facades) and also the maintenance of the existing peculiar typologies, both from a construction point of view as well as a functional point of view.                379


Daniela Bosia

SIMM: uno strumento per la gestione del patrimonio informativo sui materiali dell'architettura del novecento.

Il presente contributo intende presentare uno strumento di supporto al restauro e al recupero dell’architettura del Novecento in via di definizione a partire dall’esperienza ormai più che decennale di ricerca e di studio nel settore delle tecnologie e dei materiali moderni. Si tratta di un sistema informativo, ancora in fase di costruzione, impostato su un data base delle tecnologie e dei materiali moderni che si sono rivelati  più numerosi di quanto possa sembrare ad un primo sommario esame. A partire dai dati relativi, ad esempio, alle caratteristiche tecniche, alle versioni produttive, alla ditta produttrice, alle applicazioni e alla posa in opera dei diversi materiali nell’architettura moderna e agli eventuali interventi di restauro già sperimentati su di essi, il sistema informativo permette di acquisire informazioni utili per affrontare problemi di intervento in modo consapevole. Con il SIMM (Sistema Informativo sui Materiali Moderni) sarà dunque possibile affrontare i problemi del restauro dei manufatti architettonici del Novecento a partire da esperienze compiute,  ma anche acquisire e confrontare dati su materiali, tecnologie, interventi, produzione, letteratura e quanto altro possa risultare utile per orientare e sostenere scelte responsabili di progetto e di intervento.     391

Alessandro Braghieri

Restauro architettonico della chiesa Sacra Famiglia di Ludovico Quaroni a Genova.

The decline of this church is more an “architectural decline”, which had already begun during the building phase because the incomplete realization limited its expressiveness, than a material “technological decline”.

The value of this building was only grasped by critics, who extolled it, making the church become an icon of XX century italian architecture and wasn’t understood by users, who didn’t take in its high content.

These people, since they had not recognized the right value of the church, felt free to change the structure of the building. Every improper intervention has caused more loss of readability, creating a sort of chain reaction which brought about the present disaster.

The restoration project aims at changing, as far as possible, the building as it was originally designed.

Once the new image of the church is defined, it is difficult to make it effective through the restoration project, which has to reach the balance between the “aesthetic” and  functional” (material and spiritual) need. This balance would guarantee users’ satisfaction in using the building and by seeing it, also favouring the permanent material condition of the construction   401

Fernanda Cantone, Giovanna Cantone        

Le condizioni di stato negli edifici del primo Novecento. Il caso Ortigia: corso Matteotti.

Within the context of European cities, the criteria of conservation are nowadays changing rapidly. The restoration of urban areas is a crucial agenda regarding both periphery, the big social buildings of XIX century, affordable houses estates, and ultimately historical city centers with their scattered buildings.  It is within the very historical modern context that we are gradually focusing our attention on those buildings dated to the early '900, those building that show a hybrid construction typology, in which load bearing walls are often combined with frames or bay structures, concrete cantilevers or balconies. From these consideration arise the interest for a small urban district that derives from the destruction, dated between 1934 and 1936, of a small portion of Ortigia's historical center to create the via del Littorio (currently corso Matteotti) whose buildings clearly show these underlying ambiguity, yet their technological features are extremely interesting. In this study, we aim to analyze the performance of technological elements in relations to the different decay aspects identified on the facades of corso Matteotti, their materials and construction techniques, in relations to their configurations. The methodology we intend to adopt to characterize, on one side the conditions out of a critical reading of architectural components in relation to form, function and technique, and on the other hand o enable the identification of the pathologies they are suffering from, ultimately pointing out those elements that concur in increasing or healing them , in a comparative way with other buildings formerly constructed within the same environmental context of Ortigia.   We will obtain a picture of the built environment between the two wars, with the aim of pointing out at differences derived by a different conception of architectural space, of technological elements and their relations with morphological and environmental aspects that characterize the pre-war built environment.                             411

Gaetano Cataldo       

Gli interventi di conservazione e manutenzione programmata nell’ipotesi di ridestinazione del Palazzo delle Poste e Telegrafi di Bari: un caso di studio.

The present communication analyzes a concrete case of study pertinent to the General Post Office Building of Bari designed by Roberto Narducci in 1931 and completed in 1934. It is organized in five floors, it is placed in the head position of its block and has a well-defined corner by a curvilinear pronao that emphasizes the character of formal evidence in the urban tissue .The sale of the building by the Poste Italiane Company to the University of the Study of Bari compels to make a few considerations on the building vocation and on the new destination. As for the phase of anamnesis, introductive to the phase of the project, we used the copious documents of the archive: the agreement, the list of 163 analytic terms of the prices of the building materials, the estimative metric counting, the day-book of the building works and the measurement booklet with the builder’s yard drawings have provided accurate indications for the non destructive or partially invaded survey in order to check the strength of the reinforced concrete frames according to the technical body of rules; it has also directed the diagnostic phase pertinent to the stone materials used and subject to biological and human alterations and due to necessary to provide chemical and physical analysis.The drawing up of material-form has been used to check the preservation level of the specific stuffs                              421

Giovanni Cavallo, Albert Jornet, Salvatore Napoli, Maura Ponti, Sandro Cantoni, Christine Konrad

L’impiego di materiali litocementizi sulle facciate di un palazzo degli inizi del900 nel centro storico di Lugano: tecniche realizzative, degrado e problemi di conservazione.

The object of this investigation, built according to a project of the architect Adolfo Brunel, in florence neo-renaissance style, was concluded in 1911, during Lugano's development plan. The facades show three different types of materials: natural stone in the groundfloor and the mezzanine (Claro and Cresciano gneisses - Ticino, CH), precast artificial stone in the first and second floor, and render graffito in the last floor. Our interest was focused on the precast, coloured artificial stones Optical microscopy in transmitted, reflected and UV light and FT-IR spectroscopy were used to characterize building materials and alteration products. In addition, porosity determination and wet chemistry tests were also performed in some samples. Different kinds of cleaning tests have been conducted in order to remove the rests of a previously applied coating, superficial deposits, black crusts and biological products. Best results were obtained using soft air abrasive techniques                       435

Lorenza Comino        

Sulla conservazione dell'allestimento di Franco Albini a Palazzo Rosso, Genova.

The contribution deals with the issue of the conservation of the great museum/interiors arrangements of the Twentieth Century. These works have a special quality where the architecture is directly connected with the restorated building where these works grew up. Nowadays, in consideration of the restoration project going on for a lot of these architecture, we have to solve the problems of the conservation of these precious exhibition machines. We have to find a balance between these masterpieces of architecture and the new criteria of exhibit and the new requirement of the regulation in force.Going on from the studies and the conservation project developed for the Franco Albini work realized in Genova inside Palazzo Rosso, we want to verify problems and chances                         445

Anna Decri, Carlo Arcolao, Marta Gnone, Roberto Ricci    

Sperimentazioni nelle facciate genovesi dei primi del Novecento.

During the early XX century,  the Genoese Architecture was characterized by the construction of many  buildings inspired by the Eclectizism and mainly by the "Coppedè Style". The aim of this paper is to investigate the different ways, tecniques and materials used by architects of the beginning of the century working in Genova to decorate villas and buildings using some main examples . We will focus particularly on Villa Gaslini  (former Canali),  made by Gino Coppedè in 1924, in what concerns its particular materials and sperimental technics and their decay. We will analize it also for the restoration of some prospects characterized by very different methodology                          455

Gabriela Frulio, Maria Rita Langiu Paola Mameli   

L'impiego della "trachite" nelle architetture tra gli anni venti e cinquanta in Sardegna: tecniche costruttive e materiali tradizionali tra nuove tecnologie e modernità.

in the considered period, buildings activities in Sardinia is rappresented by the moving from tradition to modernity. This happened keeping a particular mix between maintening tipical typologies, technologies, and materials. From twenties to fifties local stones are mainly used as decorative and finishing materials, in particoular the "trachite", a kind of volcanic stone. This kind of material was expecially used for bigger public buildings, as peculiar caracteristic that could be identify the governament or auctority architectures (never less technical innovations in the field of buildings techniches applyed in the inner structures).                            465

Vittorio Giola 

Patologie e durabilità della pietra artificiale: un approccio analitico.

This report shows the results of a thorough survey on the pathologies of the artificial stone on the architectural works of the twentieth century in the Milan area. The results of this survey have been associated with chemicophysical analyses on selected samples to check durability of this material. Data related to a hundred elements made out of artificial stone have been collected and compared with particular regard to determining their state of decay. The number of recurrent pathologies emerging from this investigation is very small. Hence some considerations on the good properties the artificial stone has got to last even in a very aggressive environment. The analytical results (thin sections, XRD, differential and gravimetric thermal analyses) on a dozen samples proved a good state of preservation that differentiates according to the various production techniques brought out by the experiments carried out on the samples                                477

Raffaella Grilli           

La bottega della pietra artificiale. Materiali, strumenti e tecniche tradizionali.

Artificial stone was largely used in architecture from the end of eighteenth century to the middle of nineteenth. Skilful craftsmen worked both in building sites and workshops, to produce a material with natural stone features. Materials, tools and techniques were often a workshop's secret; this essay wants to be a way to show how those craftmen used tools and moulds, believing that the knowledge of this heritage is important to understand material and to guide maintenance and conservation works on buildings with artificial stones decorations, especially now that this kind of architecture is starting to decay and it's indispensable to decide what to do and how to do                                483

Daniela Lamberini, Piero Caliterna, Barbara Giannessi, Raffaella Grilli  

Il ruolo del cemento armato nella ricostruzione post-bellica dei ponti storici fiorentini.

The reconstruction of Florentine historical bridges, which were destroyed alongside with the Lungarni by the fleeing German army in August 1944, took place in the years from 1945 to 1959 with debates on the relationship between the old and the new and on the employment of modern materials and construction techniques. The present essay, based on the evaluation of documents and tecnicla drawings, aims to cast a new light on the rebuilding of some of the bridges (namely San Niccolò, alle Grazie, alla Carraia and alla Vittoria) on the Arno river, emphasizing the usage of reinforced concrete in its double role - as a building material and as a mere structural frame hidden by stone facings.                                493

AnnaMaria Lega, Valentina Mazzotti, Bruno Fabbri, Daniela Pinna          

Progetto di conservazione programmata di ceramiche del 900 esposte all'aperto nel centro storico di Faenza.

MIC, International Museum for Ceramics in Faenza, started a programmed conservation project for ceramic works which are located in the open air in the historical centre of Faenza, putting into evidence urgent conservation interventions and a monitoring plan. The ceramic artefacts were subjected to a census, during which they were subdivided into four typologies: architectonic ornaments, tablets and inscriptions, devotion slabs, sculptures. For each artefact, a card was prepared, which includes a macroscopic description of the same work and its conservation state, together with all the data recovered by an essential bibliographic research. The works realized in the XX century resulted to be 593. The possible correlations between the most frequent degradation phenomena and the ceramic typologies of the works, their exposition and the environmental data were evaluated. Three ceramic sculptures were selected as examples to be subjected to analytical investigations, in order to obtain detailed information on materials and production technology.                    503

Giulia Marino

La CAISSE D'ALLOCATIONS FAMILIALES (1953-1959) a Parigi: Problematiche conservative di un edificio a 'Curtain-Wall'.      

The main building of the Parisian headquarters of the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales, - a complex created by architects Raymond Lopez and Marcel Reby between 1953 and 1959 - has serious shorcomings from a thermal insulation point of view and for respect for current fire protection regulations. The light curtain walls suspended on an entirely metallic structure were built on an aluminium grid, held together by slim bands of windows alternated by bright multi-layer polyester panels. Despite the research performed at the time on the insulating properties of this innovative material, its thermal behaviour proved to be immediately disastrous. The problems the Caf building has offer countless motives for thought about the opportunity and method of conserving a building degradednot exclusively by the physiological worsening of the materials and structures, but by a failed concept since the beginning                             513

Enrico Pedemonte, Silvia Vicini, Elisabetta Princi, Giovanni Moggi          

Studio di ecopolimeri acrilici per la protezione ed il consolidamento di malte cementizie mediante polimerizzazione in situ.

The most common consolidating and protective products employed for decayed stone of historical building can be either inorganic or organic. Organic ones are polymeric materials (acrylics, silicon-based and fluorinated) that are carried inside the stone as solutions and are deposited inside the pores of the altered material simply by evaporation of the solvent. They form a continuous film that sticks to pore internal surface and they fill the cavities even if only partially.  The penetration depth is a key factor of a consolidating material since it must go inside the stone enough to exceed the maximum moisture zone as well as go beyond the damage thickness. Only low-molecular weight materials, as inorganic products, diffuse and penetrate rapidly inside the pores while larger molecules, as polymeric products, are confined in the surface region. In situ polymerisation was suggested as an alternative technique to the capillary absorption of the polymeric solution or suspension. Aimed to develop new materials with chemical, physical and mechanical properties adapted to the specific needs of Cultural Heritage, we reported here the performances evaluation of ecosustainable acrylic products in situ polymerised on stones and concrete. The consolidating and protective performances of polymeric materials applied on the samples are evaluated following the Normal Test and ASTM Test.                                         521

Alberto Artioli, Salvatore Napoli     

La Casa del Fascio di Como: un’architettura colorata.

La scarsa considerazione della letteratura critica ai problemi del colore e gli errori interpretativi indotti dall'immagine fotografica hanno permesso anche per la Casa del Fascio il diffondersi di una  semplificazione cromatica che invece gli interventi di questi ultimi anni hanno evidenziato come sbagliata. Gli interni riservano una grande novità finora ignorata e mai messa in dovuta luce; infatti da alcuni saggi effettuati durante recenti opere di manutenzione si è potuto appurare la vera definizione degli interni che erano originariamente rifiniti in stucco lucido colorato, tipo marmorino. Questa nuova conoscenza dimostra come il colore delle pareti avesse una sua rilevante importanza e facesse parte della particolare concezione decorativo spaziale del progettista che aveva ideato un ambiente che attualmente in assenza dei colori originari, si presenta ugualmente affascinante ma semplificato e dunque mortificato                              529

Monica Naretto         

Consuetudine e innovazione: il cemento armato nella sostituzione e nella integrazione di architetture storiche in opera tradizionale.

The twentieth century architecture reveals itself intimately correlated to the use and potentiality of concrete, reinforced or not. The composite material and the consequent techniques used have obtained complete affirmation throughout the XX century, period which has confirmed the entire technological dominion, the affirmation on large scale, and after - even - a languid decadence consequent to the critical post-evaluation of some applications. The work proposes the results of an inquiry carried out on the technique of reinforced concrete used in approaching and/or integration of structures and works already existing, as disruptive innovation in precincts determined by construction continuity. The study is based on documentary inventory which form the archive of the G.A. Porcheddu company, mandatory for the Italian area - during the years 1895-1933 - of the patent "Hennebique System" for reinforced concrete. As example have been taken in consideration works carried out in Turin at the Botanic Garden's building, at the Brayda house and at the Madonna degli Angeli church, and in Milan at the Sant'Aquilino chapel and at the Sforzesco Castle. In these cases the planners have proposed precocious interventions of employment of new structures in reinforced concrete in substitution or approaching other elements or parts of traditional architecture. The building yards analysed are considered as cases for a consideration on the reasons which have informed them and on the compatibility and durability of "new" technologies in historical heritage at that time.                                    535

AnnunziataMaria Oteri         

Materiali Moderni nel restauro:orientamenti e pratiche nei cantieri della Sicilia Orientale (1908-1940).

The Charter of Athens that, as we know, authorize to make use of new building-materials in conservation, ratify the need of a radical change in methods for restoration. It is a change that is already happened at that period. It's undoubtedly true that this radical changes are not unexpected but, on the contrary, they came from about 30 years of experiments and debates. We can considered the earthquake that in 1908 destroyed Messina and Reggio Calabria as one of the most important event that helps these new orientations. Problem of security, that the violent earthquake shows, impose a reflection so that, from this particular moment,  practice of restoration break off with traditional system of consolidation. As the examples show, we can pass, in relation to damaged buildings, from the concept of "improvement" to the one of "equalization".                                  545

Daniela Pittaluga      

Restauri e interventi in malta di calce nel porto di Genova a inizio Novecento: consuetudine o sperimentazione ?

At the beginning of XXth century, several Genoa harbour works  were built using lime-based mortar, instead of the well-known grout, and they we 're  reinforced with iron frames. This was a curious solution, using together the iron-frame technique, that was an innovation in those times where armored concrete began, with the more traditional lime material. All the ways, the result was effective good , durable and well resistant, even in this difficult environment directly next to sea water.                                   559

Alfredo M. Ronchi      

“Information at your fingertips”.

The Information Communication Technologies are transforming our way to work and to live. Their social and economical impact represents a key opportunity for new development in every field of knowledge. Another event is the awareness of the importance of cultural heritage and identity, and the need of exploit and manage it, in such a framework even "recent" and "future" heritage has to be taken into account. Objects created by industrial designers, early personal computer and modern architecture building are becoming "heritage". The rapid obsolescence of technologies furthermore imposes the attention to data storage in order to ensure the "survival" of data sets for a reasonable period of time. However, the aspects, which most involve the online user, are both the interface and easy access to different subjects and contents.  The contribution is focussed on advanced technologies and ICT tools for information and knowledge management addressed to built heritage conservation and management with specific reference to their application in the field of modern and contemporary architecture. Quality, kind and level of detail of involved information to be archived following the timeline is taken into account as well as workflow, different roles and skills                          567

Giuseppe Tantillo      

La manutenzione del calcestruzzo di cemento in ambienti marini:il caso dello stabilimento balneare di Mondello (Pa).

How modern Movement works may be conserved when they are exposed to particular microclimatic conditions? In the latest years, contemporary architectonic culture has dealed carefully with this matter, trying to point out the need to act preventively through maintenance works, as soon as the degradation appears, since neglecting it will often cause its spread on many parts of the building, putting in danger its artistic and historical value. In order to plan maintenance works, however, it is necessary to know the materials used in the building, as well their relations and interactions with the surrounding enviroment. In the present paper, we will consider as a case of study the bathing establishment in Mondello, Palermo, which was built in the first years of the 20th century using mainly armed concrete. Although at the time of the building the use of armed concrete was already diffused, its employment in structures directly in contact with sea water was new and rather unexperimented. This gives us the possibility to observe the conservation status of the concrete in a context which is both chimically and phisically aggressive. This paper is arranged as follows: in the first part we will make an analysis of the degradation phenomena and their causes, then we will consider the feasible maintenance works, both preventive ones, mainly focusing on the planning of activities in order to foresee or prevent the degradation, and corrective ones, in order to re-establish the phisical properties of the building                          577

Fabio Todesco           

Edilizia residenziale del Novecento a Messina: conservazione o innovazione?

Some examples of interventions effected in Messina on residential architectures of the years '30 and '70 serve for noticing and to compare the different evolutions of the I degrade in reason for the materials employees. The investigated examples are useful to describe as the affairs that gravitate around the maintenance of the urban immovable properties extends to impose logics that have opposite finality to the wish of maintenance of the authenticity of the architectures. Insofar the criterions for the definition of the actions to be developed, in a realistic optics of maintenance, they have to keep in mind of such variable for better effecting the intent to transmit the values of the architectural objects. The study of the techniques, of the defectiveness, in relationship to the typologies of degrade, they individualize technological approaches that extend, where possible, to set the new materials in an optics of further stratification, distinguished by the native subject.                          587

Roberto Ricci, Rita Vecchiatini         

Decorazioni di pietra artificiale: ornamento, innovazione e degrado.

In the first half of 20th century most Italian architecture is characteristic of plastic-architectonic ornaments, more or less worked out, that enrich buildings fronts. In this period a technique were specified to make objects like natural stones by use and working of grout or lime mortar. Frameworks and rich decorations of "artificial stone" were done with amazing aesthetic results, often with a wisely alternation of natural stone. Today a lot of this hand worked objects of great value are in bad condition, moreover elaborated decorations on outside fronts and the use of experimental and innovative mixture cause or increase the degradation, too.This note intends to look into the close relation between decoration display, artificial stone and degradation by the study (material and degradation analysis) on two of the most interesting examples of liberty architecture in Liguria: Villa Zanelli in Savona and the Giorgio Borghese Stairs in Genoa                               599

Barbara Vinardi        

Attualità e tradizione nelle opere di Aldo Morbelli

The essay looks at the theme of the 20th century buildings restoration trough the analysis of Aldo Morbelli works (1903-1963), who planned and built a lot of structures with different functional characters, interesting for their fulfilment's techniques and for their formal solutions, either about big edifices or about little ones. A huge part of all this production is quickly disappearing for carelessness or addition of new necessities that have taken to incompatible and inopportune changes. It appears, in fact, undeniable the practical difficulty of preserving 20th century buildings for the use of materials and technology partially still to an experimental level and with unknown behaviours and length. The essay keeps on the concept of intervention necessity, sometimes rising  from an heavy situation of degradation or failure, which supposes an immediate action, always unaware, sometimes instead suggested from aesthetical and functional reasons, on which a deeper attention should be used, being inclined, if possible, to alternate solutions                                   609

Mirella Vinci, Irene Ruggeri, Sabrina Pandolfo      

Messina, problematiche inerenti il recupero di un centro storico Novecentesco.

The architectural landscape of Messina shows a predominant use of reinforced concrete buildings after the earthquake of 1908, which destroyed the city and erased its previous architectural heritage and associated techniques.  During the rebuilding, which continued until the 1940s, a remarkable experimental aesthetic took root. Concrete decorations and marble powder plaster finishing were utilised to create an eclectic architectural decorum mixing liberty and neo-classic styles. Because of these historic reasons, an almost homogeneous 20th century aesthetic in the entire historical centre is apparent. In recent years, these aesthetic developments have called the attention of the local Soprintendenza ai Beni Culturali e Ambientali, which has prescribed guidelines to help technicians and administrators. Our findings show that often it's better to rebuild damaged finishes rather than preserving them, because materials and techniques are well known by craftsmen still living. Thus historic need is compromised in favour of aesthetic needs                              619

Serena Viola  

Processi di obsolescenza e degrado nell’edilizia residenziale sovvenzionata del secondo dopoguerra. Dieci anni di monitoraggio delle modificazioni prestazionali per le case popolari dell’arch. Carlo Cocchia a Napoli.

The paper deals with a monitoring procedure aimed to testify the  trasformation  occourred during the last ten years, to modern public houses (IACP and INA-Casa) realised in Naples after the second war. The work refers to a research experience aimed to define an anlysis protocol  for modern architecture acquaitance. A  case based methodology supports the research, that has been structured under  an iterative approach. Three residential experiences realised  by Carlo Cocchia between 1949-55, have been compared, by monitoring their attitudes to transformations, on a degradation and obsolescence point of view. The paper outlines a monitoring strategy based on dedicated registers suited  to modern architecture and  on a performances point of view procedure                                 629

Giulia Beltrami          

La Pietra artificiale a Genova. stato di conservazione e forme di degrado

The artificial stone is a material strongly used in Genoa at the beginning of the 20th century.  There are several areas, due to the new urbanization of the town, characterized by the Liberty architecture, that diffusely  employed this material. The artificial stone is a sort of reinforced concrete, but  with decorative and not structural aims. The conservative state of the architectural elements, realized with this material, is actually threatened by the loss of their maintenance and always by the poor knowledge of its properties, that leads to incorrect interventions. The decay forms that in terest the artificial stones are several and they are the result of the double mixture of the artificial stone: the natural and the artificial matrix.                                  639

Roberto Benvenuti, Maura Manzelle, Ruggero Munarin     

Studi per il restauro di tre opere di Carlo Scarpa a Venezia: Il giardino delle sculture nel padiglione Italia,  Il basamento del monumento "il Veneto alle sue Partigiane", Il monumento “Venezia alla Partigiana”.

Carlo Scarpa, during years '50 and '70, realized some works in the area of Giardini at Castello; The Municipality of Venice, through the Central Management "Progettazione ed Esecuzione lavori" and "Beni e Attività culturali", acknowledged call and need of protection of what was remaning of this architectural activity (entrusting the survey, the studies and preliminary research of these works to arch. Maura Manzelle and the project of restoration to arch. Luciano Gelmin) and embarked on studying and reclamation of three particulary significant pieces:•••the courtyard in Italian Pavilion in Biennale, the "Giardino delle sculture" (1950-52);•••the base for the statue, made of baked clay, "La Partigiana" of Leoncillo Leopardi (1955-57)•••the floating base of the Monumento alla Partigiana, made by Augusto Murer (1967-69), and the nearby works.                         647

MariaCristina Cocca, Lucia D’Arienzo, Loredana D’Orazio, Gennaro Gentile, Ezio Martuscelli  

A new route for tuff conservation: in situ polymerization of urethane-urea copolymer.

a synthetic method for in situ polymerisation in environmental conditions of urethane-urea copolymer into Neapolitan yellow tuff samples has been successfully set up. The protective and consolidating efficiency of the performed treatments was evaluated through water capillary absorption and water vapour permeability measurements, abrasion and mechanical tests, this last carried out on samples previously undergone to freeze-thaw cycles. The distribution and the depth of penetration of the synthesized copolymer were analysed by micro-FTIR and the influence of the in situ polymerisation on the morphology of tuff was investigated by SEM. It was demonstrated that a good penetration depth of the urethane-urea copolymer is achieved through in situ polymerisation; moreover the obtained material acts as an effective protecting and consolidating agent for tuff.                          657

Laura Fieni, Luigi Salemi     

La cappella di Sant'Aquilino a Milano: analisi degli interventi di restauro novecenteschi a loro influsso sulle condizioni microclimatiche.

In the XXth century two restorations creates an archeological area under the chapel floor and modify the interior decoration. Neighbouring houses were razed to isolate the chapel. Modern materials and technologies were employed by restorers. New microclimatic conditions are created that actually act on the conservation state.                            663

Michela Benente, Manuela Mattone 

Gli interventi sull’esistente in occasione delle olimpiadi di Torino 2006: il restauro come “riscrittura” dell’architettura.

The Olympic Winter Games to be held in Turin, in February 2006, have provided an opportunity to create new structures and improve existing ones. The latter interventions, in particular, are designed to restore functionality to a number of significant buildings of 20th century architecture. An examination of the projects to be realised and the interventions already underway prompts some considerations on the relative objectives and execution modalities. In particular, the works underway on Palazzo a Vela, the building designed by Annibale and Giorgio Rigotti, though their primary purpose is the restoration of the Palazzo, reflect a lack of attention to conservation-related issues. Similar considerations apply to the pavilions of the Mostra delle Regioni, which are also part of the "Italia '61" complex: in this case too, the proposed intervention does not seem to be perfectly in keeping with the conservation intentions expressed. The analysis of the interventions on 20th century structures, whether planned or to be completed, for the Olympic Games, therefore reveals how in actual fact the reinterpretation of intervention choices and criteria does not correspond to the conservation goals dictated by the specific connotations of this architecture.                          673

Valerio Corino, Stefania Moretti, Giovanna Mastrotisi, Alessandro Segimiro, Sonia Segimiro, Silvia Teruggi, Vincent-Pierre Vachey         

L'architettura di Giuseppe Pagano a Biella: il caso del lanificio di via Carso con problematiche di progettazione e riutilizzo".

The building where once was the "Pettinatura Rivetti" in Via Carso, in Biella is the first factory in this area to have been conceived and planned by a highly professional Architect, well known nationally and internationally who represented the "Rationalist" culture. The Architect Giuseppe Pagano built this factory in 1939 for the purpose of transforming rough wool which, for the shaking of the heavy machinery, it had to be built on the ground floor. In the pictures of the time published on the magazine Casabella, of which Pagano was Director, we can see a construction with well defined and neat volumes of a bright white which was the colour preferred by the "Rationalist" Architects. The analysis on the various strata of this wall painting have revealed the typical composition of this materials. This has been done for the purpose of using the same techniques in its interiors as well as in the external parts, when in the near future it will be decided to which usage the building will be used for. The union of the Industrialists of Biella is thinking of using its interiors as a Museum concerning the history of weaving wool since Biella is so rich in this tradition and the industry of weaving is typical to all most important factories of this area            683

Carmen Genovese, FrancoTomaselli           

Il cemento armato nel restauro: due esempi nella Sicilia del primo Novecento. Ricostruzione e consolidamento nei casi  del Duomo di Messina e della Cuba a Palermo.

The members of the Congress of Atene, in the 1931, approved the use of reinforced concrete to consolidate ancient buildings. In Sicily, in the start of Ninety century, the most important Norman buildings were restored by the engineer Francesco Valenti (1868 - 1953), Supervisor of Sicilian Art from 1924 and one of Italian members in the Conference. He introduced, in the historical architectures, under-covered reinforced concrete structures, to oppose to earthquake dangers. This study concerns the Cathedral of Messina, destroyed by the big earthquake in 1908 and the Cuba's Palace in Palermo, consolidated by Valenti, using reinforced concrete. In particular, in 1998, the degradation of concrete in Cuba's Palace needed the de-restoration of  this structures. Analysing knowledge, materials and technologies of concrete in the start of Ninety century, the study develops the factors of concrete degradation, that is a danger, today, for buildings' conservation                        695

Mariangela Carlessi  

Cementi “armati e semiarmati”. nelle “Officine Pesenti per la produzione del Portland”. I modi della costruzione, le forme di alterazione.

The essay concerns studies about the important monument of Industrial Archeology called "Officine Pesenti", now "Cementificio Italcementi" in Alzano Lombardo. The cement factory, built since 1883, was erected by the Ingeneer Cesare Pesenti, one of the first divulgators of reinforced concret structures in Italy. Pesenti experiments in this building several particular structures, made with Portland natural cement, which was produced in the same factory. After decades of abandonment, these structures offer the chance to study and to check the process of degradation of reinforced concrete, and raise a lot of queries about their conservation.                          705

Riccardo Nelva, Roberto Vancetti, Giuliano Frigerio, Tiziano Teruzzi      

Metodi di valutazione della durabilità di tecniche di reintegrazione con malte di elementi di facciata in conglomerato cementizio armato.

This paper presents the results of an on-going research project dealing with the development of an experimental methodology for the evaluation of the durability of concrete restoration systems with repair mortars. The proposed methodology is based upon the exposition of test specimens to accelerated artificial weathering and upon condition assessment of the repair mortars by means of visual inspection and of both destructive and non destructive testing. Test specimens consist of concrete plates on which commercially available repair mortars were applied by hand or sprayed. The investigated weathering cycles all reproduce the most relevant degradation agents: heating and cooling thermal shocks, frost and damp variation. The paper focuses on the effects of the weathering cycles upon the condition of the repair mortars, on their effectiveness in activating degradation mechanisms and on the properties which are more suited for evaluating and monitoring durability also according to the recent European standards concerning repair mortars                 719

Franco Tomaselli, Gaspare Massimo Ventimiglia   

Le indagini diagnostiche per il monitoraggio e la verifica della conservabilità degli intonaci a “finte pietre” del Novecento.

The employ of a special plaster was diffused at the beginning of the twentieth century in Sicily, but its development was due to experimentations made in the rest of Europe too. The special plasters were forged to create architectural lag finishing imitating precious freestones and the palette of stone vestments is vast, from the most common limestones to the marbles, travertine and brick walls. The generalised unkindness and the judgement based on the modernity of these plasters involved the contemporary "restorers" to achieve unsustainable total substitutions of the so called "sacrifice surface", without maintaining aptitude. The frequent restorer encroachment is a total repainting that interferes or completely modifies the perceptive complexion of the plastered surfaces. The essay presents the issue of a research concerning the story of these particular plasters, their composition and techniques of application. The ratings of degradation state are presented through diagnostics implemented with thermovision infrared thermal measurements and imaging system, analysis of humidity per cent and salt detector. Adherence and hygroscopic conduct are characterized through thermography, used to support degradation mapping on different architectures and to demonstrate that the re-establishment of adherence and the dehumidification are methods for the conservation project                   729

Maurizio Gomez Serito, Antonio Rava         

Pietra artificiale: peculiarità d’uso e ipotesi di restauro.

The object of this investigation is a typical building of eclectic style in Torino, designed in 1879, during the expansion of the city after the reunification of Italy. The facade shows different types of materials, like natural stone in the groundfloor and precast artificial stone in the first and second floor, now repainted with synthetic uniform colour. Close inspection  revealed that part of the stone surface of the basement was restored in different moments with artificial cement mixture simulating the surrounding stone elements, giving the possibility of comparing different techniques. Analysis were performed in order to characterise the buildings materials and alteration products, remove superficial deposits like black crusts and biological products, filling with mortars to restore cracked and missing part in the most exposed areas                         739

Lucio Cimitan, P.Paolo Rossi

Contributo allo studio dei fenomeni di carbonatazione sul calcestruzzo.

In concrete structures, a decay of the mechanical characteristics of the material is frequently observed not only on the surface of the concrete structures but also in the deeper layers which are not directly exposed to the weather conditions. This is probably due to the effect of gas flow (carbonic anhydride) permeating into the concrete which induces chemical and physical alteration of the microstructure with consequent decay of the mechanical characteristics of the macrostructure. A special testing apparatus has been set up, which is able to apply a constant flow of the aggressive gas into the specimen. A carbonic anhydride flow has been applyed for a long time and the main results of this research are presented. The chemical and physical alterations due to the gas permeating through the concrete is clearly shown as well as the consequent decay of the mechanical characteristics                           749

Greta Bruschi, Paolo Faccio, Sergio Pratali Maffei, Paola Scaramuzza   

Fenomeni di degrado e metodologie di intervento nei calcestruzzi delle architetture di Carlo Scarpa.

This contribution focuses on the specific theme of analysis and conservation for concrete surfaces, characterizing the specificity of this topic in the architectures of Carlo Scarpa, in which concrete appears in several aspects. Carlo Scarpa concrete building techniques and the peculiar way of treating the surfaces offer a wide range of study cases. This proposal develops through an organized process of survey, reading and interpretation of building, suggesting a specific method of graphic representation capable of describing both technological properties and deterioration phenomena, as well as operative directions about diagnostic, preserving and upkeeping methods. Moreover the research make use of results coming from tests on concrete sample, made up like the surveyed Scarpa's concrete surfaces, properly aged and deteriorated, to test possible restoring processes impact, with regard to image alteration. This process allows a critical reflection about conservation possibilities in reinforced concrete, considering the most updated technological solutions available in market resources                              757

Antonia Moropoulou, Asterios Bakolas, Timokleia Togkalidou, Maria Karoglou, Paraskevi Kaouri, Basileios Chandakas     

Performances and durability of materials for monitoring and quality control (the case of municipal market of Pyrgos).

For the preservation, and safeguarding of modern cultural heritage the investigation of the performances and durability of the materials and structures is needed. A methodology for this investigation, and also a plan for the evaluation and the management of the acquired data are of great importance. This can be done by systematization of investigation and monitoring of the materials and structures characteristics, in order to perform maintenance management, and quality control of materials and buildings, and to determine the compatible materials and conservation interventions. This integrated methodology will ensure the sustainability of modern cultural environment                                   765

Guido Biscontin, Elisabetta Zendri, Sara Riato, Andrea Brunetin, Ilaria Nardini 

Il problema metodologico nello studio di opere moderne: la grande pittura di Sironi a Cà Foscari (Venezia).

This research has taken into consideration some samples coming from a mural painting presents in Ca' Foscari palace (Venice). This work of art is a manufacture of Sironi and it dates back to the 1937.The study has underlined the importance of the analytical approach at the "modern" works of art, that needs a different modality in the setting out, respect to the same generally followed for the study of the traditionally works of art                          775

Valerio Di Battista, Paolo Gasparoli

Qualita’ e affidabilità dell’intonaco “TERRANOVA”.

Terranova plaster is a plastering process, colored in mass, acknowledged as reliable and durable, eith by professionals and by a wider public who helped in establishing its name in a way that its name assumed over time the meaning of a paradigm. The research conducted by the Built Quality Evaluation Laboratory, from september 2000 to february 2001, aimed at analizing the behaviour of Terranova plaster applied outdoor through the time, from 1932 to 1992, on buildings in Milan, confirmed these consolidated convictions. The durability demonstrated by "historical" Terranova plaster is connected to its technological peculiarity. The silication process of the lime, obtained with the addition of active silicic acid and sodic or silicic fluoride, is likely to be the innovation that allowed the durability of this product over time                                  785

Letterio Mavilia, Giuseppe Panzera, Salvatore Aragona, Vincenza Modafferi     

Valutazione della qualità e previsione della curabilità dell’edilizia residenziale post terremoto a Reggio Calabria.

The reconstruction of vast residential districts in Reggio Calabria, city located in the south of Italy, after the 1908 calamitous event (a violent earthquake), was effected according to new rules for building in seismic zone. This circumstance was then an important occasion to put into practice in a spread way a new and revolutionary constructive technique named "the confined masonry". It represented a new building construction system composed by a framework in steel reinforced concrete placed side by side to a full brick masonry. To distance of about one century from the above mentioned earthquake it appears us to be very opportune to make, both for evaluation of the current materials and structures integrity and for recovery and conservation purposes, a careful evaluation on the residual resources of the aforesaid concrete structures, particularly some structures edified in the years 20 and 30 and representative of the popular house-buildings. The extension of the aforesaid investigation to other more recent manufactured city buildings allowed us to make a comparison on construction quality parameter mainly as the level of constructive-techniques, on the way by which concrete was applied in terms of composition and laying in work, and the resistance degree of the composite to the aggressive action of some natural (i.e., aerosol sea) and urban pollutants (i.e., gaseous and particulate automotive emissions).   To such end, on pre-selected representative popular residential buildings, they were conducted some analytical investigation procedures of destructive tests type. So making, it has been possible to study the chemical-physical and mineralogical-petrography nature in respect on the composition of concrete. Also the presence of some incipient or consolidated physical-chemical damages have been made by laboratory tests. In particular they were performed by applying common analytical techniques such as optical microscopy, X-ray diffractometry, thermogravimetry, ionic chromatography and, supported when necessary, by the aid of some conventional wet chemical analyses procedures.  It was ascertained that buildings edified around to the second-third decade of last century are edified well and are still in good state in relation to the carrying structures although  actually they suffer a diffuse degradation on the exterior parts (as external walls, finishers, and other decorations) specially when not plastered at the right moment. Opposite those buildings belonging  to the sixth-seventh decade of the same century appear altogether edified in a less good manner and it also seems, they exhibit today, considering theirs youngest age, most greater damages                              795

Antonio Cassiano, Giuseppe De Benedetto, Carla De Maglio, Chiara Marini, Rosa Vatinno

Il“SANTUARIO DELLA PAZIENZA” di Ezechiele Leandro.

Santuario della Pazienza has been created by Ezechiele Leandro in San Cesario, near Lecce, between 1962 and 1981 when the artist died. It consists of several statues in concrete on a iron structure, where Leandro included small pieces of pottery, glasses and other scrap materials. Nowadays Santuario's restoration has to be undertaken due to degradation phenomena, like detachment of concrete pieces or rusting of the iron structures. A formerly proposed intervention foresaw the coverage by Plexiglas sheetings above the garden. This solution is not acceptable and the protection of the surface of each figure is proposed instead. As a result, the characterization of Leandro's materials has been carried out along with the testing of some protective coatiings and the relevant results are reported in the present communication                         805

Daniela Biancolini     

Architettura contemporanea a Torino aspetti di Tutela e Restauro.

The protection of contemporary architecture in Turin began to develop during the 1990s as a consequence of the imminent re-conversion of the city's many industrial sites. Indeed, an evaluation method for artistic and historical interest - which actually applies to the entire range of architectural types that have lived throughout the last century - was defined to this purpose. In this way street markets, hospitals, sports facilities and schools can be protected.  The management of contemporary architecture's protection is not an easy task since often its values are not yet shared, partly because of the limited historical distance between us and the values it represents.   On the contrary, paradoxically, the restoration of contemporary buildings is easy since there aren't - nor could there be - methodological differences with the operating method used for restoring ancient works: the issue at stake relating to the contemporary is not actually how, but rather being able to accomplish restoration thanks to an opportune protective action                         815

Marco Operto, Cristinana Bevilacqua         

Il villaggio olimpico negli ex mercati generali a Torino.

In the year 1932, architect Umberto Cuzzi designed the MOI (International Fruit and Vegetable Market) on behalf of Turin Town Hall. The Market was being built in the south outskirts of the town, with principles of functional and rationalist architecture. In the year 1934 was inaugurated.It was built with two sheds in reinforced concrete and moulded with seven parabolic arches, suitable with vehicles and connected with lower part bodies, where happened the negotiate.Centrally there was a square, which since the end at 30'es hosts a new building made up of a new covering with thin cantilever wings. The "Turin General Fruit and Vegetable Market", now part of the town, were closed in 2001, following the choice to give an outskirts area to accommodate a new integrated pole. The Town Hall Council thought in which sort of urban planning this area could be re-used. The occasion for the recovery of General Fruit and VegetableMarket, another topic of the Modern in Turin, has come with the Olympic program.In the next February 2006, the building will accommodate the International Zone of the Olympic Village, where are located the support functions to stay of the athletes                          825


Massimo Monferino   

Il villaggio media nell’ospedale militare “A. Riberi” di Torino.

The military hospital of Turin was called Alessandro Riberi, founder of the military sanitary staff, was inaugurated on July the fifth,1914. It was used the most advanced sanitary plants and the most suitable constructive norms for this kind of building from the engineers and the hygienists of that period. This complex is a meaningful example of hospital typology divided into blocks of rationalist design with the presence of liberty items. After ninety years of distance from the building inauguration, next a period of progressive decadence, the XX Winter Olympic Games of Turin 2006 originated the occasion for the recovery and the restoring of this important landmark of the twenty century. The project, conducted by the architect Carlo Aymonino, permitted to recovery the necessary areas will accommodate about one thousand journalists during the Olympic Games and the same number of soldiers, in the next stage. The same project will permit to replace the Centre of Military Medicine in a restored block of the  building, but, in particular way, is oriented to the recovery of the original designs and materials in accordance with a conservative restoring.                          831

Renata Codello          

Carlo Scarpa. L’aula Manlio Capitolo e il Ponte alla fondazione Querini: l’impegno della manutenzione.     

ND                            837

Stefano Gizzi 

Studi ed indagini propedeutici al restauro di due complessi architettonici degli anni cinquanta nella Sardegna Settentrionale.

ND                            845

Lisa Accurti, Alberto Tricarico

 “Far di necessita' virtu'”: "invenzioni" strutturali ai tempi dell'autarchia. Caratterizzazione di materiali e deterioramento.

The architectural shape of the building, situated in Novara and  comparable to a series of hangars, derives from the structural devices adopted at the time in which it was built, between 1938 and 1939. The study points out the peculiarity of roofs, shaped as a parabolic curve comparable to a catenary's curve. It derives from varying the original idea of a flat roof The roof is held up by reticular curved beams in reinforced concrete and reinforced brick, 13,5 m. wide and 11,8 m. high, which cover an area of about 5000 squared meters.  This solution allowed saving a lot of building steel, since the geometric shape of the structure actually produces mainly comprehessive efforts.  The structure, very peculiar in its geometric shape both in plan and in facades, has been analyzed from the structural static and dynamic point of view,  with the aim of verifying  the structural stability  of both main load bearing parabolic arches and purlins. Moreover, the deterioration index of building materials has been investigated  The investigation has pointed out the very peculiar, probably unique, use of materials like empty bricks as load bearing materials, and the building technique, which can be considered a very early example of precasting technique: the parabolic arches, split in two parts, built and stored in the erecting yard, have been lifted up thanks to a chain pulley system.                           861

Francesca Albani, Luca Bertolini, Marco Manera, Fabrizio Valvassori     

La conservazione dei materiali dell'architettura Contemporanea: Calcestruzzo Armato, Pietra e Rame in un edificio di Figini e Pollini a Milano.

This paper describes the restoration of a building built in Milan in the 1960s, designed by Luigi Figini and Gino Pollini. The building consists of two parts with a facade made of granite stone and reinforced concrete and a higher one covered with copper sheet. The restoration work was focused mainly on the façade concrete elements of the lower parts of the building which were damaged by corrosion of the rebars and subsequent concrete detachment.A detailed inspection characterised by both non-destructive measurements and core sampling was carried out. In order to diagnose the causes of the corrosion and to define the repair strategies. Prescription on the repair materials and procedures were then formulated both for reinforced concrete and stonework and copper sheet . Many questions remain open above all concerning the materials used in the reinforced concrete maintenance.                                871

Carlo Avetta, Marina Gennari          

Restauro ed adeguamenti di edifici novecenteschi di significato architettonico del secondo dopoguerra. Il caso dell’Istituto Universitario “Gregorio Mendel” a Roma (1953-2004)

Adjustments to new legislation can often interfere with architectonic characteristics of 20th Century buildings of undoubtful value. Normally those who carry out these corrections have no specific preparation in restoration. Thus, cultural aspects of the 20th Century that could be saved with a correct methodological approach and at no cost are lost. Transformations of the "Gregorio Mendel" Institute, inauguratede in Rome in 1953 for medical genetic research and still part of the University, can perfectly exemplify the problem. Designed in the early50s by Ildo Avetta, the building, of unusual roman postwar architectonic innovations, has undergone numerous corrections and necessary maintenanances in the last years and a recent general restoration. These transformations have obviously interfered with some of its architectonic characteristics such as: the interior space obtainede by the temperate glass of many walls, the use of golden anodized aluminium frames and the variety of finishing materials and furniture magnifically studied by craftsmen and artists with the aim of an organic architecture.Reflections brings us to methodological implications and pratical evaluations extended to the recovery of 20thC architecture and the respectand conservation of the cultural value it represents.                   881

Laura Barbanti, Daria Jeanmonod, Daniele Rancilio

Dopo il Novecento: la riscoperta della manutenzione. Il caso di Villa Mylius a Sesto San Giovanni.

The Villa Mylius in Sesto San Giovanni (Milano), of eighteenth-century origin, was enlarged in the fifties by adding a new wing with a reinforced-concrete structure that created externally an architectonic and stylistic continuity with the historical building, even if modern materials such as smooth or decorative ciments and prefabricated concretes were utilized. A new front facing was also applied on the historical part with a restoration in the seventies, which started a decay process due to materials incompatibility. The new-ended restoration on the building façades had, as a central theme, the material and its stratifications, focusing on the transformations, largely of the twentieth-century, which represent the manufacture history. The restoration project intended to carry back to the surface all the materials of the architectonic and decorative façade elements, without making any distinctions between the presumed "original" ones and the twentieth-century additions                                   891

Tiziana Basiricò        

Valorizzazione e tutela degli interventi INA-Casa di Palermo. Dalla diagnosi agli interventi di recupero.

Among the twentieth century architectures, the economic-popular housebuilding interventions  have to be enumerated, realized in Italy in the second postwar period, during the INA-casa experience. We speak about districts that, today, fifty years from their realization, need maintenance interventions. The constructive activity, developed during the 14 years INA-casa plan, besides having produced new projects and urbanistic schemes on the theme of district, brought to the introduction of new materials and constructive techniques. Just after the immediate postwar period, in fact, the mixed constructions in masonry and reinforced concrete began to be experimented. The objects of this study are the districts realized in Palermo during the first INA-casa seven-years: Pitrè, Malaspina-Notarbartolo, Zisa Quattro Camere, S. Rosalia. An historical-constructive study has been developed, first of all, through the retrieval and the analysis of source documents, still preserved in the IACP archives, and a direct analysis of buildings to verify their actual " state". To determinate the degradation state, the first phase of analysis has been conducted on a large scale to the constituent buildings of the districts, through the observation of the anomalies, aiming to be able to classify the recurrent degradations; the second phase, instead, on a short scale, relating the various anomalies to the possible causes. On the base of the materials knowledge and the constructive techniques used, interventions of maintenance have been projected                          901

Carla Benocci

Un americano a Roma: la "Gloriette" di villa Sciarra tra scelte innovative di Giorgio Washington Wurts e Pio Piacentini e problemi di conservazione.

The Villa Sciarra's pavillion at Rome, called "gloriette", consisted in eight  little columns on plinth and metal dome; it  is one of the principal furniture commissioned from George W,Wurts, an american diplomat, and made from Pio Piacentini in the second decade of the XXth century The restoration acquainted us with the stony material, which is Aurisina Fiorita, a limestone  unusual in Rome, coming from the Carso quarries. It presents suface's fragility and poses problems for the conservation,  increased from the position at the top of the hill, exposed to the wind and to the attack of  biological  agents. The restoration brought a finding about the dome, which was at the beginning with gilt made of brass powder. The "gloriette" is an expression of american taste, which was made in the villas at the  Janiculum                                    911

Luca Bertolini, Maddalena Carsana, Matteo Gastaldi, Pietro Pedeferri, Elena Redaelli  

Indagine sulle strutture in calcestruzzo armato di due edifici di Milano alla soglia dei 50 anni: la casa-albergo di via Corridoni e l’ex Istituto Marchiondi.

The paper describes the results of the inspections carried out on the reinforced concrete structures of two buildings which were built in the years between 1947 and 1957 in Milan: the "casa-albergo" in Corridoni street, designed by Luigi Moretti, and the former Institute Marchiondi in Noale street, designed by Vittoriano Viganò. Both buildings have reinforced concrete structures; nevertheless, the structures of the former building are covered by plasters and ceramic tiles, while in the latter concrete is not protected. Different types of non-destructive tests were carried out on the reinforced concrete structures of the buildings and concrete samples were cored to carry out further laboratory analyses. The results of the analyses are described with regards to the characterization of the concrete, the assessment of the degradation of the structures and the evaluation of its future evolution. The present degradation of the two buildings will then be compared, with special regards to the role of the different design approaches in relation to the surface finishing                                 919

Elvira Cajano, Francesco D'Asaro,  Maria Talani   

Il restauro del villino Astengo in Roma.

The "Villino Astengo" is situated in Lungotevere Cenci, in the ancient "S. Angelo" quarter and it's a notable example of the Liberty Style. It was built at the beginning of the 20th Century. The plan of the house was designed by the architect Ezio Garroni, whose original project we found at the Capitolino Archive. The building now is under the Soprintendenza tutelage, as a matter of fact it is very elegant and remarkable for the perfect harmony between its frame and its rich decoration: but before the actual restoration, it was impossible to fully appreciate the artistic and cultural significance of the building. This was because of the thick coat of paint "brick" tone. In particular, the fine painted decorations upon the windows and on the top of each corner (inspired by the Art Noveau motifs and the Futurist patterns) were mostly hidden.The works had aimed towards the cleaning of the facades, restoring them again to a refined travertine color. The stuccos and the paintings had reintegrated and revalued, and the roof wad restored.The final result is the rediscovery of a really great piece of architecture                               929

Ugo Carughi  

Il palazzo delle Poste centrali di Napoli. La qualità dell'architettura moderna attraverso la sperimentazione di nuovi materiali e di tecnologie inedite

In this essay on the Naples Post Palace, with an accurate documentary analysis, we ran over the yards events, tracing the executive complications, which have been conditioned by the epoch's organizing limits and by the projects logics. These logics, caused by the new expressive language assurance, brought continuous modifications during the works. Giuseppe Vaccaro's and Gino Franzi's constant control on the executive stage testify the close connection between the project's ideation and the yards practice, which is a characteristic that Vaccaro will preserve during all his professional activity. The analysis we did shows how the materials and the technologies in part experimental for that age, have worked during all this time. Instead the pauses and the doubts that have featured some of the interventions aspects are useful to understand the work qualities               939

Raquel Sandoval Parra, Giovanni Castiglioni         

Il restauro dell'architettura contemporanea in Messico e il recupero dei grandi siti industriali : il caso delle cartiere di “Loreto y Pena Pobre” a Citta' del Messico.

The recent restoration interventions, and " re-utilization", realized on "Loreto y Peña Pobre" paper mills represent a significant expression of actual "methodological" tendencies about interventions on Mexican twentieth century's architecture. These tendencies are not always shareable, but they represented a particularly interesting possibility of debating about Mexican architectural patrimony conservation, between institution, media and civic associations. It can be very important today to study in depth these discussions, because the Mexico City municipality and the imprenditorial group organizing the intervention on these ancient factories had just stipulated an agreement for the restoration of the buildings in the centre of the city.                    949

Gabriella Caterina, MariaRita Pinto 

Il progetto di manutenzione del ristorante della piscina di Carlo Cocchia: come restituire all'opera i perduti caratteri?

In Napoli, architecture of 1900 finds a great example of urban importance in "Mostra d'Oltremare" in which there is a building and structure complex that recall a rational style.The Pool's Restaurant with the Esedra fountain planned with Piccinato are the only works left of Carlo Cocchia inside the "Mostra" after the demolishing in the eighties of the Wood's Restaurant and Botanical Greenhouses.In the 1950's an intervention on the building changes radically, with the aid of punctual maintenance operation, the project's original intention. The actual building's deterioration condition requires a recovery plan that, with a new interpretation of the original work rules and choices, is able to bring back the nowadays denied features.The proposed contribution examines criteria for the revision plan of the Pool's Restaurant, extrapolated from a precise acknowledgement analysis that, in the anagraphic phase of the project can rely on the architect's (Carlo Cocchia) documents, with the aim of bringing out the work's intimate reasons of being. This phase is important also for the choices concerning the maintenance project that has to guarantee lasting performances of the building's constructive elements.                                 959

Davide Borsa, Giovanni Castiglioni, Paolo Conte, Francesca Gottardo, Michele Raffaeli

Piero Gazzola e l’intervento Di Carlo Scarpa a Castelvecchio di Verona: un Restauro del Restauro?

After the second world war Castelvecchio of Verona was involved in a certain number of intervention of  restoration that enden in the new concept of the Civic Museum created by Carlo Scarpa. In this essay we will propose some news, founded out in archive documents, about the partnership between Licisco Magagnato, director of the Castelvecchio's Museum, and Piero Gazzola, Soprintendente ai Monumenti of Verona, we will try also to stright out their rule in the promotion of the castle's restauration                             969

Antonio De Vecchi, Maurizio Papia, Giuseppe Campione, Rossella Corrao, Simona Colajanni

Gli infissi in ferro-finestra: una proposta di restauro.

The improvement of technical elements performances used in Modern Architecture is one of the aims pursued by the experts involved in recovery actions to apply on modern buildings. These elements have been built by using new materials and techniques that were not completely known by modern architects; for this reason many buildings were subject to precocious decay phenomena. Up to now the actions used to recover these buildings have been prevalently based on the replacement of the original technical elements, that were not conformable to the actual users needs, with others more easily available on the market. Nevertheless, the differences between these new elements performances and those of the original ones have compromised the original formal and technological characteristics of most of the modern buildings. The "iron-window" casings that were diffusely adopted in Modern Architecture have been recovered by using the same "destructive" strategies.The paper shows the results of a research derived from the analysis carried out during the recovering of the "iron-window" casings of the Faculty of Engineering at the Palermo University. In this set of buildings a new kind of windows have been already put in action with the aim to improve the indoor quality and only in a few cases have been adopted recovery actions to improve the performances of the original windows. We want to show the possibility to guarantee the improvement of the original performances of "iron-window" casings simply by adopting technical devices, with the respect of the original formal, technological and material values also by obtaining a reduction of the costs in comparison with the ones related to the completely substitution of the window casings.                             981

Dario Cottone

Il cotonificio siciliano di Pietro Ajroldi e Franco Gioè. Una proposta di Restauro del moderno.

The former cotton mill of Palermo was built ( o was born, sprang up) in the fifties by a group of  planners called AIR (Architetti Ingegneri Riuniti) leaded by the architect Pietro Ajroldi. It's located in Piano del Gallo enclosed between Mondello and Tommaso Natale. The main pavilion of the spinning mill was built out of  a framework of  concrete pillars and beams. While the roofing, the most important part of the building, was built out of  a reinforced concrete shed  vaults that avoid heap of dust on the delicate spinning machine. The lighting was realized out of wide openings made up of metal profiles that goes by the length of the vaults. The study envisages to emphasize the distinguishing features of the original fabric and to identify appropriate restoration techniques. Since the production cicly has been interrupted, nowadays the fabric looks neglected. The study also aim at giving occasion to reflect on modern restoring topics in a particular manner on topics concerning the use and  the technology applied on  the restoring of the modern buildings.                          991

Raffaela Braggio,Genziana Frigo, Massimiliano de Adamich

Conservazione e riqualificazione funzionale di un’architettura liberty milanese: il Civico Acquario.

In spite of its small dimensions, the Civic Aquarium is regarded as one of the most significant examples of Milan Liberty Architecture, and also, the only building evidence left by the International Exhibition of 1906. The building, created on the project of the Architect Sebastiano Locati from Milan, is of great interest not only for its original architectural foundation, but also for its original artificial stones and painted majolicas.The building was seriously damaged in August 1943 by air bombings and was restored, keeping its original function, in the 1960s. The present plan of preservation and functional requalification, focuses on restoring not only the rich decorative array of artificial stones and majolicas and on the external surface in general, but also focuses on recovering internal areas with the creation of broad spaces for the teaching and topic expositions, the radical renew of the expositive side of the pools and the realization of areas aiming at public activities such as a Library, an Auditorium and Labs                             999

Vittorio Fiore, Paola De Joanna

La sperimentazione di tecnologie innovative nel 900: criticità e processo manutentivo attraverso l'osservazione del mercato ittico di Luigi Cosenza (Napoli 1929-30)

The Naples' Fish Market, juvenile work of Luigi Cosenza, can be considered a sample testing the very new technologies of the time. The design was realised between 1929 1930, it underlines how Cosenza was aware of the industrial production development and how he was engaged in the employment of new products and materials in architecture. The Fish Market project combines the rational models with revolutionary classicism of Boullèe and Ledoux and the classical architectural own characters. This work aims to understand the technological choice criteria to reach the design request both in spatial configuration and in building performance. At the same time it back tested the experimental efficiency toward the needs of maintenance and preservation. Cosenza employs new materials as glass-concrete (in facade, shed) and reticular beams (to sustain the big central vault). In time the building has been modified loosing the original solution. The recent interest in maintenance emphasises the critical points in the 1900's architecture, when new technologies can only be tested lively, while it actually can be verified before the production by means of laboratory simulation. On what concern "maintenance", this contribute analyses the critical points in the employed technologies for Modern Architecture pointing out the right intervention in order to preserve the heritage of Neapolitan architectural production at the beginning of the century                                 1011

Davide Del Curto

Villa Muggia a Imola: che fare?

Instructed to transform a XVII Century hunting casino in a modern country villa, Bottoni decided to preserve the construction's most precious part, a surprisingly fresco painted room and include it in the new building. The room therefore became an integral part of the new and extremely modern construction and will be used as an atrium and a party room directly communicating with the outside garden. In 1945 the villa was bombed and devastated. War, time and abandon have reduced the building, never restructured after the war, in some sort of a green relict between the leaves of which appear architectural fragments of different times. The 1994 tie decree has not, until now, moved any new ideas abuot the restoration of the villa.                         1021

Ornella Fiandaca      

I sistemi d’ornato del primo Novecento a Messina. Per un solo disegno, svariate realizzazioni.

Messina in first the 1900's. One city of new foundation from the multiple decorative repertoire. The requirement of a stony image denied from one artificial emulation. An occasion of diffuse experimentation for the cement-based mixture faces to animate moulded cornices and adorns to you, pilasters with capitals and bases, balconies with consoles and parapets, and every other decorative element. The observation of that it came realized gives back an identical image of the various façades facing the public roads, isolation intervals or inner courts, while a technical-constructive analysis declines multiple varying for a same element ornaments them. Nearly a hierarchy wanted to be expressed that tied the technique chosen to the prestige of the building, to the role of the façade in it, to the positioning of the decoration. Beginning from some circumstantial spies of this truth - archives documents, in which technical administrative results introduced meaningful differences - the search of the proposed constructive mutations for some elements decorated to you has been lead, putting into effect verifications of correspondence of the apparatus testify them, if recovered, and predisposing it is a diagnostic apparatus for the characterization of the composition of prescriptions that a surveying on production and execution. The outcome that agrees to propose is a technical-formal catalogue of the elements of adorned that to every design make to correspond the various adopted constructive techniques, inserting it in a cultural scene in which the motivations of the reported phenomenon are wanted to discovery newly                        1029

Donatella Rita Fiorino, Franco Masala        

La cultura del novecento nell’architettura delle torri campanarie in Sardegna: Forma, materia e conservazione tra ricostruzione, innovazione ed invenzione.

The present work reconstructs Sardinian's architectural culture of the last Century through the analysis of the bell-towers. It il possible to indicate three different levels of progects on this structures: new constructions, additions on old manufactures, especially in terms of steeples or domes, and finally consolidation actions. Making a survey of the situation on the regional territory, it is possible to show a strong diffusion of reinforced-concrete slabs and iron staircases, often in bad state of conservation, and to find a new format, here proposed, in order to create a monitoring system related to a data-base for preserving from structural risks.               1039

Luciano Formica, Antonio Genovesi, Cristina Sironi, Patrizia Sommaria

Il Palazzo Dario Biandrà di via Circo 7-9 a Milano.  

Dario Biandrà palace was built in the second half of the XIX century. At the beginning of the XX century, the owner decided to give to the façades a new image in accordance with the times, using artificial stone for architectural ornaments.This paper deals with the results of the conservation treatment of the renderings, made by lime binder mortar, and artificial stone, largely cracked because of the volumetric expansion of the iron structure as a result of the oxidation process.Interior walls and ceilings were covered by layers of lime and repaints that have been removed by mechanical means, after preliminary tests.Architectural paint research and the study of historic documentation offered a detailed insight into the development of the building and great potential in the field of the history of interior design                           1049

Simona Lanzu

Aspetti progettuali, caratteristiche tecnico-costruttive e problemi di recupero del patrimonio INA-CASA (1949-1963). Il caso dell’Unità residenziale Bernabò Brea  di Luigi Carlo Daneri (Genova).

 La comunicazione esamina un'importante opera genovese di Luigi Carlo Daneri realizzata nell'ambito del Piano INA-casa: l'Unità residenziale Bernabò Brea (1950-1953). La lettura di questo complesso mette a confronto i dati relativi agli edifici, con quelli relativi alla cultura tecnica del costruire propria della vicenda INA-Casa. Sulla base del confronto critico di queste informazioni, si cerca di delineare le ipotesi più plausibili sulle probabili cause delle problematiche presenti sugli edifici e di identificare i "difetti", i guasti e le patologie del costruito. Questo può costituire un contributo per approfondimenti nel campo della conoscenza dello stato di conservazione e dei problemi di recupero del patrimonio INA-casa.                          1059

Roberta Mantelli, Michela Ravera    

La manutenzione in un edificio anni ’60. Esame delle nuove soluzioni tecniche e riflessioni sugli esiti dei precedenti interventi.

This article takes the cue from an upkeep action taken on a XX century building in the Genoa urban area and it wants to study  the delicate relationship  information/decision which starts when you need to upkeep  common modern residential buildings.  The building under consideration is part of a group of buildings built with a quite similar construction and morphological typology. Therefore the peculiarity of the case being examined gives us the possibility to compare different project decisions which involved several buildings having the same characteristics and thus permits the analysis of the techniques used and provides an evaluation of the action taken regarding the compatibility of the technique used and of the responsive technique. Consequently, our aim is to evaluate how much the use of new building materials and new upkeeping technologies have directed, in time, to new different project choices, in the attempt to obtain a longer lasting upkeep action result. Moreover, because of the presence of some highly deteriorated architectural elements, the building under consideration is quite suitable to study the problem of behaviour of materials in relation to ageing process, environmental action and usage                                 1071

Giuseppe Giannini, Tommaso Maria Massarelli      

L’edificio "Regio Laboratorio di Biologia Marina" (1930) a Taranto. Architettura, tecniche costruttive, problemi di conservazione.

The building that presently houses the Experimental Thalassographic Institute "Attilio Cerruti" in Taranto was born as Royal Laboratory of Sea Biology. Built in 1930 with distinct neo-Renaissance shapes, the edifice ranks, architectonically, in a transitional phase: its revivalistic forms are accomplished associating traditional techniques with the ones updated to the current constructive culture. Its history, moving from happy origins to war events and periods of neglected maintenance, has, neverthless, led the building to us for good-sized unaltered.     Columns, mouldings, stone panels and decorative elements, accomplished in reinforced concrete, alternate each other on the front walls. The structure is composed of a reinforced concrete frame, main walls, brickwork arches, brick-concrete floors, wooden roofings. The finishes include ceilings and decorative elements both of wood and stucco. Since then windows are accomplished according to a sliding system. Moreover the specific scientific activity required pools, aquariums, materials such as opal glass, gres, linoleum....     The characteristics of a prestigious building, which represents a relevant example of transiction from the traditional culture to the innovative and specialized one, led to conservative problems, considered preliminarly, about factors of damages on the constructive elements of mixed conception                              1079

Marco Musmeci         

Architettura del Novecento lungo il litorale romagnolo. Interventi di conservazione e recupero delle colonie marine.

Among the most impressive examples of twentieth-century local architecture, Colonie (seaside rest camps) remarkably stand out along the Romagna coast. Born on the spur to thalassotherapy theories, they greatly developed throughout the fascist age, in order to answer to regime's new cult of forming the boys' characters, by strict physical activities and steady moral rules. After WWII, and the 70's abandonments, some rest camps were polled down. In the mid 80's the IBC research work pointed out history, the cay and future of Colonie. Nowadays, twenty years after it is possible to define the question by considering what has actually been saved and recuperated. In order to distinguish them into homogenous groups, let's say some buildings have been largely reserved by constantly long-time upkeeping in respect of original state and purpose they'd been built up for. Some others, on the contrary, have been not respected that way and could be considered as no-restoration negative samples. Today, contingent financial needs of public bodies have sadly left Colonie as a big opportunity to speculative aims. This report is intending as well to respect and defend the Colonie by mostly preserving their look and adapting their use at coherently best to new exigences of current times                           1089

Roberto Nuvolone, Paolo Piantanida          

Un’architettura del novecento tra conservazione e rinnovo:  Il caso del cosiddetto “palazzo delle statue” in Novara.

Among residential buildings in Novara, the so-called "Condominio del Palazzo di Piazza Cavour" (1931) is the first example in the town of a joint ownership house.  Its architecture was designed to promote this property modernisation and to reassure investors, also with well known materials, such as artificial stone here widely used, with an up-to-date style.  Unfortunately some building mistakes, disproportionate savings and the deficiency of maintenance during the past 60 years caused a diffused and fast deterioration of the facade elements.  The possibility to start the facade restoration with a small test site was very useful to improve the knowledge about the building and to modify in consequence some of the initial design items.  It also offered the opportunity to focus on some issues specially related to the restoration of the Modern Movement buildings, where the kind of the matter, the shape and the function of each element may be prevalent over the strict authenticity of the whole system of parts                                1099

Charles W.Nelson, Atanasie E. Popescu     

The richarsonian romanesque style of James J, Hill Mansion in St. Paul, MN, Usa Its deterioration, restoration and maintenance aspects.

The "Empire Builder" James J. Hill built his mansion between 1888 and 1891. It was the largest residence ever built on Summit Avenue, on the bluff overlooking the City of St. Paul. Today, this area of Summit Avenue represents one of the best examples of Victorian architecture in America. The redsandstone mansion was designed in the massive Richardsonian Romanesque style by Boston  architects Peabody,  Steams and Furber. Named for Henry Hobson Richardson, who popularized this architecture style in the late nineteenth-century America, it was distinguished by a massive, rugged appearance employing randomly sized blocks of stone, sturdy squat pillars, heavy rounded arches, and a strong horizontal line. In 1925 the Hill's daughters presented this mansion as a gift to the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of St. Paul. For the next fifty-three years the building served many functions for the Catholic Church, including offices, residence, and a teacher's college for women. In 1961, in direct connection with structure's historic significance's increase, the United States Department of the Interior designated the house a National Historic Landmark. In 1980, the Minnesota Historical Society acquired the Hill Mansion. Our contribution is focused on deterioration aspects, mainly for stone surfaces, and also on the important dangerous phenomenon represented by the slide tendency to the valley of the upper platform, where the building complex is located. We  also are focused on the main restorations and repairs of the main building, with our recommendations for a better maintenance of this important Cultural Heritage               1109

Valter Proietti           

Il recupero della casina delle rose di Villa Borghese a Roma: un complesso intervento di restauro di immobili ristrutturati o costruiti nella prima metà del novecento.

In the ambit of the recovery  Program regarding the space of building monuments, the Cottage of Roses (Casina delle Rose) located  in "Villa Borghese" (Borghese's Country house) has been incluted in. This famous cottage includes some properties of different age, id est: a) the country house of the eighteenth century "Villa Manfroni-Bernini"; b) the adjoining cow-house of the same age, enlarged in the nineteenth century; c) the little open-air theatre built in 1937 and the surrounding space (which has finally been arranged in the early twentieth century). These aforesaind properties have been rebuilt or built in the early twentieth century for providing the park with public services. The different origin of the properties toghether with the events throughout the years in the second half of the twentieth century made the restoration to be a very laborius one. In fact , these buildings, kept out of service, suffered severe weatherings and a long wait for legal proceedings before carrying out this most expected and hard project of restoration. It is important to point out that a great care has been taken for evaluating the wearing action of time upon the building materials throughout a so long time. To emphasize that the buildings of the "Cottage of  Roses" suffered some severe damages as follows: a) non authorized works; b) a stroke of lightening ; c) micro-organisms together with insecta found in the wooden sides owing to the special micro-ambience; d) the falling down of the reinforced concrete penthouse of the little open-air theatre and the surrounding space which became wild.         Anyway, in spite of all these events, the result to be testified is the test bed of both high performances and toughness of some materials                 1118

Rossella Scunza        

Villa Rosa di Altare (SV) il restauro di una villa liberty.

This paper is devoted to the restoration of an Art Nouveau Villa in Altare, a village in the immediate vicinity of the city of Savona. The building is in the property of the Italian State and will house a Museum of the Art of Glass, with a strong tradition in the village of Altare. The restored façades have a rich sculpted decoration both in stucco, marble and stone. The interiors, on restoration at the moment, are richly decorated: flower wall painting, gilded stuccoes, garlands, painted papier maché, boiseries, stained glass, decorated glass, iron railings so called "a colpo di frusta", painted heating radiators, ceramics stoves                               1133

Cristina Thió i Marta Vila’,  Montserrat Villaverde 

Restauración de las pinturas murales de la Casa De Rosa Pagès en la calle Joaquín Costa, 26 de Barcelona

In terms of historical knowledge and in the field of restoration, the mural paintings on Barcelona's mid-19th century façades represent a challenge for all professionals working in architectural heritage. In the old town of Barcelona, there is at present a not inconsiderable number of buildings, of highly popular neo-classical lines, constructed by master builders and with mural paintings carried out for the most part between 1840 and 1870 which respond to a desire to enhance exteriors in keeping with the taste of the times.The techniques employed in the execution and environmental aggressions have had negative effects on these paintings. In most cases, deterioration is considerable. Another decisive factor that had negative repercussions on this type of decoration was the introduction of new aesthetic canons which involved removing the rendering from the façade or, in most cases, "hiding" the paintings beneath a new rendering. Their restoration represents a challenge for professionals and an appreciable contribution to the preservation of old towns and architectural heritage of a more domestic nature                                 1143

Z. Hale Tokay, Hatice  Karakaya     

The 20th Century Restorations of the Imperial Pavilion (Hünkar Kasri) of the Yeni Valide Sultan Complex in Eminönü.

The Imperial Pavilion (Hünkar Kasri) of the Yeni Valide Sultan Mosque is a part of the Yeni Valide Sultan Complex that had been built (1597-1663) Turhan Valide Sultan in Istanbul, Eminönü. This building is one of the most magnificient of all pavilions in the aspect of its architectural form and interior tiles.The complex, the construction of which took much time (1597-1663) because of several reasons, consisted of a mosque, an imperial pavilion (Hünkar Kasri), a tomb, a public fountain, a market place (the Spice Bazaar), a school for the boys (Sübyan Mektebi) , a school for teaching students Koran by heart (Darülkurra) , an exterior courtyard surrounded by fortification walls and its gates and the other outbuildings, in the time of construction.The buildings of the complex that have faced fire, demolishment and damage many times during construction, went through changes during the restorations and applications of the 20th century.These changes also caused a negative influence on the Imperial Pavilion that is one of the most important buildings of the complex and the subject of our statement. The building that had been used for other functions for many years and has been left empty and neglected in recent years, was highly damaged by the effects of time and its tenants.                1151

Marco Zerbinatti       

Il restauro di manufatti in pietra artificiale: messa a punto e sperimentazione di sistemi compatibili di pulitura, stuccatura, risarcimento.

In the last decades of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth, artificial stone was widely used in Turin - as indeed in many other cities - where it was an effective mean of achieving striking decorative effects on the buildings of the eclectic period, and well as on later Art Nouveau and Art Déco work. Today, these buildings, whose compositional virtues give character to large swaths of the urban fabric, constitute an historic, documentary and artistic heritage that must be safeguarded from misguided restoration efforts. There are at least two sets of reasons that make this heritage worth preserving: 1) its historical and architectural value, and 2) the value that architecture featuring artificial stone has in providing evidence of past technologies. The research program now under way at the Polytechnic of Turin - Department of Construction and Territorial System Engineering (I.S.E.T.) is intended to contribute to overcoming the difficulties currently encountered in planning and carrying out maintenance and restoration work on artificial stone                               1161

Carlotta Fontana, Valerio di Battista           

L’intonaco Terranova nella Milano del Moderno.

Terranova plaster is one of the new materials  that  characterized the "face" of Modern architecture all over Italy and particularly in Milan. Its "industrial" qualities - it was washable, waterproof, inexpensive, easy to apply, durable, and available in many bright colours - were very appealing to the taste of modern architects, and it was praised by designers and builders as well as by clients and architectural critics in their reviews. Here is a brief report  on the Terranova Plaster's fortunes in Italy in the Thirties and its place among the innovative building materials of its time.                            1171

Giovanna Franco       

La manutenzione programmata dei complessi residenziali del XX: una esperienza europea.

Following a synthetic overview on the principal items of the discipline of "architectural restoration" of the masterpieces of XX century, the paper is focused on the main role of the design and evaluation process of XX century buildings, without any difference between the architectural masterpiece and the residential building stock that constitutes part of the modern and contemporary city. In both cases, in fact, the intervention on existing buildings rises fundamental questions about the role of the modern city, the relation between history and future and the significance of the memory. The second part of the paper illustrates main objectives and results of a recent European project (inside the Fifth Framework Program) dealing with a decision-making tool for long-term efficient investment strategies in housing maintenance and refurbishment                             1181

Valerio di Battista, Maria Fianchini 

MAPP - metodo per le attivita' prediagnostiche a punteggio.

The MAPP is a score method for building performances pre-diagnostic evaluation, in order to help  the selection of  the best type of works (maintenance, rehabilitation, change of use) for building preservation and use, expecially useful for XX century buildings. The method is based on the site observation of 4 groups of building performance-conditions (security, usability, decay-breakdowns, comfort), each one divided in 4 sub-categories; it contains the procedures for condition-observation and data-recording and the criteria to attribute the scores from 1 (worst condition) to 4 (best condition). The partial scores may evidence problematic areas; the total score, instead, expresses a synthetic appraisal and supplies a decisional option. Moreover, the recording of the observed condition allows to you, to characterize the main problems to be resolved and the eventual need of further analysis. The MAPP, in the version for residential buildings, has been tested and it turned out to be practicable from a not-specialized technician and applicable also on large scale.                         1189

Pietro Modolo, Mattia Modolo          

Nuove trasparenze: il restauro delle vetrate absidali della cattedrale di Vicenza.

Nel corso del 1998 è stato eseguito un interessante intervento di conservazione e restauro sulle sei vetrate absidali della cattedrale di Vicenza, uno tra i più grandi cicli vitrei di Pino Casarini (1897- 1972). Il restauro dell' opera, realizzato dopo cinquant'anni dalla sua esecuzione, pone una serie di riflessioni sulla possibilità di un nuovo approccio alle problematiche di conservazione della vetrata. Il restauro delle vetrate del Casarini a Vicenza oggi, è il risultato di una ricerca impegnata, che affronta e relaziona problemi materici, tecnologici e d'interpretazione storico-estetica, specifici di un manufatto particolare e poco conosciuto. Durante il restauro, questa ricerca, ha dovuto rispondere a regole nuove, spesso difformi ai criteri attuali d'intervento, che difficilmente spiegano come deve essere considerato il restauro di un manufatto vitreo recente. Sono stati affrontati problemi legati alla conservazione delle tessere vitree e delle grisaglie usate nella pittura. Di importanza notevole, l'analisi sulla relazione esclusiva tra la tessitura plumbea, che innerva gli antelli e la composizione pittorica, che muta il suo carattere nella prima e ultima vetrata absidale. Questo nuovo aspetto tende quindi a considerare la vetrata non solo nella sua componente vitrea, ma la caratterizza come un insieme di più materiali, dove il piombo e il vetro si fondono intimamente. La trama plumbea è qui considerata sia come sostegno necessario all' antello, sia come parte integrante della composizione pittorica, in quanto sottolinea le linee principali delle figure di Casarini. Sono state utilizzate tecniche nuove, come lo spianamento dell'antello mediante l'utilizzo di vapori; i righelli in piombo infatti presentavano un forte irrigidimento che aveva condizionato il pannello vitreo incurvandolo pericolosamente e provocando la conseguente rottura dei filetti in rame sustagnati al ferro di sostegno. L'approccio con l'opera pittorica è stato nuovo, visto che il restauratore aveva conosciuto e lavorato con il Casarini, tanto da conoscere i modi e i segreti di un artista dedito anche alla vetrata. Questo ha permesso di far luce sul tipo di grisaglie presenti e soprattutto sul tipo di "mescole", che vennero usate dall' artista e che si sono rivelate spesso molto instabili agli agenti del degrado. Si è quindi intervenuti sul dipinto in modo altamente specifico, vista la conoscenza dei materiali e delle tecniche usate. E' infine interessate analizzare il tipo di protezione utilizzata (cristalli esterni), sia dal punto di vista della scelta estetica (il dibattito su questo delicato punto resta ancora aperto), sia per quanto concerne la salvaguardia delle opere del Casarini dagli agenti del degrado. Lo studio conoscitivo e lo stato di fatto dell' opera, in funzione di questa reinterpretazione delle regole critica e cosciente, sono stati necessari, per una corretta scelta d'intervento                              1197

Nicoletta Bevilacqua, Anna De Palma

Problematiche inerenti il restauro di un manufatto in pietra artificiale degli anni 30 (e del suo dipinto murale): il Chiosco della Musica di Rapallo.

Method and operative problems have risen during the "Chiosco della Musica" restauration in Rapallo.The building,  made of artificial stone, is not only the result of a standardized techological procedure but it can be considered as a "sole piece" studied thorougly in all details. Due to the building two aspects, we had to face a few different problems: while payng attention to the structural concrete degrade, we tried to preserve even the tiniest details of artificial stone.When intervening on the vault of the Chiosco mural we coped with preserving and lacune integration methodical problems thus making it necessary to resort to new and alternative methods that are generally used in antique and valuable art                            1209

Piero Michieletto       

Materiali e tecnologie costruttive del quartiere Azizieh di Aleppo-Siria

The paper describes the experience of a researchers group of IUAV University of Venice. They have taken part in an international project of co-operation with Egypt and Syria (HERCOMANES) for the conservation and management of these countries architecture. from the end of the XIX century to the begging of the XX century.The research has centered the work on an historical side of Cairo and Aleppo towns.Aim of the work was the development of management useful systems for the restoration, rehabilitation and preservation of the historical sites, monuments, various works. Besides, the work tried to supply the knowledge input required to optimize interventions and to help in the choices.A conspicuous patrimony of places and of good quality architecture exists in Syria and in Egypt.This patrimony, datable between the end of the XIX century and the begging of the XX century, is handed on to us without excessive transformations and in a fairy good state of conservation; this for factors connected with politics. But just the change of the political and economic factors of these last years is going to give rise to transformations of the building plan and of the very buildings. These transformations are as fast as harmful, and in a short time they let foresee the total loss of this patrimony.Moreover the paper deals with the building technologies of that age in Syria and it describes a rehabilitation project of one of the buildings that are object of the design formulated jointly with Aleppo University                                  1219

Luca De Bonetti, Carlo Fontanari, Roberto Madorno, Andrea Bertelli      

Il restauro della zona di assaggio del centro enologico di S. Michele all'Adige.

Carlo Scarpa considered it as "a routine work", without any importance and "not worth publishing". As a matter of fact, the work is reported in the catalog Opera Completa, published after the architect death, demonstrating the existence of the project for the arrangement of the S. Michele all'Adige enological center, of which little is actually known. Even so, it does not lack of significance. The project, concluded during 1964, has been carried out on a twentieth century wing juxtapose the interesting architectural complex (a former fortified convent) which is located in a predominant position with respect to the S. Michele all'Adige old inhabited place.                          1229

Giacomo Martines     

I fattori di deterioramento nell'architettura del Ventennio fascista: alcuni casi di studio a Roma.

This text aim is to highlight, through the analysis of some roman examples, as some design's characteristics of the fascists period architecture, makes buildings easily to attack from degradation agents challenge the aspect and often the functionality                                1239

Giovanni Moggi, Viviana Guidetti, Adolfo Pasetti, Silvia Vicini

Sistemi innovativi a base di polimeri fluorurati per la conservazione di materiali lapidei artificiali.

Some fluoropolymers belonging to the class of perfluoropolyethers of general formula:CF3O-[CF2-CF(CF3)O]n[CF2O]m-X      and     Y-[(CF2-CF2O)p-(CF2O)q]-Y     (where  -X  or  -Y-  is a group that can interact with the stone) have given succeful results, when applied by water microemulsion, in protection against water penetration of contemporary artificial stones like plaster, mortar and concrete, as well as in terms of oil repellence, resistance to stains, compatibility and chromatic variations. Treatments with waterborn microemulsion of vinylidene fluoride based fluoroelastomers, that provide also aggregating effectiveness, are reported and discussed.                                   1249

Nicola Berlucchi,.Cecilia Catacchio 

Restauro di un’architettura moderna a Venezia: la sede dell’INAIL di Giuseppe Samonà, spunti di riflessione.

the present text describe the restoration works of the facades of a modern concrete building in Venice designed by G. Samonà, a famous Italian engineer and architect of the 50ties. The contribute underline typical problems related to conservation of concrete external in full view, of concrete-framed glass panels windows and of fully painted concrete surfaces: it seems that for modern buildings it is not possible to consider a pure conservative approach, but that it must be accepted a more invasive intervention due to presence of iron bars that must be protected.                                   1261

Giuseppe Longega, Guido Driussi, Zeno Morabito

La statua di Alberto Viani nel negozio Olivetti di Carlo Scarpa.

 la statua di Alberto Viani intitolata "Nudo al sole" costituisce il fulcro attorno al quale Carlo Scarpa progetta il negozio Olivetti sotto le Procuratie Vecchie a Venezia. Prima del restauro che la Assicurazioni Generali stanno predisponendo, è stata realizzata una campagna d'indagine per studiare la statua, alla luce della presenza di visibili e deturpanti forme di degrado che la interessano. Quali sono state le dinamiche e le ragioni di un deterioramento così repentino, da testimonianza verbale inoltre sembra che siano già stati eseguiti interventi di restauro alcune decine di anni fa e si prospetta la necessità di un restauro del restauro del moderno.                             1271

Antonio Rava 

Il Laboratorio di Siqueiros a New York: sperimentazione di mezzi e innovazione di materiali alle radici dell’arte contemporanea

An important moment in the evolution of contemporary art is the introduction of new materials and techniques in order to allow new expression of the contemporary artist. This purpose was performed by the mexican artist Siqueiros, who never stopped his research even with the evidence of new arising conservation problems of the synthetic materials, firmly convicted of the excellence of modern research in science, which would bring answers and solutions in the future.The aim of the artist was to abandone the traditional approach in a new world characterised by industrial and scientific development, changing the millenary materials of art with new methods more compatible with the modern life and society                                    1279

MariaTeresa Campisi

Materiali prefabbricati per l’edilizia in Sicilia fra la fine del XIX sec. e la prima metà del XX sec. Lettura comparata di tariffari, prove sperimentali ed elementi di produzione industriale.

The techniques and the materials used for the constructions of buildings in Sicily are modified deeply among the second half the XIX sec. and the first of the XX sec, turning from an organization, still related to a constructive empiricism and a continuity with the traditional building yard to a phase of experimentation, industrialization and prefabrication of the materials, highly characterizing the architecture of this period.  The variation of the technologies is investigated here through the comparison of rates and specifications of the period, illustrating structures and materials diffused in the Sicilian area, and particularly in Palermo, together with the examination of the first scientific tests conducted by the local researchers, and to the reference of industrial catalogues of the existing factories.  The knowledge of techniques and materials employed in the architecture of this period it is essential element for a maintenance of the modern historical buildings, that doesn't turn to the only external and figurative parts of the architecture, but that had to comprise the conservation of the complexity of form and structure of these works                         1289

Giuseppe Pistone      

Degrado e proposta d’intervento per un ponte in cemento armato di inizio novecento nel parco del Castello di Racconigi.

A recent enquiry on the r.c. bridges placed in the park of Racconigi has shown large problems of deterioration either on main beams and on slabs. It concerns firstly the oxidization  of iron bars, sometimes in an advanced phase, with the spalling and expulsion of protecting concrete. In the main beams the fact is prejudicial because the steel area in limited to few big bars, so that the lost  of efficiency on one element involves the serviceability of the structure. In the present work the kind of corrosion either of concrete and of iron is considered and a methodology of reinforcement is proposed.                             1303

Chiara Lumia 

Scavo, isolamento e restauro nel battistero di Riva San Vitale in Canton Ticino. Materiali e tecniche negli interventi degli anni ’20 e degli anni ’50.

The works examined are those realized in the 20s and 50s, through which there are over 30 years of continuous debate. This fabric was the subject of a real are archaeological excavation as for the masonry and the surrounding area; the 1953-'55 decisive intervention consisted of the elimination of many existing stratifications and of the original volume insulation to take back to its facies paleocristiana. The fabric, considered one of the most important monuments in Switzerland, this involved the introduction of reinforced concrete structures, the missing parts restoration and, in conclusion, the settlement of a new architecture                          1311